2023 and radiation problem

Some more thoughts for you to ponder:

  • The last time Pluto paid a visit to Aquarius, we were given the American and French Revolutions, along with their revolutionary codifications of the rights of humans.

  • The time before that, when Pluto wandered through Aquarius, we had the creation of the Church of England which was one of the major blows to the stranglehold that the Catholic Church had on European civilization. (This also led to one of the greatest redistributions of wealth since the Norman Conquest of 1066.) We also had, during this time, the Peace of Augsburg which allowed non-Catholics to love peaceably among Catholics, easing the tensions and bloodshed of the Reformation. Oh, and the first publication of a modern atlas, which was a really big deal since before that the atlases tended to indicate edges that we could sail off over and dragons beyond those edges.

  • This time, Pluto will be in and out of Aquarius for 20 years (one of the reasons why Pluto is considered by many to be a “generational” planet). What attitude will you like to adopt for yourself for those 20 years? One of fear, vulnerability and powerlessness (the “shadow” side of Pluto)? Or one of idealistic, expansive, inclusive expectations of the very best of humanity (the bright side of Aquarius)? We all get to choose.

(ETA: Apologies for the Euro-centric examples. It’s what they taught me in school.)


I saw it but I didn’t watch it. But yes. It was predicted and explained lot of things like even the movement of younger people to take action. Which it did happened with the riot in America :sweat_smile:

Another thing is that I think covid will be gone( for the restrictions) in March 2023 when Saturn finally leave Aquarius

Which is explains why we have so much restrictions.

Because Saturn represents delay. Restrictions. Discipline. Diseases. And Aquarius represent us. The people

So after it leave Aquarius. I think we can get back our freedom back. Fully!

But watch out for pluto though… Especially with energy crisis :sweat_smile:

But there are also great things with pluto. Like the technology can become much much better than before

So much more that I think AI can take lot of people jobs… The down side of it


In addition to the energy crisis, food and natural disasters are worthy of attention.

Perhaps the solar storm is one of the keys to purifying the virus


Yes. It already happening today with food shortage. It can become more troublesome next year😶 but that’s the power of pluto. It makes the people take action. Lot of them will stand up for the masses


The next 20 years are worth the wait


I also have a feeling that there will be cure for cancer. Which is a good thing!


I replied to what you said by starting a new thread since it might bring the topic elsewhere Open Discussion: How Do We 'Help' vs 'Serve' The World?