3 months, no results

Hello everyone
I just finished a 90 day run of nerve healing fields.
I went into it very optimistic and open minded but unfortunately it had no effect at all. I have not seen any improvement. I got help from a forum member who was kind enough to help me build a stack, I will list it down below and how many times I listen a day.

Subconscious limit dissolver 1x
Ego dissolution 1x
Plasma light and infrasound bioactive beach 1x
Mana circuits super charged 1x
Nerve damage help 7x ( 30 min )
Nerve growth factor 8x ( 30 min )
Paralysis 10x ( 30 min )
Body nerve healing 3x

Please let me know what you think and why I didn’t get any results.

Thank you


I would try to mix it up with some brain fields as well


How long have u been working with fields before the 3-month period?

I think it’s possible that what u had was a bit too much, so I would suggest considering trying the nerve fields at lower numbers, like NGF and NGH 3-4x and paralysis and body nerve maybe 2x. Sometimes simply, less is more.

(You may often come across ppl looping certain things, but many of them are long-term users and so their energy system and nerve system had much more time to adapt to energy work and greater amounts of it. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to newbies or overall fields-wise younger ppl)

And also never to forget - listen to your body and how it reacts. U may try to meditate on some of the fields sometimes.


Hi Jen, my nerve damage is peripheral so I dont think it has anything to do with the brain

Can I ask what happened to cause it?

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Hi Powren
I listened two weeks to a scar removal before I started this 90 days, that’s it. So yeah I guess you could say I’m a starter. What amount of time would you suggest to listen to the lesser amount of fields? The forum member suggested me these 3 months. I messaged him in 30 days and he said that’s way too short and that I should see where I am in 3 months. What do you think?

I had an accident with glass that cut me when i was younger.

I already suggested u the amount. (The count of them, haven’t calculated the exact time of them together)

So a starter there, hm, I definitely don’t think that starting big is what should be recommended to you and others who are just starting.

Remember, general guidelines, which are put by DreamWeaver himself are most probably way helpful for u as a starter than what some other ppl tell u. When he says 2-3x, it’s better to go 2-3x.

There is quite a unique value to the start itself, to the period of getting to know the fields as well as yourself and seeing how you react to what, how r u progressing. Throughout the time, u will understand more how u react to each field and how much of what is good for you. But starting smaller is better than starting big and overwhelming yourself.

And also, u may try plasma bath, usually helps with physical changes. 1 or 2 times, not 10x.


My bad I didn’t specify, I meant as in how many days I should listen to the fields.

Do u mean plasma beach, the one I am already listening to? I tried to search for plasma bath but I can’t find it

That’s rly hard to say. The best is to try for at least a week and see, but u have to watch yourself and see. Physical fields usually have immediate effects, like when u focus on it, u may discover some sensations or will feel a little bit different, but u have to be self-aware for it.

Otherwise, u would have to pick a longer time to see if u get some tangible results, meaning many weeks or months. But a balanced usage should definitely be helping at least a bit.

Make sure it’s not exhausting you. And consider having some meditations with let’s say 1-2 fields of your priority and try to direct them where u want.


Have you tried any alternative healing before or even autossugestions or anything, to see if you respond quickly to energy healing or other methods?

I have worked with my chakras for years before finding Sapien Medicine; I have seen quick results (usually); one field that can bring quick results (not permanent, for obvious reasons) is the Tanning field (well, there are 2, I think) - I saw Immediate results with that and I had good results for almost half a year, then later my results dropped, sometimes significantly, but curiously, only for some fields (there are all sorts of explanations, obviously, including the fact that my mental health and my energy levels were not as high as before, due to some family issues); then, I focused on Boosting my results and I managed to do so (well, I did use boosters from another Creator, but this is not a thread for such discussion).

My biggest results came after using Kinetic Quasi Crystal (keep in mind that Overall I already had good results, again, usually), so I highly recommend this field; however, you could increase your sensitivity to fields (and your energy levels) through free methods, first, including through fields and Yoga (stimulating the chakras, clearing them, Strengthening them, through any techniques/ways that you choose - there are many options), then buy any fields that you feel drawn to, or which you think are most needed for you [in case you can’t buy from Gumroad (for example) there are ways to rectify that - there is one thread created by @Rosechalice and a few older threads and discussions about buying fields from Gumroad].

I wish You much success in your self improvement journey. :pray:

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I will give it a few weeks thanks for the advice

Hi soulstar

I haven’t tried any of this before. I’m very new to energy healing. I’ve tried subliminals in the past but that didn’t give me any results so I went on a search and found fields.

That’s interesting. I will try the tanning field and see if I have better luck with that.

At the moment I can only afford to have a patreon subscription and use the fields on YouTube. The other fields on gumroad are very expensive for me.

Thanks so much I wish the best for you too.

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I would rather simply consider this as a suggestion that your mind is not very adapted to this kind of input, not as a gauge that you shouldn’t continue, listen to more fields if it’s not burdensome for you and go after longer strides. Sometimes it’s about total amount of any “work” made. This suggestion of Aura Cleanse might make sense initially to remove burden feom the past. Same about subliminals really. Add Energy Blockage Removal, it can be looped if it’s not heavy on you.

I mean consider it as a child learning, they don’t learn as fast as adults tend to imagine, they learn since first days for years to get to some level of knowledge, children simply learn A LOT.

SLR can be looped, 1x isn’t much. Ego Dissolution can go to several listens easily.

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Try this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=os3KY8ikF0E&pp=ygURc3ViIFRhbm5lciBzYXBpZW4%3D tanner BTW, Plasma Brothers version is more likely to give prominent effects OR side effects, like nose bleed which is associated AFAIK
with melanocyte stimulation, from looping.

Tanning fields aren’t necessarily as quick, but side effects from them usually are, some people can sleep to them though without issues.

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Everyone is different but for me imo (not to discourage anyone) Plasma Light is just too much for a beginner to fields. It’s the first field that fried my cns and that’s a year ago. I can obviously listen to it now no problem. I’m just saying, using that strong field might be counterproductive if it can exhaust your cns instead.

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I understand what you’re saying but this is already a lot of time in a day that I’m listening to. I can’t listen to fields for 10 hours a day for obvious reasons.

I will try this thank you

What is a cns?