About LOVE - Dating & Relationships ❤️

Ohhh shoot i dont know if i can add it i guess so let me see. Thank you!!

I love those too but my anxious butt wouldnt enjoy the time in them wondering whos being nosy from afar :joy::joy::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


It probably was meant as such. Breathtaking pictures :heart_eyes:


Better add another poll, otherwise it will restart the voting.

I mean, you can just add one poll with city view option.


Truly being in one would be a bit weird in the begining for sure but with that view I would probably be nosy myself or totaly relax and forget about the world :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yah i had to do that cause it does not allow changes after 5 minutes


Hahaha :partying_face:


I would like to order this one please.

“City View”, “No Candles”, just like in this picture from the Aman Toyko Hotel:

Please kindly ship to Germany, together with the necessary skycraper that is attached to the bathtub.

We will pay in Swiss government bonds.

Thank you.


:smiley: Jaaj!!

With all that love you talk about all the time and having been one of the minds behind the Blueprint of Love…

This is where you want to take your special someone?

Alright… shipping it now lol


I dont accept returns if your lady complains and leaves you after taking her there haha


Most of the time, her eyes will be closed from all the sensations and touch-related synesthesia anyways… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s fine. She is coming for me, not for what I can provide.

We are passionate lovers here, not providers.
For the thrills and sparks.
For the fire and moans.
For the warmth and ecstasy.

Thank you. I will tell Alfred to acquire a piece of land of the necessary size.

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Crystal bathtub ocean viewwww




Dont try with Latinas then :joy:
We are very visual, corny, romantic with ALL senses and the sight - beauty - harmony in spaces is important for Us.

Also it shows effort.

And i agree with all the things you said but believe me when i say all women love art manifested in everything specially in love terms.


Is there!!


I would love to!

I have heard and seen only good and exciting things about Latinas and I will happily adjust my approach to experience new things :blush::fire:

I feel like that Latina women are the total opposites of the mostly reserved and overly rational women that we have here in Germany.

German women will think about 45 different things before they will allow themselves to express an emotion. The energy is not flowing here. The meridians are stuck.

However, Latinas seems to have a free flow of energy through them, making them very expressive, which is what life is all about, expression!

Have you seen this movie?
I remember when I watched it, instantly crushed on Salma Hayek, and that was not just for her looks alone, but her heart of fire :heart: :fire:

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Love these choices!!
What tugs me in the heart are those zen type :heartpulse:

Throwing in a Taurean feel, Venusian influence of loving relaxing serene, idyllic setting, surrounded by soft sounds, soothing aromas plus health benefits of an onsen! (Here’s one from a ryokan in Kyoto)
:hotsprings: :cherry_blossom:

Get all the love filled within and exude it out!



I have German female friends and yes is pulling teeth all the time in whatever topic.

But you know i think every part of the world, race etc has its goods and bads it really depends what each wants.

For some men, Latinas are all you said and its exciting for other men we are too much, too expressive, too this too that

For a lot of men the quite calm woman is the preferred one :woman_shrugging:t2:

Latinas intense passion and expressiveness shows as well when arguing, with drama and a lot of rebelliousness (not all no… just different intensities)

In any combination outside our lineage, race etc we gotta take the sweet with the sour and find the balance, i def much more prefer outside Latinos as partners, it is like discovering new things every day, sharing things, its exciting.

Just that there are certain things that have to match but its possible!

The whole world is so big and full of so much variety, colorful interactions etc.

If we meet with respect for the differences and open mind a middle point will always suceeed

And yes i watched that movie!! Love it

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All offered over around your area is amazing!!!

I cant wait to go there one day!

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Really profound. Beautiful @anon73693188 :purple_heart:

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I think this has to do with a concept called “taming”.

A women will often “test” if a man is “a real man” and she will try to tame him.
She will test his “male congruency”.

If he gives in to her taming and allows for his “male frame” to be broken, she may lose the interest and the respect for him.

Versus a real man, who will tame his women and she…

…will love it.

She wants to be tamed and led and will respect and love the man who can do this with her and for her.

It is a man she can look up to and feel emotionally safe with.

A man with whom she can freely express ALL of her emotions and the man will stand there like a rock to rely on.

And because she will be able to freely and without any fear of judgment (!) express all her emotions, she will also be able to open herself up to this man for the most kinky and crazy sexual experiences, fantasies and experiments. She will be able to fully express everything with this man because she can feel safe in the knowing that this man can at any time tame all her emotions and “bring her back down to earth” and ground her back into reality.

Versus a man with whom she does not feel like that she can “let herself go completely and freely”. Such a man will only receive vanilla sex or a Christmas handjob.

Therefore, I think that those men who prefer “calm women” are often afraid of the female energy and the female emotional world in the first place and subconsciously know that they cannot tame them.
There may be men to whom this does not apply, but let’s be honest here, most men (at least here in Germany) have become super soy these days. These men are already tamed by all their traumas and brainwashing. How is a women supposed to find emotional stability with such a man?

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I got goosebumps when i found it.

I really hope this little corner turns into a place to be inspired and get the courage to express in any possible way.

This world needs so much love!

We gotta make it happen, i am very very excited for all of you that are going to the retreat, i think all these new fields are a preparation for that encounter, itll be beautiful, and who knows may love Blossom there, if not certainly deep friendships and thats how this circle will begin to expand in deep connections!

It is not fair that the people most commited in spirituality and evolution, with so much knowledge and better willingness to grow a healthy relationship with love and respect are the MOST SINGLE LONELY ONES :joy::joy::sob: it sucksss

I mean of course and thank God there are exceptions but the media? Leans more towards being single, tired of trying, scared of what is out there etc etc

Certainly with all this conscious evolution comes Detachment and surrender to what is, but nooo i refuse :joy: i refuse to see romantic love trapped inside the most beautiful people there is!! It cannot be that.

We must keep pushing, we cant dim our light, and the base of that light is love, it always is.


As me, being a Sun in Pisces, I know exactly what you mean :slightly_smiling_face:

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