Abolish self victimization and self pity

Hello all. I would like to be of assistance to a dear friend of mine who has had an extremely difficult life. I would rather not get in to details if that is alright as it is not my story to tell of course. She herself knows she is stuck in a victim and self pity mode and it is holding her back all these years. With the help of Sapien Medicine fields, I would like to help her to gain her power and inner strength back once again. It is what she deserves.

Has there been a stack made already with fields which would be of help in this situation? Or a paid field which would tackle it head on?
Any links pointing me in the right direction would be marvelous.
Thank you.


I have read wonderful comments about your self love stack but I’m afraid it would be too much for her, as she hasn’t used any morphic fields as of yet.
I was hoping to start slowly with 4 to 5 fields and see how she fares with them first.

I’m sure it’s not as straight forward as this, but if you had to choose 5 max from the self love stack, to help remove being trapped in “victim” mode, would you kindly narrow it down if you can?
Thank you for your post.

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Then she shall start with the various trauma healing fields.

Self sabotage behavior and victim mindset = trauma.

And she shall add Angelic Intercession to the mix.


Yes trauma release and healing was top priority. I believe the full Alchemical Revision series would be great to start off with, including the alchemical revision of trauma field also of course.

It would be wonderful if she would ask the angels of angelic intercession for help, I have my doubts unfortunately but I will add it to the stack.
Thank you Jaaj.
Grief, loss and lonliness may also be beneficial.


I would definitely use the abundance mindset from the mindsettings album. Plus the outlook retrainer. These two daily. Plus raise your vibrational state.

While this is happening, tackle the underlying issues. And when they surface, let them go. The old stuff needs to go before new things can grow


Some times heavy transits cause the gloom over the mind and if it has been like this for years to decades then a bad placement in the chart is responsible. Try this simple stack and see for few days:

  1. Ego dissolution
  2. Subconscious Limits Remover
  3. Astrologically Inclined NFT

When the ego restructures with new brain chemistry its hold over the identity as a victim and self pity will start to wither away, so ego dissolution is the key. After this she can move onto trauma healing fields.


@Nice2knowU and @Kalacakra thank you both for great suggestions.
My aim is to keep a stack as short as possible for her so that she would definitely listen to it. I’m afraid if I add the abundance mindset, it would be too long and she will lose interest. It is quite a tough one to manage as I would love to make separate stacks for her throughout the day to combat all issues.

I have a fear of adding ego dissolution, in fear of her ego fighting back and causing her to feel unwell which would in turn make her stop completely.

How would this fare to begin with.
Subconscious limits dissolver
Revision of inner self love
Revision of trauma
Trauma release and healing
Inner self critic to supporter
Internal alchemical crucible
Outlook retrainer

I feel this may also be too long but we can gauge it as the time goes by. If she will be open to adding a few more it would be wonderful.

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The stack looks good, try and see.

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