Zen Nourish: The Blessing of Energized Nourishment

absolutely amazing!! always dreamt of something like this! just with the mind nothing else. :raised_hands: thank you!

a must people a - must!


One time (to activate), Single Use. I feel the actual empowerment, the energies are following within me. I know how to flow, move, etc. But if you are not aware or sensitive then you may use your mind and intentions to direct it.

Yes, it’s great to purify the meat, since negative energy like fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, will not be transferred to you. You can use this cleansing aspect to just clean you internally or any negative energy around you, on others. Then the love and enhancement parts come in.

This would be a great field to use with any relationship, or attraction fields, as the energy of unconditional love is now a “power” it flows through you and can be wielded. You can direct your unconditional loving energy, improve your hugs, kisses, what you please.


This whole Forum is always reading my mind, just what I was searching and was about to suggest. Thank you <3 !


One time single use – Does it mean we have to play 1 time daily ? or just 1 time for lifetime?


Same like servitor ability this is will be installed ( attuned) for your self and after that whenever you intent to use it it will be activated by your thought.


Thank you. I understand now. It " s like an attunement of this energy just like we get attuned to reiki.


You can replay it as much as you want


As Captain stated play as much as you want. Those who are very familiar with attunements or energy work can just pickup on it right away, the more you work with it, the better you are at using the ability.


Getting this :sparkles:


Just wondering if we can set a specific intention like, remove excess sugar or infuse with specific energies into the food. Or we need to just say purify as our intent and everything will be taken care ?


Just say purify with intent, it will be handled.


To what energy source are we being attuned to?

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I’m a bit confused, are there particular words to say, or do we pick the words ourselves?

Good question. You have a few options. You may say “I bless this food with the highest energies” but even if you want to just intend, it will suffice. For example, in your mind you can think “I bless this food” even add a simple gesture like waving a hand over it or blowing on it, they do blow on water when blessing it in some traditions. You may even visualize energy flowing from your hands transferring directly to the food for a minute. Keep in mind Captain has always designed fields to amplify the benefits and simplify the process for us, it’s smart-fielded.


This is the method I have been using recently.

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well this abitliy works like the magic casting in Diablo.

the magic wave you summon to bless whatwver is infront of your eyes like food or drink then spreads like a power wave around you clensing all that needs to be clensed.

i struggled to activate until i decided to simply look at my coffee and said with happy tone: “Be blessed, coffee!” and then i had ofc best cup of coffee and envuronment around me was purged.

so this audio is a versitile tool to better ones life in many aspects as already stated.