A painful but necessary Realization

With continuous use of “consciounsess technology” (morphic fields, energy programming, subliminals, radionics, sorcery, astral projection etc.), one sooner or later comes to a point where one realizes that spiritual development takes place exponentially.

The more advanced and awaken one becomes, the more new input and spiritual insights one can process, absorb and integrate in shorter time.
This is an exponential process.

And projected into physical space-time one can easily say that 90% of spiritual development takes place in the final three incarnations (out of hundreds and thousands).

Of course, those selves in those final incarnations would not be able to do this without all the pre-work from the all other incarnations.
Final incarnations are only that wise because the other selves did a lot of essential pre-work. The iterations and experiences that the other selves went through, finally allow the final incarnations to come to certain conclusions, realizations and spiritual break-throughs.

It is the experience and wisdom of all the incarnations combined that make up the total of what the Higher Self intended to do in this version/iteration of physical earth matrix game. That is why every incarnation is important for the Higher Self.

And with recognizing, that spiritual development is an exponentially accelerating process, there comes the painful realization, that sooner or later, most beloved family members and friends will be spiritually left behind.

They will no longer be able to understand the spiritual ideas you are trying to share with them and what you perceive and feel.

The gap behind your and their understanding becomes larger and larger due to the exponential nature of spiritual development. This is even the case if they are on a spiritual path themselves.

The circle of close friends will change dramatically and the more often, the faster you progress.

One earth, it is lonely up there at the top, when it comes to spiritual development.

Most incarnated souls on earth are blind and scared pretty much all of the time.
And they are not able to see pure gold, even when it shines directly into their eyes.
Let’s take the Sapien YouTube channel for example. From the 200k subscribers there, barely 1% made it to this forum. And of these 1%, only ca. 10% are regular students.

Or in a library, 99.9% of people would not touch a big red book in the middle of a shelf, even when the title says “Read me and you will know all of the Universe’s Secrets”.

Esoteric knowledge is always hidden in plain sight but people are spiritually blind and thus cannot see and follow-up on it. The same thing happens when one advanced spiritually faster than your friends – a one point they will no longer be able to relate to you.

Spiritual loneliness is a real thing on earth, but luckily we have forums like this one and can manifest friends that are on our current level.
And the good news is also, that this is where one starts to work with higher beings and advanced aliens. There is much to discover in the universe and astral worlds!

So, it is not that it is actually getting lonely, but just the painful realization that most others on earth cannot follow you where you are going. And that, in all the love that you have for them, you need to let them walk their own spiritual path at their own pace and that most of them will not be able to come with you.

At one point, speaking about one’s final incarnation, this also means to say goodbye to old friends with whom one has shared many incarnations together.
It means saying “no” to being reincarnated on earth for the sake of helping out someone beloved or for the sake of helping humanity.
At one point, this all becomes an ongoing mechanic of the matrix game that one leaves behind by saying “no”.
At one point, one see the matrix game and its participants for all that it is – a temporary simulation or playground for consciuousness and where nothing is of lasting duration. This includes the physical universe as well as the astral planes.

It may be be painful to say to beloved soul friends “No, I am not helping you out this time. I will see you in another place after you’ve also graduated from the earth matrix game.”

It will be painful to leave them back behind in the game for a certain time.
But it will be the right thing to do.
You cannot wait for everyone whom you love.
But have to do what you have to do when you finally learned to love yourself first and forement and move on.

And since on the astral plane time does not really exist anyways, you’ll soon see them again.

At first, all of this may be painful realization, that can may make one sad.
But out of love for them and for yourself you will understand that it is a necessary one.

And that any separation, especially spiritually, is only temporary.



With all due respect friend, but… I don’t leave no one behind.

They transform by the experience of interacting with me. Each one at its point in evolution… but helping others- whatever it means to you - is helping yourself. If it’s your path and if only you are able to.

When I say “you” I mean it generally.


This is totally fine. This is how the matrix game motivates souls to keep coming back to earth and reincarnate.

But keep in mind that every time you incarnate, you also make new friends, and then you want to help them. And then this motivates you to come back again. And then you make even more new friends. Etc. Etc.

…all until you finally decide to break through this cycle and move on.

It is not by accident that Robert A. Monroe described the earth game as like indulging into a drug. Physical experiences and “rescueing beloved ones on earth” can become addictive and hold you in the game for much longer than you initially intended before the first incarnational dive-in.

This is 100% true. But only at a very very high level of existence. Way beyond the astral levels. Until then the only “other you’s” are your parallel incarnations from your own Higher Self.


Unfortunately, I’ve had this issue my entire life. I spent most of my adolescence thinking I was insane because of my perception that nobody understood me. All we can do is show them unconditional love no matter where they are on their personal journey.

We’re all traveling at our own speed. It isn’t a race. We are just going to repeat the process once it is done. It’s the nature of Source.


We are all interconnected, so it would be shortsighted to assume they are not able to come with us. They will come with us, just maybe not how or when you would think or like them to.

If they are on the same path, you will be reconnected. We are all a part of Source, and are all on the path to reconnect with Source. If you fulfil your karma and soul contracts completely, that doesn’t mean you will never see those souls again.

It’s more of being finished. You don’t get to say “no” if your soul isn’t finished exploring every possibility. Once you are finished, you simply will not reincarnate in the physical again.

If you are helping friends and family members in the physical, and that is your perceived reason for reincarnation, then you are not finished growing. The reason for helping others is to help yourself on the service to others path. You will continue helping others in the physical until you no longer need to help others in the physical.

I realize spiritual depression is a real thing, but we need to also realize that it is a form of spiritual bypassing. When you accept that it is a form of spiritual bypassing, you will be able to learn and grow from discovering the root, letting go, and accepting it as a part of you.


very true


i agree with you


“Karma”, as well as “cause and effect” are fake rules inside the matrix game.
They can be overriden with the “Law of Reality Creation”.
The point where souls usually realize this, is pretty much at the end of the matrix game.
The matrix wants you to believe that B follow A and that C follows B etc.
The truth is, once you have True Free Will, you can decide, whether in your personal reality you want to have B following A or not. You can decide that A is followed by D or E of F or nothing at all.

And soul contract do change all the time. Even before you’re finished with this earth game, your soul contracts will be already remade hundreds of times. Higher Selves do evolve while in the game and so do the soul contracts between them. Anything else would be inflexibility and stagnation.

The rest is pretty much the same as what I said but in different words.

About “all of us being one”:
This is an idea that is often used here at our level, to keep us trapped in the matrix game and “help everyone”. It was spread by disinfo materials like “The Law of One by Ra”. “Lighworkers” fall for this trap 99% of the time.
Yes, we are all one, but only at the very source level.


Hahaha what a funny coincidence

i literally just wrote to someone some details about my own, personal, direct (and very recent) experience of this.
“We” are one but in the sense as “All” as the only thing there is
Helping is not necessary, because it’s the same as not helping, but if someone feels like they are called to help, it’s the right thing to do (this “right thing” is just my opinion)

(Since I quoted it above, i just want to give the disclaimer that I don’t think the law of one is misinformation)


Lol im using mandala higher self. 4:00am in my country and i can’t sleep because of some insecurites. Going to this forum and see this. Maybe my HS want me to learn lol


I’ll just add a bit to this :

The more you grow spiritually, the bigger the ego will also grow as a “downside”. If you grow too much, unprepared, you might be feeling coming close to a point of disconnection. Once the ego takes over, it is like “why should I dwell upon these minions…?”.

But, that can be your lesson around here. To grow to a point where you’re the one stopping your own growth. So, I’d suggest not blinding yourself with this inevitability. It’s nice to be able to shut the world out of ones’ personal universe, but you still have to walk this earth.

Albeit being enlightened is a whole different matter. You acknowledge the suffering. That’s not the end, that’s the beginning journey .
Another realization comes to mind, if you’re developed enough and understand at least a bit conceptually the existence of others, you can actually engage and help them. And even though you might frame them as “below” you in any sense, which entails you haven’t moved past the polarity of your own existence.
Nonetheless, you can actually lead others by example, and if you are smart enough, they will find you, they will follow you, for as long as you adequately translate the concepts of your own existence unto theirs. Conceptually. Getting that lesson is also a major boost to your own spirituality.

And for that manner you don’t have to do much, really. Except being. Being takes suffering, but that’s the only way to move past enlightening yourself. Being light.

Also, to be light it means to drop weight. If you have/want to ascend, you can look at your friends, family, and consider to drop them, for many reasons. But at the end, the most difficult part to drop will always be a part of yourself, which has to die, really. Plenty of “spiritual gurus” get stuck here.

A part of your writings remind me of my own dissociation before the enlightenment experience.

The only way to become consciousness is to drop the way you express consciousness itself, and that is never an exponential work. In fact, seldom it is as there are actually some wicked forces that push you down than you were, and even blockages that sabotage your growth altogether.

It’s nice to be able to shut the world out of ones’ personal universe, but you still have to walk this earth.


Maybe I’ll be off-topic, if so flag or remove. Disclaimer I’m not enlightened, so switch your BS detectors on.

You guys seem like good people and you get my respect for it. I’ve also been thinking about the world, humanity, animals and how to help them and try to influence the world to be better. As kids you probably also felt that something was off.

I’ve always been troubled by corruption, sadness, poverty, murder, pedo rings, human trafficking, propaganda. People are just lost and tired, money can’t fix that. Animals species are disappearing. Nobody else I knew cared, but it would trouble my sleep to think that somewhere in the world, less fortunate kids are in factories, chained in creepy basements. Or just seeing people you care about being sad.

And there is this idea that the smarter you get or the more enlightened you become, the worst it gets, you’ll discover even more evil that you can’t ignore. It’s a dilemma, the future seems dark. You can be selfish and succeed and see other suffer. You can rationalize it, most people don’t want your help.

But based on my experience the more advanced you get the happier you get. You can fixate on loneliness, but how good of an indicator is it ? That’s not necessarily such a big deal. You can have less but better. You learn to be happy on your own and you also discover the good side of the world, which takes attention to notice.
Your world gets deeper, you’re self-sufficient and you know that people can too. Even though you feel more, you can detach. The beauty of this reality is enhanced. A good part of this lonewolf ascension dilemma is a personal issue, you can call it ego (though I wouldn’t).

It’s not your responsibility to fix the world. It’s not your responsibility to make people happy. They are living their lives, they are going through what they do. I’m not sure about many things, I’m just Philip, a little guy. I’m navigating through this reality. Am I so good and people are so bad that I need to fix things for them ? Is my judgement good enough ?
You should make a difference when the opportunity shows up. We all should. But it’s more about raising yourself and leading through examples. That allows you to be in a position where you “CAN” help others. But they have to accept the help and nobody knows the future well enough to say what will matter in the long run.

It’s only this year, very recently that I started to stop caring. Not because I gave up, surrendered to evil. But because, hey, there’s more to life than that. I could worry about so many things, there are genocides on all continents happening right now. The aliens federation or demons or whoever is the bad guy this season could show up. But I’m just doing my thing, learning self-control, contemplation, kindness to groups of people whose value I’m opposed to.
Focusing on the few people I’m close too and being a great family guy when I actually get one of my own.

It’s good to want to help others, but make sure that you do it from a place when you feel coherent peace doing it. Otherwise go back to working on yourself.


Im trying to doing this. I used to wanna help the world but i need to help myself first


The words I used were to express the conceptual idea of working on one’s own soul, instead of worrying about others.

If we are in this spiritual depression, as it were, we are probably passing judgement on others wherein we should also search ourselves for why. Are we meant to be the judge? Are we qualified to pass judgement? My personal experience and opinion are that this form of spiritual bypassing is a construct of ego.


I don’t see the ego as something negative. It just the part of you that needs to learn to view stuff from a higher perspective and go beyond the comfort zone. It has been given to the Higher Self as a tool to play the matrix game with. It is one of the rules of the game – the game has to be played and won by using a tool called “ego”.
It’s like soccer, a game that has to be played and won by using a ball. First one has to learn how the ball behaves and how to work with it. And it certainly won’t roll into the right direction on its own :wink:

Also please be aware that at no point did I described anyone as “below” oneself and that one would need to “disconnect” from them. Letting go does not mean disconnection.

It is one of the decisions you will have to make if you ever want to leave the game. It was designed this way right from the start. You will have to let go the “need to win the game” in order to actually leave the game, and by this actually “win” it.

Polarity ends only with total unification with the source. But hey, polarity itself is an illusion. There is only a long scale with markers at different positions on this scale. Also the scale is not a two-dimensional line, but multi-dimensional.

That is exactly what one would do over and over again as the game wants you to stay here. What I wrote about is that at some point you will still need to move on from this.

Yup. Dropping weight of all kind (emotions, soul contracts, limiting beliefs, the white knight syndrome, virtue signaling, trying “to save” everyone, being a guru etc.) and “gaining escape velocity” to cite Robert A. Monroe.

Fully agree. Pretty much one’s whole fake matrix identity needs to be left behind when graduating from the matrix game.

I disagree – the process is actually always exponential, because expansion of consciousness is exponential – this is the case at the top, at the source level, and also here on the soul fragment level while playing space-time games.

You might have misunderstood me here. Leaving the game and beloved ones behind does not mean “to shut out the world” at all. In fact, in means the opposite, you can only truly leave behind what you truly love out of free will. Only with true love for something/someone one can detach and actually let go.


This has been my experience as well. When one expands one’s consciousness, one becomes aware of all the negative stuff going on behind the curtains. Alle the shadow goverments, crime, alien agendas, brainwashing, slavery etc.
But that negative realization is only a short-term pain of coming to consciousness.
In the long-term the truth sets you free, empowers you and you do become more happy overall!

:100: This!

One cannot truly help others until one has raised oneself.


If other matrix game players are often mirrors for internal parts of ourselves, then everytime we judge those other players, we are actually juding a certain part inside of ourselves. That is how we know, through other players being our mirrors, what we need to work on inside ourselves. Yes, the ego will act as if those mirrors are not there and will try to distract our consciosuness from it.

It is when we discover these mirrors with our consciousness despite the tricks of the ego, that our consciosness grows and expands massively.

Without the ego there would be no challenge for the Higher Self and the growth of awareness would not be as big.



Ive actually switched on my BS detectors, and none of your arguments seemed egoistic, or unevolved in any way whatsoever.
Not only I resonated with a lot of what you’ve spoken, but you’ve Spoken from a place of virtue.
That’s actually quite the honorable path. And it starts with what… Take a guess. A sort of enlightenment.

I’ve been seeing you grow more and more around this forum also Phillip. You’ll remain just Phillip, but the individual that was merely a brain enthusiast has grown.

Anyway, speaking as you did you are nonetheless enlightened to come across the same conclusions as many have/did.

And since you mention responsibility, it is our responsibility to be acutely honest with ourselves. I don’t help everyone also, and I know the world has way worse than I do.

What I do though is a settlement with my own soul : we’ll act from a place of being. Everytime something truly gets my attention I go through this mental loophole :

As I also mentioned earlier, being responsible means knowing why to act or not.

Anyway, sorry for drifting but I had to say this to Phillip because I’ve been seeing him grow wise.

Anyway, @JAAJ

I know you haven’t, what I meant to portray was that many who seem to be aiming higher actually fall lower. They get corrupted ascending, that was my point. However, you spoke of abandonment of people, friends and a growth pursuit doesn’t necessarily embody that. What I mean to say is this : if you start to look at everyone around you from a simple perspective whether they can push you up, you’ll end up alone because of the blindness or the ego. Although you might not want to play the game, you’re still oh the chessboard, and worst, the ego is moving you as a pawn, really. I believe you get this conceptually :blush:

I now understand what you pertain as of “letting go,” but really seemed disconnection or dissociation , which is quite the opposite of what you’ve phrased, but maybe I misinterpreted it! Sorry.

Anyway, my general understanding of higher things, as actual experience has been this, if you get there inevitably, without the actual experience, you will be brought down. You might have the theories and understanding narrowed down, but you will not stay there. Hence why I mentioned it not being exponential, said growth.

The lessons learnt are not necessarily cumulative. If one ends up doing worse it will inevitably free up (unlock) more lessons in this game. As you’ve mentioned, soul contracts don’t remain static.

I understand what you mean. But as above, the way it was phrased, I grasped it differently, indeed :+1:

Knowledge is happiness at the end. And there’s simply not Loneliness once you Know.

It is weird and I can’t explain any better the above sentence. :wink:


An interesting report on the topic of this thread with regards to “leaving the world behind at some point” from an Astral traveler:


I once dreamed (or recalled having dreamed that, within another dream) I was told “there is no loss in spirit”. Which I don’t know, but it sounds cool, and comforting at the time.

This is also why I’m glad

is so.

I don’t know if answering to “old” posts is welcomed here, but I absolutely loved it. It moved me. It is simply beautiful.

Best regards.


JAAJ, although I am very lagged behind in terms of the thing called spirituality, and I am definately not qualified to judge you at all. But I implore you to come back to this post again few years later, if you still care then. I thought the isolation and loneliness I felt was a sign of spiritual imaturity, not spiritual growth. The most solitude yet spiritual advanced person I’ve met cares a lot and knows a lot about people, even when in real life he rarely ventures out his abode.

As for the reincarnation thing, I am not on the same page with you, but these rabbit holes are not worthy of plunging in and often causes unfruitful quarrel. So I’ll stay silent on these issues.