With continuous use of “consciounsess technology” (morphic fields, energy programming, subliminals, radionics, sorcery, astral projection etc.), one sooner or later comes to a point where one realizes that spiritual development takes place exponentially.
The more advanced and awaken one becomes, the more new input and spiritual insights one can process, absorb and integrate in shorter time.
This is an exponential process.
And projected into physical space-time one can easily say that 90% of spiritual development takes place in the final three incarnations (out of hundreds and thousands).
Of course, those selves in those final incarnations would not be able to do this without all the pre-work from the all other incarnations.
Final incarnations are only that wise because the other selves did a lot of essential pre-work. The iterations and experiences that the other selves went through, finally allow the final incarnations to come to certain conclusions, realizations and spiritual break-throughs.
It is the experience and wisdom of all the incarnations combined that make up the total of what the Higher Self intended to do in this version/iteration of physical earth matrix game. That is why every incarnation is important for the Higher Self.
And with recognizing, that spiritual development is an exponentially accelerating process, there comes the painful realization, that sooner or later, most beloved family members and friends will be spiritually left behind.
They will no longer be able to understand the spiritual ideas you are trying to share with them and what you perceive and feel.
The gap behind your and their understanding becomes larger and larger due to the exponential nature of spiritual development. This is even the case if they are on a spiritual path themselves.
The circle of close friends will change dramatically and the more often, the faster you progress.
One earth, it is lonely up there at the top, when it comes to spiritual development.
Most incarnated souls on earth are blind and scared pretty much all of the time.
And they are not able to see pure gold, even when it shines directly into their eyes.
Let’s take the Sapien YouTube channel for example. From the 200k subscribers there, barely 1% made it to this forum. And of these 1%, only ca. 10% are regular students.
Or in a library, 99.9% of people would not touch a big red book in the middle of a shelf, even when the title says “Read me and you will know all of the Universe’s Secrets”.
Esoteric knowledge is always hidden in plain sight but people are spiritually blind and thus cannot see and follow-up on it. The same thing happens when one advanced spiritually faster than your friends – a one point they will no longer be able to relate to you.
Spiritual loneliness is a real thing on earth, but luckily we have forums like this one and can manifest friends that are on our current level.
And the good news is also, that this is where one starts to work with higher beings and advanced aliens. There is much to discover in the universe and astral worlds!
So, it is not that it is actually getting lonely, but just the painful realization that most others on earth cannot follow you where you are going. And that, in all the love that you have for them, you need to let them walk their own spiritual path at their own pace and that most of them will not be able to come with you.
At one point, speaking about one’s final incarnation, this also means to say goodbye to old friends with whom one has shared many incarnations together.
It means saying “no” to being reincarnated on earth for the sake of helping out someone beloved or for the sake of helping humanity.
At one point, this all becomes an ongoing mechanic of the matrix game that one leaves behind by saying “no”.
At one point, one see the matrix game and its participants for all that it is – a temporary simulation or playground for consciuousness and where nothing is of lasting duration. This includes the physical universe as well as the astral planes.
It may be be painful to say to beloved soul friends “No, I am not helping you out this time. I will see you in another place after you’ve also graduated from the earth matrix game.”
It will be painful to leave them back behind in the game for a certain time.
But it will be the right thing to do.
You cannot wait for everyone whom you love.
But have to do what you have to do when you finally learned to love yourself first and forement and move on.
And since on the astral plane time does not really exist anyways, you’ll soon see them again.
At first, all of this may be painful realization, that can may make one sad.
But out of love for them and for yourself you will understand that it is a necessary one.
And that any separation, especially spiritually, is only temporary.