100th Monkey Through Servitors?

So, random thought, but since servitors are tied into me (not to mention Dream), is there any point/number of servitors where we start replicating the 100th monkey effect, but I’m the 100th monkey?

Don’t get me wrong, I highly doubt I could even wrap my head around the sheer number, but as a fun thought, exactly how possible is it (let’s disregard how feasible for now)?


Good question.

I think this is possible however the threshold of what number of individual inputs is needed to reach the effect varies greatly and I don’t know which factors it is exactly dependant upon.

Maybe with humans, a few Thousands of people are enough to enable the rest to make a certain realization.

With insects there maybe Trillions needed to achieve it. For example, Billions of insects have died by flying into human bottles and not finding a way out, despite the bottles being open. Which means the morphic field behind those insects collective intelligence has still not learned about the danger even after Billions of occurrences…

And also it is not simple “morphic field machine learning”. The more consciousness and individuum has, the more ego and free will it also has and thus can make choices to download or not to download from the collective field of their species.


Also gets into something I’ve wondered for a while (just an intuitive thing)… so I firmly believe that everything is more or less belief. Giving something power, creates something, in which case that thing can now recruit its own power, etc. BUUUT believing something that works against shared reality or our understanding of it requires a knowing of insane density, because you’re going up against millions+ (technically billions, I clarify below) who believe differently.

Why is this related? I wonder if there’s a weighting system. E.g. if you’re a scientist at a time 20 years ago when scientists were far more revered, I wonder if my individual faith in you weights your belief in the thing I trust you in. So the pyramid of faith would be “Above average scientist” is boosted by their collective of colleagues, is boosted by the faith people have in their occupation, their learning institutions, their individual levels from the people they’re intimate with, etc.

So, the insect concept. Do insects pull from a smaller and smaller pool of consciousness because we’re the ones classifying them? And there are nearly 7 billion people with more gravity to their consciousness putting their faith into a system that says not only can the grasshopper and cricket not be the same, but there are uncountable differences even in those categories?

Not to mention, of those 7 billion, a generous chunk of them believe in man’s dominion over nature, either by food chain, by “human savior”, or by mandate of their god.


Smart, but they need teachers

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