A new doubter

I proudly present myself to the Sapien medicine communities. I am thee greatest assassin of the highest order whatever that may be. As you can see my profile picture shows that I am a assassin’s creed and joker fan, even though i haven’t touch a single assassin creed’s game after my first AC game brotherhood mysteriously disappear when i was young in the flesh. I am grateful for Sapien medicine as it help me in a multitude of health related issue. Anyway how does relying on an external solution to our problem grant personal powers and insights, as it doesn’t warrant any understanding and learning. Its akin to spoiling a child with toys but we do not know the makeup of how such toys are created but this time its spiritual audios. But in the end all externals are the result of the internal so nothing outside can be found what is found in everyone of us. Would buying the Sapien medicine course help me clear the ignorance i have for mysteries and working of the Sapien medicine morphic field audios? I don’t want to naively put blind faith in something outside of me which is outside of my control and understanding. May the shadows integrate with the light so one does not be blinded by the light of ignorance.
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted”


Welcome! @Jescree to our lovely community.

I think you’re the first self proclaimed assassin around here. We got a few ego slayers, time travelers, skippers, and a multitude of friendly species.

No. Buying the course will enable to see just how much you need to know and learn! It will show you how “ignorant” you truly are :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

The course grants self healing techniques, more body attunement, energetic sensitivity. And much, much more. I have not done it (yet), short in cash atm… , but a few members will surely chime in and vouch for it.

I have, however, received assistance from people who have done the course, remotely - distance healing.

As for the rest of your doubts, see which part of the audios you resonate more. I would suggest an attunement to your higher self, in case you’re not sure where to begin.

Hope you enjoy it around here :wink:


Maybe it’s just your seperate self that screams over the idea it doesn’t achieves something on its “own” therefore losing its right for existence or something like that… Dunno had such a thought not long ago.

Anyway morphic fields are a very convenient tool. you can also see them as teachers. Where do they work what can you experience etc. It was still your decision to use them.

What exactly is the issue though are you afraid to use them or… I dunno I wanted to help but I get the feeling i didn’t understand what the problem is in the first place.


Who cares ? The great Baba Ji god of Morphic fields bestowed upon you infinite powers.
Just accept them and enjoy your life.

Lol, now seriously, the fields make you better so that you can do what you want. It doesn’t force anything.

You look pretty now you can be model, you’re smarter you can revolutionize technology etc…
You still need to do things, it just makes you ready for it.

If god came and gave you the power to do his bidding… I assume you’d take it right ?
Dream gives you amazing power and says “do what you want”.

Some of the field will help you learn like the realization ones, the guidance, intercession etc… you can get energy sensitive and learn from the energetic blue print of everything around you

After that it’s a process the better you get the more lesson you will face and learn. You will have the tools to learn faster from the situations, people around you and even your own inner talk.


So is anything really…


Welcome to the forum :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Phillip, you do know he most likely hasn’t met the infamous Baba Ji God :no_mouth:

Other than your doubts @Jescree, what is your end goal? That will be your “truth” , regardless.


That type of intuition is beyond my pay grade, but I think I gave enough context to allow his identity to be inferred.

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assassin nice hope u keep ur hands clean lol


i’m glad you mentioned this as i’ve been thinking about this lately.

i’d like to see this as a tool. the tool isn’t going to live my life for me, but it helps support me!

i still have to use my mind and body to reach my goals.

i watched a bit of this today.

this soul made a cabin, but he needed tools to complete it.

you could still make a cabin with just your body, but it’s more convenient to use tools.

there’s a distinction here between using tools and taking shortcuts. i personally took shortcuts in my spiritual journey. it seems effective until i realized i haven’t actually dealt with the problem and only covered it up.


Everything is already explained in this statement.
There is so much depth in this statement, this unfolds only when we contemplate and surrender.
You mentioned spiritual fields, which is dream seeds in every video we see the description to contemplate , to be compassionate, cultivate empathy, forgiveness etc. This is the part we can do from our side , in addition to what field does for more effectiveness.

Yes btw course helps to clear many questions. It creates a better foundation.