Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields

Not sure if you’re asking or making a statement.
But you can “never be sure” of anything on this plane… that’s kind of the point of the material planes. But that’s a much deeper convo for a different day.

You can however:

  • Commune with your Higher Self to see if the field is working (pitfall - remembering what was discussed when you come back down into your body/ego)
  • Do muscle testing (pitfall - getting false positives out of, again, ego)
  • Ask your guides for a clear sign (pitfall - same as above, skewing results based on ego)
  • Having faith/use intuition (pitfall - the duality based nature of the ego will create doubts when possible)
  • Wait til you die (no real pitfalls :) - cause you know that you know, for sure, no kidding, for realsy :crazy_face:)

Hopefully you see what common denominator is for all the “pitfalls” lol

That said, everything else in life is exactly the same soo… :man_shrugging: