17 Level of Consciousness (Hawkins)


Great share, thanks for it, now I understand a bit more about the level of Consciousness according to Hawkins. The pendulum chart will come handy, nice :heart_eyes:


Thanks for posting this! The work of Dr. David R. Hawkins is amazingly clarifying; I’m a huge fan. Knowing the consciousness level of yourself and those you interact with clears up so much - things just start to make sense.

I’d not seen the pendulum chart before, that’s interesting. I’ve always used muscle testing to discern my level. I just tested myself, and I’m currently at 511.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have everyone’s consciousness level appended to their forum username? If we’ve secretly got people here in very high levels of consciousness, I’d sure like to know about it!


Is it possible to test yourself on your own with a muscle test?

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I use ‘Method 2’ from the link below. With a bit of practice, it’s very easy and very quick!

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Glad to see the Hawkins Chart in it’s own thread.
Less glad to read some of the comments already.

Yeah, no. This is pretty much how the Caste system started in India.
Some enlightened being or advanced benevolent alien came along and explained a version of the consciousness levels.
Then humans being humans, and egos being ego, it’s gets both purposely and unconsciously “warped” into a codified system where other’s are automatically “better” and others are “less than” cause “God” said so…
Been there, done that.
Doesn’t work on this plane.

Also a big no.
if you’ve read Hawkins, then you should know, you will almost NEVER get an accurate answer when testing your own consciousness levels.

Heck, it’s likely you won’t get an accurate answer having someone else test your consciousness levels, unless they are already 500+ or above, have absolutely NO attachment to you or the answer, and have explicitly tested to see if they can EVEN GIVE you the answer if they get an accurate one.
(This is all explained in Hawkins’ writings)

I already explained why here in the boosting thread

But you can “never be sure” of anything on this plane… that’s kind of the point of the material planes. But that’s a much deeper convo for a different day.

You can however:

  • Commune with your Higher Self to see if the field is working (pitfall - remembering what was discussed when you come back down into your body/ego)
  • Do muscle testing (pitfall - getting false positives out of, again, ego)
  • Ask your guides for a clear sign (pitfall - same as above, skewing results based on ego)
  • Having faith/use intuition (pitfall - the duality based nature of the ego will create doubts when possible)
  • Wait til you die (no real pitfalls :slight_smile: - cause you know that you know, for sure, no kidding, for realsy :crazy_face:)

Hopefully you see what common denominator is for all the “pitfalls” lol

When Hawkins was still alive, there were 2 main forums which discussed his work and did consciousness calibrations on a great many things.

Individual consciousness testing was always frowned upon, as inevitably someone who thought they calibrated at “500+”, when tested by a impartial source, would inevitably test somewhere quite a bit lower than they hoped.

You can imagine the backlash from that person’s ego…

Heck, I can’t even barely bring up the word “ego” in this forum without people’s ego freaking out.
People literally creating 2nd accounts under different names to “bring me down a notch” “anonymously” (you know who you are, and don’t think that I wouldn’t “see” you). :smirk:

Luckily, one of the members of those forums, has still kept up their own site with most of Hawkins calibrations on basic important matters, teachers, concepts, books, ideas, etc.

In other words, I strongly encourage testing of THINGS, and IDEAS, and CONCEPTS, and not individual people you know and especially not your own self.

Read his books… it’s proven that simply reading his books results in rather large, mostly permanent, jumps in consciousness.

And, as said elsewhere on here, muscle testing is a worthwhile activity as it builds a bridge and strong connection between one’s conscious, subconscious, and higher self.


My consciousness level/scale is 659.

yes, yes…naturally… :wink:


i like this thread. synchornistically, i’ve been looping the following since last friday:

Searched Peace on Sapien Medicine Gumroad

this chart was the earliest ‘spiritually inclined diagram’ i was introduced to in the beginning of my spiritual journey. i always wanted to figure out how to ‘climb’ this tier-list and after about a year its led me to the above audio to test out.

if anyone is interested, it would be nice for more people to listen to this audio with me. my intentions are to learn what peace, love, and joy is at an emotional level.

my current experiences with it so far is a feeling of calmness and safety in my room where i play it overnight. musically, it is also my favourite! it feels so… familiar.

i am experimenting with being a ‘temporary node in a giant nexus’ while sleeping.

i usually wake up parched which is why i have a pitcher of water by my bedside. besides that, i still feel refreshed after my rest. i wake up quite early anywhere from 2-3am although i do sleep early sometimes like last night at 9pm.

i will say that lately i’ve been waking up with more ‘surprise’ like ‘oh, right this is my main reality’. :woman_shrugging:


It’s so good, he made it into a live radio station that we meditate to every Saturday/Sunday :wink:

Come join us.


oh whhhaattt no wonder the description is so familiar! i hope it links to the audio in some way. i definitely do join the mass meditation when i have the chance!

the livestream (and the constellation audios) are really the only times i actively go to youtube.

i do still love the gumroad audio’s music the best! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s all linked. :wink:


oh perfect! thanks @_OM you’ve made my morning!


I used to love one of the forums that would score various modalities, objects, audios etc. based on Hawkin’s scale. Wonder if there is still such a place to look up scores?


There’s the wiki for general stuff Hawkins tested…
but for all the individual stuff we were testing at the time…
like I see someone talking about Donna Eden vs. EFT vs. Zpoint, etc
maybe archive.org still has the archives of some of those threads.

They did at one point, but again, that was years ago.


Zpoint was/is awesome. I used it quite a lot.

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I’ve never heard of Zpoint. What is it?

How they know, that they have 500+ or above? How they get checked? And if they got checked by someone, how did they get checked?

You need to use a divination practice to determine this. Dr. Hawkins taught muscle testing, but as Psimindset said, you can also use pendulum work. If you’re a skilled dowser, I imagine you could likely use that method as well.

This is one of those things that’s simple, but not easy. It’s simple to say use muscle testing and you’ll get your answer, but it’s not easy to reliably do so without allowing your attachments to pollute the process. But, it is a learnable skill that you can aspire towards and improve with practice, if you have the consciousness required to be able to do this type of work.


empty your mind before using pendulum because most likely it will be enfluenced by your thoughts, so quiet the mind is necessary before using the pendulum

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