A Practical Approach To Spiritual Development

A Practical Approach To Spiritual Development


Before we begin, I would like to state that this excerpt exists not as a statement of what is correct but just a telling of my journey along with key points that I found helpful. If it was 2017 all over again, this is what I wish I would have had as reading material or a guide. It might help some and be rejected by others, out of respect to everyone’s journey, I’m okay with this. Thank you.

My Current Definition of What is Spiritual

When we say spiritual, often we treat it as something that is outside of us. Usually pinning it to processes, ideologies, and practices as a whole but yet when defining the structure of what we are made of we are quick to state that we are physical, mental, and spiritual.

So taking upon the intuitive statement that we are a three-part being, we should consider that “spiritual” is actually just part of us and not something that must be attained or something that needs to be “practiced”. While there are practices and methods which will lead us to recognize our spiritual component, we should question what is this part altogether.

I tend to explain to people I encounter that there are three characters that we are playing at any given time:

The Physical - The character you present to the world and we recognize you as.

The Mental - The character you experience yourself as in your mind.

The Spiritual - That part that can observe either the body or the mind along with all the aspects that go further than the body and mind.

Following this, this is to note that there is a part of you that is grander than the character you play to the world and the one you interact with within your head.

As soon as this is explained in words, often the comment comes “Oh I get it! I understand it.” but the mere act of trying to think of it will lead you to not recognize that spiritual part of your Self and for the simple reason that you must go above the mind, even if for a moment, to recognize it. From there everything changes.

Comes the Question… “How do we do that?”

To recognize this part of Self, we have to first understand the variables on what would not allow us to recognize it:

  • Emotions/ Feelings :

Many of us allow our feelings to dictate our lives because let’s face it, if you feel something, it’s easy to define it as real. There can be times where we experience feelings and create an identity surrounding them such as “I am depressed” and not realizing that you’re feeling depression. Being identified with your feeling then leads to having a mind or thoughts of that experience so you become in essence the full-body, mind, and spirit of that feeling. The spirit of what you are is “Depressed” as you chose in this instance, so you will use your mind to further prove that and have thoughts to maintain that environment, and finally, your physical body will show the signs such as being lethargic or a person that has “a dark cloud over their shoulder”.

  • Thoughts/ Mental Identity :

It is often seen in practices that thought or mind is made as an enemy but if you understand what the mind is for it’s no different than to try to make any other tool such as a hammer an evil entity. The problem is not so much thinking or being identified with the mind but your attachment that it is the highest reality of what you are. The mind is there to create your environment, there are more than enough books and methods that have talked about this along with an infinite number of stories of what has happened to people that focus their mind and feeling towards a goal but the basic premise is that what you think about often and becomes subconscious, reflects on your environment or world. Our attachment to the mental counterpart of our structure is what creates the often mentioned “Ego” or the mind-made self, a character in your mind of who you are, constructed by thoughts and concepts given to you throughout your life. The time where this is most prominent is 0-9 years old where your brain is basically a sponge of information due to functioning in Theta for a good portion of the time. In this time you’re experiencing your environment and the people around you to create “rules to survive” or beliefs to allow you to continue to exist in your environment. Essentially, your identity is based on beliefs that your environment has given you and you were in the position to accept them as true.

Our attachment to believing that our feelings and our thoughts/beliefs are real along with our resistance to challenge them and let them go creates a vicious cycle of being identified with everything that you actually are not and this is understandable because if all of a sudden someone takes away all the mechanics of how you have led your life thus far, how would you function right?

Okay, Variables Set, Now Let’s Begin Talking About Methods

So now knowing the variables let’s talk about methods that in my experience have worked.

The first step towards progressing to the point of realizing the truth of who you are is understanding that you have the option to let go of feelings and even begin to choose your feelings after a while.

There are many options but a combination of them is what will end up being most suitable to begin to work on anything you wish. Thinking of my preferred combination it would be this:

  • Releasing techniques: The technique should teach you not only to “feel your feelings” instead of being aware they are there but it should also give a sense that you can let go of anything that you can think and therefore feel. The best methods will always nudge you to train yourself to let go of things right at the moment of them happening.

  • Self Inquiry and Awareness: This sounds simple but you should develop the habit to ask yourself what you’re feeling at the moment until you can always feel what is going on inside you. This of course is best done when you have a certain level of confidence in letting go of your situations so that you’re not suddenly constantly aware of feeling something less than favorable. Self-Inquiry part is not so much to ask about the feelings but to ask yourself questions that would further your awareness of what else is inside you. Questions such as:

“What keeps me from being happy?”
“What am I resisting about (xxx)?”
“What else am I scared of?”

After a while, you will begin to ask yourself questions that you would have refused to even entertain in the past and definitely would never want to be faced with someone asking you these things. In essence, creating a habit of self-diagnosing so that you can find more feelings to take care of.

  • Sapien Medicine Fields: I can account for feeling satisfied with my current state due to the help of these tools. If you get good at “feeling your feeling” after a while you will also develop an awareness that these fields can give you a feeling as they are active as well. The main thing I decided to do in the beginning and still do to this day is that when I feel the fields, any resistance, I completely release and as a result yield a grander experience with the fields. So if suddenly you’re playing a field like “Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation”

(my favorite field, fun fact, and often looped for hours while I work)

You can feel the field and try your release technique on the feeling it gives you, you’ll find a nice surprise with a bit of time. Using a field like Crucible of Past Traumas and letting go of any resistance towards the field will then allow the field to do its purpose in a much more noticeable way. Before this gets misunderstood, I am not saying it is necessary for the fields to work, only that in my experience I have gotten a tremendous amount of progress and results by doing so. The most profound experiences I have had would be with Blueprint for Life, it’s the gift that keeps on giving even to this day. I have spent many hours releasing while that field is looping.

The result after combining these three modalities ends up being a sense of confidence that you can take care of any situation in your life. You should have the understanding that any feeling that comes your way, you are one quick session or cycle away from taking care of it and going back to a better feeling state and often even better than before. The main reason for doing this is that in releasing heavy feelings you’ll naturally rise in vibration and if you’re in the market for a faster paced environment, the Vibration Series was something that completely shifted me in a few days while releasing with the fields looping.

Let’s Mind the Mind Now.

The advantage of releasing feelings is that you’ll have less thoughts. One feeling that is released can take care of many thoughts and while this is great, some effort to further hone your mind will give you a lot more results. There’s only two methods that I find give the most benefit:

  • Thought Control : There’s many ways you can practice this and applying multiple practice environments will help. There’s two things to consider with this topic, focusing your mind to have no thoughts and focusing your mind to hold one thought. Whether you wish to do this by gazing at a candle flame for 10-30 minutes or practicing thoughtless meditation to constantly bring your mind back to silence, the point is training your focus to hold the state of a silent mind for a prolonged time. The inverse of this is to hold one thought for a prolonged time and ideally something you wish in your life. A more advanced version is to hold your focus on a blank wall and imagine there’s a colored dot on the wall and continuously ignore your mind when it wants to convince you otherwise.

  • Collapsing Polarities of Concepts: No topic is one topic. Every concept we hold in mind tends to come with a duality of the attachment and resistance of the topic. For example, wanting to be rich and scared of being poor. The result of collapsing the duality is that you’ll be left with peace and so the compulsion of entertaining one side or the other is gone, now you have a choice to entertain exactly what you wish. The component of any technique that allows you to collapse the duality is as follows:

Ability to feel the topic, bring out your current comment/thought of it, and let go of the feeling and therefore the thought as well.

Although depending on the technique, you’ll either be releasing just one layer of that topic or the full structure but the result is the same in the four techniques I have tried, you end up with mental silence and the feeling is gone. So again the component is awareness of what feeling the topic creates, bringing up the current thought, and letting go of the current feeling.

For those more sensitive, one technique that I enjoy is bouncing the feeling of both polarities back and forth, feeling each extreme, until the feeling completely unites and disappears.

The most crucial question to ask in the beginning regardless of the method chosen is letting go of the dichotomy of who you are. The questions of who am I and who am I not both hold a feeling and if you eliminate all comments and feelings about it at the end of the silence you’ll find out.

Quick Recap

Learning to let go of feelings gives you the freedom to feel anything and let it go with the immediate result of feeling better and over time rising in vibration which symptoms of this is entertaining better feeling thoughts along with better conditions on your life.

Using tools to expedite this process is the gift we have being alive in this current space and time. Use them, appreciate them, and enjoy them. But remember they are tools. Your effort is still a crucial component.

Focusing your mind in both cycles of no thoughts and holding one thought allows you the freedom to begin to think of what you wish along with the ability to be aware of yourself and to ask the “hard questions” will lead to a deeper understanding of what you’re currently being.

Collapsing duality of concepts/topics leads to a deep inner silence that will give you the opportunity of knowing the truth of any given topic without the compulsion of being attached to one side or the other.

Now For The Most Important Part…

No matter what state of consciousness I’ve been privileged to recognize, I have noticed that a state of consciousness is simply potential. Let’s put It this way, there are times we read a book that was instrumental in our growth, and then we put it away, and go about our life with new growth that we are expressing. Months or years later we pick up the book again and learn even more almost as if the book changed. The book didn’t change, you grew, and therefore you have a new perspective/vibration/structure of mind now you can integrate even more things from the book.

Level of consciousness works in a similar fashion. The higher in vibration you are the more you shed things you never really needed and the more space you have to recognize things that are grander for your unique experience along with the mental space to recognize it. Therefore being a new potential of expression.

The greatest experience of this is your capacity to love.

Love in its highest expression is pure acceptance of all, the higher your level of consciousness the greater your capacity to accept. So whether you’re identified with your ego, Self, and all the aspects of that that follow the density and effect of Love increases.

This I prove to the Freedom course group by showing them that if they love from their current accustomed state, the “I”, and the Light as “I”, each state provides a much grander experience.

If one just focuses on raising the state of consciousness, many of us have experienced that you become emptier and even lose any desire for physical life. The only thing that has reversed that condition is an enormous amount of Self - (in whatever aspect you’re experiencing) Love. The only thing that allows evading that from happening is to combine our practice of being identified with Self and cultivating more love.

From there, you can now use your new clear mind that is used by the Self and the amount of Love which gives thoughts vitality to create your environment in a much more peaceful, happy, and well… loving manner.

That said…

A gift from me to you. I want to share a field I give the Freedom Course that is a source of Love and serves to teach you to love. I recommend you try to release emotions with this as an easy release technique and I recommend you listen to any field and hold love to the feeling, therefore, accepting and inviting the field even more.

The Love

A field to teach your mind how to create love and giving you a command that after a while you can just say “Love” and create it on demand.

“Install Love” with the field open begins a training cycle. Takes a few minutes and you’ll know it’s done because you’ll feel cultivation of it begin.

Without the field, test saying “Love” and see if you can bring up the feeling on command. If you can’t do it in the beginning there are only two things to consider, putting more focus on feeling inside your body to recognize it and running a few more installs.

The field itself emanates love and you can double up on it by saying love and letting the field help you.

Easy Release Technique:

  • Bring up something you wish to work on and find the feeling.
  • Hold your focus on that feeling and then say “Love” preferably with the field on you.
  • Keep holding love to that feeling you’re working on until you feel it lift and leave.
  • Check and benchmark if it’s gone if it needs another cycle.

Try this field with any of the Sapien fields as well. It’s a fun experiment.

Be well



Great article! I am super happy this field is shared, the world could use more love hahahah
It’s a wonderful field :heart:

It reminded me that I haven’t done the self-love exercise that was given to us and with Angel’s permission I’m putting it here for those who want to try. I have just done it quickly to get a glimpse and I felt such a wonderful wave of love, I was moved to tears. Looking forward to doing it again tonight when I have a bit more time. I think I’m going to start my day with this for a while :smiley:


Close your eyes, say your name,
Feel the presence of your mental self/ego/name, hold that and then say Love.
Let that grow and take you

It’s like giving yourself a god like hug, like seeing yourself in a child like manner and telling that aspect of you that it’s okay to rest and take a nap


If anyone has been using this course and putting anything love related to the side I highly recommend you start incorporating it into your life. I believe it’s the only thing that can fill voids or emptiness in your life.


Indeed, to me the biggest game-changer of the course: being able to collapse almost anything with the “Love” or “I” function.

And simply generating/experiencing more love & joy during the day :blush:

Coming from a being (me) who was unable to feel Love, except through romantic relationships, for way too long.

Have a try guys, and make sure to install it as many times as you’d like in case of resistances :grinning:


Since it was a lot fun to create this, I’ll make a goal accomplishment article in a few days or so. Have something pending for the freedom course people.

In the meantime, love away :slight_smile:

Love will be a bit part for the goal topic so I recommend some practice