A Voidly Cocoon

This is a long post, I know. It’s all about findings and posting results. This is for people who find the description interesting and consider buying it. Excited to share all these with you

It’s been 6 days. Six awesome days. I love keeping a journal on every field, practice, tool I find interesting and here I share some notes from this journal.

Before reading, I want to note two things. 1. This field does what the description says, and 2. It was a breakthrough for me because what it does seems to be my catalyst, what I need(ed).

PSA :grimacing:

What do you do before listening to the plasma flaunt?
What do you do before listening to the Reiki Smart Field, Max Heal, Hakuin’s Healing Egg, any stem cells audio, any healing audio, any regeneration audio and emotional or trauma healing audio?
What do you do before listening to PoNR or any self-love, self-respect, self-whatever audio?
What do you do before going out the house? going out with friends? going on a meeting, interview even a date?

You listen to A Voidly Cocoon.

I am not trying to hype you guys, but seriously. Used this for a day and the next day fields are different, way different. PoNR… huge difference. Felt great.

It seems negativity has been keeping me down, and this field “unblocked me.” This does not mean it will do all these wonderful things for you, and at the same time, it doesn’t mean it won’t. I just now see how some people are saying they don’t have results from some gems audios. You have to figure out what is blocking you.

I have been troubled a lot from various things going on in my life the past few years, and this state made me reach a level I was not aware of the negativity I absorbed, the patterns, the triggers, and the self-induced daily negativity.

At the same time, I now have more awareness of how easily negativity can take over. External negativity coming from people and the environment. We don’t understand it, but we super quickly absorb and change mood which spirals us down. The last few days I became aware of this insight because of this field. I now make sure I listen for 30-40 minutes to this audio at least 2-3 times a day. And I noticed that as days go by I become more aware of how to protect myself from negativity on a subconscious level.

The other thing I want to mention is that this field reminds me of the New Perspectives fields of Captain.

Maybe this is what is causing this.

I feel the effects are coming from inside, not from the field. I am happier, I laugh more, joke more, I am more grateful and positive. People around me definitely noticed and are actually telling me I am happier.

I got a lot of gifts :shushing_face::grin: the last few days. On two different occasions, people bought me clothes, made a dessert for me, gifted me some entertainment coupons, and in fact, now I remember the last two days I have eaten for free at actual restaurants. And I understand for some these might be normal everyday situations. For me, they are not. I have been attracting great situations in general; life is in a flow.

I am very curious about combining this field with the New Perspectives field. Hopefully, I will do so and report back.

Another thing I want to report is that this field is creating space for healing. For individuals like me, at some point, emotional healing becomes overwhelming. Because we are already overwhelmed by emotions and triggers 24/7. And whenever you attempt to go in and heal something, it knocks you down.

What I attempted is to do a healing session, and during the aftermath, I put this field to work. It calmed me down significantly. I am planning to use this with some fields and energy healing audios which were tough to handle in the past and see how this goes. I will report back for the sake of science!

The other thing is that my body is intuitively requesting that I work more on the physical healing audios I own, like plasma flaunt, smart stem cells, max heal. For example, on day three, I woke up with the urge to loop smart stem cells for at least an hour.

That day I also woke up with a white tongue, which is not usual at all. I only have a white tongue if I am detoxing, using a lot of healing with fields, had alcohol, or I am sick. None of these were true, and my assumption is that detox mechanisms have been enabled because of the body’s ability to heal faster and more efficiently.

Another praiseworthy point I want to share is not only the integration of the fields which I noticed is on another level but my ability to listen to more fields and for way greater time without getting overwhelmed.

I am one of the people here who made a lot of posts about getting overwhelmed and over time, following great suggestions I increased my tolerance little by little.

Well with this field my tolerance sky-rocketed in 2-3 days.

And to be more specific, I normally do:

  • 20 minutes of the Smart Reiki field, did 1 hour.
  • 20 minutes of Smart Stem Cells, did 2 hours.
  • Three times of shielding 3.0, did 5 times.
  • 10 minutes of cosmic intercession, did 30 minutes.
  • 1 and a half hours of this field
  • 5 times of chiropractic
  • 2 times of omega love, did 10 times
  • 30 minutes of urinary incontinence, did 60 minutes
  • 1 time PoNR, did 2 times
  • 1 time of Reality blocker

And all these in the same day. This is about 7.5 hours of listening to fields. The only time I had such a long field-listening time before was when I was working with “What fat?” and it is an easily loop-able field. Even then I didn’t get the overwhelming sensation but detox symptoms.

Before I definitely couldn’t do that. And when I say before, I mean six days ago… before listening to this field.

Lastly, the thing is… I talk about the field’s characteristic of working with negativity mostly. Or at least that’s what I understand. I am sure it does a lot more in terms of protection, which I am not aware of. I am already using many other shields, and most probably, I am not under any kind of attack to notice the shielding and protection effects.


Yeah, it’s the bomb if used with other ATOG healing fields especially at night


In a protected and separate state. Can then compare/contrast from the environments, states that one is usually in. Awareness and choice to create change. Plus the internal positivity.


Similarly to another creator, Starlord led me to looking at a touch of the gods.

A few days ago had the thought that most haven’t caught on with how good ATOG’s work really is.
Very soft, gentle, and magical…
Norse pantheon/cosmology inspired and backing as well.

On a personal note, this has already, and will, save(d) me a lot time & work. Was honestly looking at potential caves to meditate and seclude my self in. More of an old skool practice. Wondering if I’ll be able to reach similar effects with a Voidly Cocoon.

I could easily see this becoming one of a touch of the god’s signature releases.

works extremely well with the healing
which is not at all surprising considering the description

been releasing deeper stored trauma, as well as resolving the cause & effects of recent generational karma. Having the space to do so, removal of negativity and presence of divine love, surrounded by elements, and enveloped with void.

Quite, quite remarkable.
Am very grateful.


Do you suggest any specific fields?

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If @aTouchOfTheGods agrees I can compile a post with personal recommendations so he publishes it and update it. Categorize fields into subjects I work on etc.


Sure! no problem at all

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That would be awesome!


Thank You for giving such a detailed review Morph. Highly appreciated.

Also @aTouchOfTheGods could you please explain that How the Voidly Cocoon field is different from your 7 Layers of protection field ?


This shield is more effective in clear the negativity inside the body. Is more intensive. And of course the void adds something unique to the composition. The seven layers covers more in terms of the seven bodies, but that reduces its power. I think I will make a new version of this shield later.


It would be great to have a comparison chart of sorts for shields and their effects. You also have one more on Gumroad, the 4 elements one, keep forgetting the name :slight_smile: that concept is quite intriguing btw.

As to 7 layers, if that one could be embedded and also repair and permanently strengthen each body ad infinitum to the point of unbreakability, that would be a breakthrough. There were really good attempts at this but this concept is worth a shot imo. As if each body has its own nano-shield servitor that repairs and strengthens the relevant layer.


Uh, I can do one “soon”


Uploaded on patreon, for anyone who uses paypal.



It has been my favorite field this past week.

The field now needs way less time to get me back to my new baseline of way lower negativity. The very first days I was listening for 2-2.5 hours. Then it dropped to 1-1.5 hours. Now I do two 20 minutes sessions and I am done.

Sharing an experience. I will be a bit vague in my writing the following observation because I don’t want to share specific details.

I was in an environment in which somebody is causing a lot of trouble to everyone and I had to work with that person for a task.

I was thinking of what I should do about it, and for this reason beforehand I did some extra shielding and used the reality blocker field as well.

An hour passed and all was well. I was not really influenced by him and he was nice to me but he was not nice to the others. I was feeling the tension there getting heavier and heavier and I understood it was starting to influence me as well through a different way.
I had another 2-3 hours there and I thought I don’t want to spiral down. I put the “A Voidly Cocoon” field to work. 15 minutes in he calmed down. I don’t know if it worked for him or my cocoon was sucking all negative energy. Left it to play for about 40 minutes and all was great.

Now the great thing which happened was not just that. It was the transformation this guy went through. He was laughing, making jokes and when we finished with the task he confessed to me in private that this is the very first time he did this task and had fun.

Not sure what happened but it was a great experience.


That happened :sunglasses:

The cocoon is always vacuuming the negativity, external and internal, so was a bussy day for the shield lol