24X7 no break for 5 years

This would make some sense maybe for Inhuman X, or for some third party subliminal/morphic combo with hundreds of gene enhancements, but Manly Man doesn’t sound as something that might remotely need such schedule.

It would be even crazy to loop one subliminal 24/7 as the mind and body need rest to build up to the new information it received. I like the explanation from morpheus fields: You download a package of information like Neo did when he learned kung fu. :smirk: But in comparison to matrix you need some time so your body adapt to the downloaded package of information.

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What made you think it’s a good idea to loop 24/7 a field involving hormones, androgen receptors and other delicate parts of your endocrine system? :man_facepalming:

You will create excess potential and receive opposite results, or worse case scenario, you will be pulled into an induced transition. (Use Google. Exploration is part of the journey of evolution)

Would you say the same thing about subliminals ? cause it’s well known that you have to be very consistent and use them daily so the results are tangible


Daily use, doesn’t imply need to listen 24x7 to same or very similar audios. It’s better to interleave subliminals with fields to make breaks and add a lot of Brain Regeneration overnight if you listen for many hours. Also same techniques like gratefulness meditation or Star Reiki or dedicated square breathing are known to improve experience of both fields and subs.

I have a very long stack which i use mostly 24/7, to put it lightly, whenever i have the time during the day i listen to my ‘‘day’’ stack, 1 hour per sub at least, then at night i listen to my overnight stack same thing, am i doing it wrong in your opinion? should i cut it down?

op are u using height fields?

Naah. Male enhancement

Overnight is better to have Brain Regeneration, Detachment and of course daily before sleeping 3x Anti-Autism as you listen a lot.

Ego Dissolution is very much needed through the day using many subs, maybe 3 loops up to 3x spread each 8hrs.

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anti-autism why? is that a dig :skull:

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It’s possible to get issues with using too many subs caused by overstimulation/overgrowth. It’s very OG Sapien field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhT-_S6wUng

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I see, I will try to narrow my playlist down as well tbh it’s unsustainable

Bro thought he caught a stray roast :skull::skull::skull:.

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it’s pretty autistic to listen a lot so i assumed :skull:

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Actually this a real possibility to get overwhelmed if not using Anti-Autism regularly with such number of subs.


24-7 for 5 years straight is insane ngl.

Energy body would turn in the keys to the house, car, and mailbox then leave. :skull:

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For sure, that’s too much, I know this one guy who listened 24/7 and never got results

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If this has not worked for you properly after 5 years, there are clearly other issues to be solved first!

For example:

Trauma, Self Sabotage Mechanism, Self Love Issues, Self Esteem Issues, Body Dismoprhia Issues, Limiting Beliefs, Energy Body Blockages etc.


You need to work on the deeper issues first.

And honestly, if you have an average sized dick, it doesn’t really matter for attraction, because women have an average sized vagina… and thus, other factors are more important whether you are attractive or not.