20/20 vision while sleeping?

is it effective if i loop the 20/20 vision field while sleeping?

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Could you link that field?
Are you referring to eye Regenration?


I think this field replaces older Eye/Vision fields.


I know about eye regeneration 2.0 but I used the older field, (there are 2 old ones, one for damage/cataracts and one for 20/20 vision. I used the 20/20 vision field because that’s what I need) however I will start using 2.0. So back to my question does the eye regen 2.0 field (this part: “1.The frequencies and programming placed on this video is designed to work towards reshaping your lens and strengthen the ciliary muscles that control the lens” this is for 20/20 vision) work while sleeping?

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Yes, it will work. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s an answer from the FAQ section on the Sapien website which might be of interest to you:

Can I listen to the video on repeat throughout the night while I sleep?

Yes you may. Although you are not conscious, your subconscious will be taking in the frequencies and creating the changes you seek. It also won’t overwhelm your system as much because during sleep, you are in the delta brainwave state which is optimal for bodily changes.

But do not be surprised if one of the audios don’t allow you to sleep! For example, you will probably not get any sleep if you are listening to pure testosterone all night because it will get you pumped up and ready to punch a wall.


I am only a bit surprised about this particular one because normally the audios that induce physical change come with recommendation of max 2-3 listens per day.

Do you maybe know why this is different?

@uial sry I meant to answer you but looks like it was to the main topic.

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@MonkeyOwl That was just a general answer from the FAQ section, not (edit: necessarily) a recommendation specific to the Eye Regeneration 2.0 field. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ah okay, I thought both as this field doesn’t have this recommendation in the description actually.


Ah, my apologies, I’d thought you were asking about the FAQ answer. :smiley:


Yeah what got me confused it that his original question was about looping this field overnight, so I assume (s)he would listen to it… a lot.