A Twitch in Time

Bone strengthener audio is basically like a LRP5 audio?

Yeah man
I have these

But here is a quick

Ask Captain if he intends on opening the
“Sapien School for Mutants”. haha

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Nice bro so

MSTN> Muscles Beyond Limits
ACTN3> A Twitch in Time
EpOR> Superhuman mutant
Pepck> Superhuman mutant
LRP5> Bone Strengthener


I have noticed one thing with this audio. This audio seems to work great for me when I am asleep. Not sure why. Last 2 times I went to the gym, I tried to do chest press 5 reps for 3 sets at 195 lbs. Both times I only succeeded at the first set. But today? I succeeded at all 3 sets. Not to mention a twitch in time definitely gave me gains along with extreme muscle growth audio. It felt super effortless to.

This is just with twitch in time and extreme muscle growth. Now imagine what would have happened if this was with MBL or Saint Biceps.


I was thinking exactly of combining this with muscles beyond limits but wondering if it would be too much (muscles beyond limits makes me a little tired). How did the two (twitch in time and muscles beyond limits) together work for you?

You can DM me man.

Thanks man, it would really mean a lot to speak with you about this. I just tried to DM you but when I click on your profile it tells me it’s hidden and that option does not show. Would you be so kind to shoot me the first DM just to get the conversation going?

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but as far as I can find the R577X mutation causes the ACTN3 protein to not be produced.

Can someone help me clear this up? :slightly_smiling_face:

Immediate speed improvement after 3 plays.

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When I used this 3 times every 2 weeks I have faster
Recovery rates and move rapidly and lift more then I
Usually do, makes movement more Explosive and easier
At least in my experience of using this, stamina is increased as well, endurance and speed, could easily use this for track.


Aye :mechanical_arm: let us know if Ya end up doing so.


Well…been using this field for a while. I weigh at 143 lbs and I’m 5’7. I was progressing on chest press very fast. Now my progression has stalled at 180 lbs. I failed on my 3rd set today. I do 5x5.

Given my natural genetics, this field definitely helped me reached this far before stalling. (Indian genetics are bad for the gym but good for survival)


Hello can this field cause hair loss if it using to much? Like saint bicep? At the moment i buy hardcore, leg shredder arm shredder, automated cycling and chest and back

Actn3 gene has absolutely nothing to do with hairloss

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Thanks body!

RIP Twitch In Time, June 17, 2024.

You are an amazing field!

This was an incredible physical upgrade.

For now, the only way to get the ACTN3 gene upgrade via RNA is either through certain private NFTs or the public Strength and Endurance Max NFT. Though none of them were as highly targeted as this field.


We now know more about its real impact and function https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5741991/

One can build a draft for exercise performance and endurance based on latest research and submit it to Requests thread, so that it encompasses more than just some elusive SNP.

Something along the lines of Cardarine 2.0 field with higher efficiency would be much more impactful for endurance sports enthusiasts.

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What happened?

I am so happy I brought this 2 years ago still use it every few days, 3 listening, along with superhuman mutant RNA, work out, be active, always stretch you will get explosive power. Rip to those that didn’t get this oof.


https://thesapienshop.com/products/strength-and-endurance-max this field is still available and has parts of both Twitch in Time and SuperHuman Mutant RNA.

Look at the design Strength and Endurance Max (Public)

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