17 Level of Consciousness (Hawkins)

When you can start feeling energy, you can direct it.

So I just imagined myself on Sirius B, in order to try to transform my body.

It’s rather an intense way to go actually.

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Do you think that meditating with the sapiens audios of energetic infusion of galaxies constellations and etc. can bring similar results?

Maybe. I haven’t tried. Sapien’s can feel pretty strong too, though Sirius B is very focused as a white dwarf star.

Constellations are groups of stars, but a white dwarf star is incredibly dense gravitationally. It can cause pain in the bones from attempting to transform. It caused crunching sounds in my skull at times.

wow, this is interesting

If you do that for awhile with focusing a white dwarf star into your body, be prepared for reality to begin shifting faster for you.

Like songs that claim to be released in 1993 actually manifested for me one day that touched me so deeply I know they didn’t exist in my own timeline back in 1993.

This was the song. I know it came into my timeline like a month ago because it moved me so much I cried quite a bit:

Also, the show Animorphs which claims to be from 1998, I know that manifested into my timeline like today. I watched a Vsauce episode that I had seen before that mentioned it for the first time just today. The same Vsauce video changed between two watchings.

Animorphs is a show about humans that transform into animals. Something I’ve tried desperately to do for 20 years, except for me it’s anthro. That’s what I used the white dwarf star to try to do. I know it didn’t really exist in my 1998. It’s like it was made for me.

You get things like that that seem like they were created just for you, and also for the enjoyment of others. With such a dense/strong field, reality changes around you for the better.


But how exactly was your visualization? Can you elaborate a little more? Do you just imagine the star behind you? Perhaps orion is a good one for me, as I suspect I may have come from there.

I don’t “see” when I visualize. I feel.

Just imagined me and Sirius B take up the same space. And I hold onto the form I want to become.

No, you imagine yourself inside the star. It does take guts and is a little scary at first.

Orion is a constellation. You’d have to find a specific star.

My home is Alcyoni where my higher dimensional partner is from.

If you visualize and see, then see what you want to become.

You also need meditation to clear energy blockages. When you can feel energy, focus on clearing yourself more energetically.

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That Higher Ground song was the limit of beauty I could handle. I couldn’t have handled anything more beautiful. Beauty can be infinite.

Things start to manifest out of Infinite Intelligence that resonate strongly with you. Earth is becoming each person’s own paradise through ascension. I already have heaven on earth to an extent.


Your experiences are very interesting, and thanks for the tips.


And by the way, did you manage to change the shape of your body? I have a similar dream, an objective that I need to fulfill, but it is not as difficult as yours was.

I showed a picture on my forum before it went down where on the inside of my right ear, a fold disappeared. I also smell very musky at times like an anthro. So my scent changed dramatically. But I always feel a very strong transformation field on me.

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I am also working on turning my eyes to iridescent golden. They were dark brown before when I started a couple of months ago and I have been working off and on at it.

This is them now, definitely lighter than they used to be.


I will want to know as the results are updated.

would this book be a good start to get more info?:

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment
by David R Hawkins

i keep coming back to this chart as it has currently been the most effective learning tool for my growth. i figured i might as well learn more so i can have it memorized and ready for different experiences in my life.


Yes. Almost all his books are good starting points. The map is in all of them. That book explains the levels benefits and downfalls in detail.


thanks i’ll begin with it! i just have been noticing how i interact with my emotions and it was almost game-like when i could switch from different consciousness perspectives and feel the corresponding emotions and thoughts come.

i realized this chart could help me out more with better control of what i am intuitively doing with the help of sm morphic fields.


edit: i honestly don’t care to get to ‘enlightenment’. i just want to permanently get out of the ‘force’ emotions as they really do get tiring when i recognize i’m in one or more of them.

if i can stay consistently above ‘200’ mark i’ll be good for the foreseeable future.


You can get to 24/7 bliss and Samadhi without even touching enlightenment.

I prefer not being enlightened. There’s so much you can do behind a veil that you can’t do when you see through it.


I think perhaps the “Eye of the I” is the one which is not a good starting point.

It could also be a language (translation) issue, as I have it in my native language… but compared to e.g. Power vs Force, the Eye of the I was such a difficult read. I had a very difficult time reading through it. I felt like it was very dense, like the sentences were overly complicated somehow. I didnt feel like this with the other books (which is why it might just be the translation), but I dont know what they are like in English.

Yes…thought i linked it above…but it might have been one of the other Hawkins threads.


oh! it looks like you did! now i have it bookmarked.


edit: so pretty funny the moment i refreshed and saw ‘german to english’ translation, my friend on discord says “germany” to the group as they’re doing an activity while i’m just in the call doing my own thing.


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