Yearning for guidance

You are right; I will try to have more faith. Thank you.

For guidance you might wanna check out Favors of the Sanxing :slight_smile:


Humans aren’t the only enlightened beings…


Big oof. The number of times I’ve quietly shed tears while out on an afternoon/evening walk essentially bitching aloud in prayer format to every entity I do spiritual work with (I was just ranting at “The 5 elemental consciousness of Chinese Metaphysics” today).

Funnily enough, I have a physical guide in my life… but they follow eastern philosophy and they will not answer if it will steal even a concept of the lesson from me. So I’m more often than not, frustrated. But what happens, and the point of my little rant is… that shed tear, is me admitting it hurts, admitting there’s some expectation or story there, and letting it go. I usually have something to go off of (never an answer, at least not for me, not yet - there aren’t answers, just hints, next steps, leads to chase down, threads to pull) by the time I get back home. All from talking aloud to myself like a loon.

And now that I’ve noticed the process, the very next wall feels like slamming of the doors on a puzzle room. “Everything you need to pass this point is in here with you, find it”.

It will get better if you do whatever work it is you do. It has to because you’re doing something about it. It may not get better the way you want it to, or even in a way that seems better in the moment, but it will.

Just my two cents, hope you’re well.


Wait what??!! Has this been changed? All this time I have been under the impression the lower tier fields will keep working when you’re not subscribed and it is the premium tier ones that work only when paid for :scream: I am now counting the wasted hours :sob:

I was fairly certain, but now I’m not, that the only ‘subscription’ model items on Patreon (requiring you to continue paying for access) were the two NFTs and their audio.

Everything else, IIRC, was very much given out with the understanding that you could take it with you if you weren’t going to remain subscribed, but you had to have been a valid member at some point.

I think that’s correct, don’t panick yet. Also…did you get results or nah? Like it should be obvious if the fields were working or not.

So I checked around, and unless something changed after this, Patreon Discussion - #91 by Captain_Nemo they should work even after you are no longer a subscriber.

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I was patron for months but now I have to save every cent for coming autumn so I have been listening to my downloaded mp3s for maintenance. No point if they don’t work. I get results fast enough to not fuss about it but not so fast that I would immediately notice.

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Sorry to hijack your thread, just saw the post above and went “that’s not right… right?”

As far as I understand it, it’s only the top premium tier ($22) that will not work if you’re no longer subscribed.

If you’re on the lower tiers they will still work.


I have not read the whole thread, but I would add this suggestion: fields to connect with the higher Self, Chakras fields and energy work (by doing it yourself too) and finally, brain fields - with higher intelligence you can become your own best guide too.

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No worries, fam