About LOVE - Dating & Relationships ❤️

@Freedom always dropping bombs.

3 words baaam! :bomb:



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Love your posts btw, you a real G :heart:

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I love your comments too! and it makes me very happy that you are not deleting anymore!


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Now I’m understanding I’m grateful to you🙏🏽

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Love is not for entertainment. You get Netflix for that.

And you don’t stay where you don’t want to stay or where they don’t want you to stay just for the sake of it.

Same, babe, saaaaaaaaame. Always corny but not foolish enough to believe someone who blurts out words without really feeling them.

And I guess when one has already suffered too much from the use of empty words, one can no longer rely too much on how other people use them. But hey, I still hold onto hope that there are still people like me, who treasure both words and actions… Overly so :see_no_evil:


lol you tell him girl!!

AMEN :raised_hands:

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Dont you miss breaking up like this:



Now we had to mature as well :roll_eyes:

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Even though we have matured, don’t worry…
Ya te espero yo en los columpios.


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Ah, then i am left with the one and only option. The one that always takes care of me. Getting away from all the love stuff and living life in peace on my own terms without a single relationship :sunglasses:.

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special edition for your heart! and all those deep, sensitive, loving souls out there. never lose hope!!

i promise you there are others like you or that would appreciate you, pinky Luna Cupid says so. :innocent:



La inmensidad del amor. True love.

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love them!

but not gonna lie…

"I was like “Fall for those who want to see you ESIR”

wth? took me a minute haha


Hello dear enlightened states. I recently came out of a very big karmic relationship. I am still working on the negative effects. I have had a very big awareness about love. I am trying to solve the issues I need to solve about myself. I would be happy if you could send me some healing. I love you all very much. I am grateful.


Here is more love and healing for you!
Healing KY Nuwa

