1 Month challenge

1 Month challenge

I want to create a group ahead of the new year so we can start the new year in the best possible way.
So i know a bunch of people struggle to get results from our PM and want a way to quicken results.
Past two days I have just been using only 2 audios and I have seen more results from those two audios than I have for the past 2 weeks with the same audio.
So i want to propose a challenge and build a habit we can all do, anyone can join in.

am hoping all this will develop the energy system so that we have fewer overall blockages and feel freer.
Drop all audio and do the following.

We can all do the following
Star exercises (Fucking amazing for the energy body)
(Maybe the New SLR, called unlock all)

even if you don’t have these audios you can still join in with the PONR Stack.

Everyone lets make a change and doucment our results!

Wether we make a group or just doument in this thread is up to u guys.
Hopfully we have enough people on board


How often did you play them in a day?

I’m interested in joining the group just to see what’s been talking about. I’m not fully sure if I’d join the challenge but it’s worth it from the discussions alone imo

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Well the group could just be this thead.

It was VOC and Soul core.

Using just them for two days helped more then me playing them in my stack for like the past month. Its kinda crazy.

I been using sapien for close then two years and abused fields, also do the star exercises and my stack is very short. So it was a suprise to me too. It seems that keeping audios in your playlist to like 2 audios might acutally help people more.

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Lol the irony

If only i was patinatne enough to stop all audios, but thats why i want to create this group so we can all do this challenge.

But i know some people have physical fields.

But this i think is better for the long run

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And I tell you what’s crazy…
A couple days ago I thought to create a new thread in the journeys section…
Because I had some hard ego stuff in the way
And I also literally only played vibration series for a long time then PONR,and imo insane results, just like you said here

So I’m taking that as a sign to join here.
I think it’s good, it can be a journey together in this thread

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no I don’t want to do it

thanks for recommending though


Yes… and thou shall not loop them ecessively

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Niceee man. Cant wait.

We can start the stack tomm
No cheating!!! small stack only!!

So the best order will be

Soul Core
Auric repair (Which i think is aready included)
what u think, this covers most things i think

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I would be in,

how often would you play them each?

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I played
soul core
once each

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and how do we measure results btw?

Also, the “problem” if you wanna call it is that obviously we also have various NFTs, tags, etc working in the background

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I stoped carry NFTs

Keep them out ur room, One post i read was by a guy he said that he ripped his other NFTS and worked with one and he start devoping his connection. So this is really good. I think this challenge is gonna be good.

How we measure results, well PONR u will 100% feel different after a month of using it


i may have to be more flexible on my rules then :smiley:

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Oh nice

Was just chatting with a friend and realized the 30 minutes long energy body cleanse is also very good. Maybe can be added ?


weak boy


Be carefull when u try to add more, I find my mind trying to trick me to add more

I think auric doesnt replace it but is good enough for this short stack, also PONR cleans the aura too

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Absolutely true
I noticed it happen when I read your post lol

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wow being cautious

woooow weakness wow


Aura cleanse to cleanse everything that is not your energy body

Aura repair to repair leakages the accumulate the dirt that will need cleanse

you gotta use both

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I was talking to a guy and he was saying how hard it was to stop listening, part of us have an inscure thought and we go to play the field parrel to the issue, i notice it in myself.

We need to develop discipline to our stacks