A Minor Blueprint of Power

Intermediate review/summary of reported comments of Minor Blueprint of Power:

  1. Immediate Energy Boost: Users experience a notable surge in energy, feeling energized and empowered.
  2. Physical Strength and Endurance: The field is associated with increased physical strength, endurance, and a sense of having a firm foundation.
  3. Confidence Boost: Users report a boost in confidence, both on a physical and spiritual level.
  4. Mental Empowerment: The field contributes to mental empowerment, improved focus, and increased capability.
  5. Enhanced Training Performance: Listening to the field before training, especially in activities like boxing, enhances mental and physical performance, stamina, and skill execution.
  6. Increased Presence and Attraction: Users notice an increase in attention from others, making their presence more noticeable and attractive.
  7. Empowering Dreams: Vivid dreams depict users displaying extraordinary power, contributing to a heightened sense of empowerment in waking life.
  8. Supercharged Development: Users describe the field as providing a supercharged development effect, accelerating progress and growth in various areas of life.
  9. Increased Manifestation Power: The field significantly increases users’ manifestation abilities, making intentions manifest more effortlessly.
  10. Enhanced Discipline and Focus: Users experience increased discipline and focus, making it easier to resist urges and control desires.
  11. Social Benefits: Improved charisma, social skills, and positive changes in social interactions, with increased interest from others in forming connections or friendships.
  12. Unique and Powerful Experience: The field is considered unique and different from other fields, providing a powerful and distinct experience.
  13. Comprehensive Well-being: Users recognize the field’s impact on physical, mental, and social aspects of their lives, contributing to overall well-being and personal growth.
  14. Increased Attractiveness: Users feel more attractive and report increased attention from others.
  15. Positive Changes in Workouts: The field positively influences workouts, reducing post-exercise fatigue and enhancing overall performance.
  16. Improved Metabolism: Some users notice an increase in hunger, suggesting a potential impact on metabolism.
  17. Improved Sleep Quality: Despite the energizing effects, the field does not disrupt sleep; users report deep and restful sleep.
  18. Aid in Recovery: Users report relief from fatigue and a positive impact on recovery from illnesses, including symptoms like chest tightness and fatigue.
  19. Acceleration in Spiritual Practices: For those engaged in spiritual practices, the field accelerates progress, making it easier to reach higher states of consciousness.
  20. Enhanced Ability to Handle Triggers: Users find the field helpful in handling triggers, embracing the transformation process, and expanding self-love.

These reported benefits provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse and multifaceted effects that users attribute to Minor Blueprint of Power. Experiences may vary from person to person.


Hey guys should I buy blue print of life first or blue print of power minor? Which one would restore more energy in my system and be the best first buy?

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Have you ever took in consideration Your Energetic Being? You may find it’s thread interesting

I heard its a combination of soul restoration and auric repair and a bunch of stellar audios, however, its 300 usd last time I saw it, which for me its above my pay check for now. Have you used it what is your experience with it?

I am quite new to this I have been using fields for two months, now and I have the soul restoration, auric repair, the quasi crystal, recently brough ojas marrowed.

I have been thinking of getting pre natal jing one, since I don’t have a proper jing audio. I might get the jing one first then the minor power. I am mostly focused, on a field that helps restore vital life energy, since I practice, semen retention etc. So I though jing would be a great, idea if not then minor power it is.
Some advice would be great thank u.

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Check Black martian Jing if money is tight.

It depends on what you search, I see you have bought quite some very good fields, I would stick with the Soul Restoration series for a few months, plus use the free version of Jing Chi and Shen in this order and you will feel properly energised with all the leakages closed by the Restoration Series.

Then it’s up to how you feel in during the process!

Yeah I don’t know I heard pre natal jing restores, everything you lost since birth. In your experience which one seems to vitalize, more jing pre natal, or black martian?

They both are but work differently.

For a quick increase of jing/lifeforce = Enigma, for deep, longterm regeneration = negentropic jing.

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Yeah that is what I kind of understood from reading through this forums, many people where saying how important soul restoration was because its the core, where you store all your energy, which I am having great effects, from it so far.


Someone up for making an ai based picture of this field? :smiley:

i had such stomach pain yesterday after eating too fast and too much that it was even difficult to breath. then i got nausea. the iron gullet did not help. but i remembered Luna playing this after she was not good because of too much food. i looped this accidentally the whole night. but the relief after getting to bed was almost instant!



Wish I could listen to this field again but I can’t retrieve the audio from my purchase anymore :sob:.

This is also a GREAT field to use when you’re sick.


I’ve used this one a good amount so figured I’d drop my experiences with it. It’s a great field. I’m sure how it’s individually experienced is somewhat subjective, but here’s how it goes for me (generally).

I immediately feel my base energy center fill up with an energy that to me, feels like a mix of earth and fire. Which is seemingly analogous to the idea of molten mass. I feel the energy spin within my base center. I don’t feel the center itself spin, just the energy contained inside.

I then feel it rise up my central column and perform a kind of microcosmic orbit but that doesn’t happen every time. But it does seem to generally run along the central energy channels for me. Then it makes it way throughout the rest of my subtle body, as my field and body begins to feel profoundly charged.

I like to guide it into my marrow and cells, which considerably boosts my physical energy. The energy feels quite dense for me, even after it alchemizes through my energy system, but if I really let the energy charge up my system for about an hour, I’ll usually find 3 - 5 hours later that I also have way more subtle energy as well. Likely due to my energy system metabolizing the excess energy generated by this field.

The last thing I’ve considerably notice is that if I meditate with the field, it seems to want my conscious permission to move the energy to particular places. I’ve noticed interesting healing benefits from this, both psychological and physical. More rapid healing of any particular injuries at the time (minor cuts, bruises). And a release of energetic blocks or junk I’ve picked up through the day. It seems to kind of brute-force them, then replace the void left from their release with the energy from the field.

So yeah, this is a really awesome field :ok_hand:


Nice testimonial - thanks! :slight_smile:


wanna get THE BEST out of this audio?
become a vacuum to suck in and absorb nutrients from earth and all around plus what you eat?

(or get the maximum benefits while fasting)?

play this one before (a few loops, gotta be at least 3 to feel it working fast if you are not familiar with Pranayama breathing)
this audio automates that for you

The Belly Breathing Trainer

after a few weeks youll be able to follow the guided one way much easier

Advanced Guided Belly Pranayama

by the 3rd week you could alternate the automated one and the guided one so you easy yourself into the practice.

once you feel you are good to follow easily then just continue with the guided one alone

then you play a few loops of the Minor BP

then acu-automaton

eventually youll be able to do it without the guided audio, so you can do it while listening to this one…

the POWER that you will be able to harness through this audio combined with the Pranayama practice IS OF NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE.

the acceleration fo internal processes :ok_hand:

preparing > absorbing > transforming into massive energy > fast distribution of that energy.

Edit: I forgot this one that is only now on Patreon!


this one automates the process too, but again the idea is to use the patreon one and belly breathing to help you get to the point where you can do the pranayama while listening to Minor BP


a bit jing before this audio

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I’m late to the party, but I’ve finally gotten it!

I was feeling fatigue regularly, and I think it was because of me abusing so many fields without enough energy. After supplementing myself with negentropic jing, I started to feel better and I realized the importance of having enough energy. So here I am.

It’s been only ~24h, so nothing too amazing yet, but I no longer feel like garbage, so I suppose that’s very good! : )

I’ve gotten it especially because I’m doing some serious transformations these months. I want to give Plasma Flaunt another shot. :slight_smile:

I’ll update again in 3 to 5 days.


I’m wondering around the similar lines. Could not find anything in the search results, other than that question.

Is it okay to put this in the same playlist as Negentropic Jing ?