About submitting your guild ideas

Hi everyone,

There’s been many requests to start guilds in the last few days, especially since the announcement of the new Esoteric sub-guild headed by @Allurre . However, there will only be so many guilds, in fact the Sapien team is satisfied with the current number of guilds and apart from the possible creation of one extra guild that is already defined, there are no real plans to expand the Guild system to more guilds.

I understand how appealing it can be to run a guild and submit requests, however this is and will remain a limited, privileged and exclusive experience for the benefits of the wider community. Also bear in mind that so far all Guilds are headed by either a moderator or an administrator level user which allows for a more comprehensive level of control and supervision.

There are no real chances for you to start a new guild under most circumstances, but it might be considered only if you can draw a consequent crowd of new members to the forum. A form of partnership between you and your followers with Sapien Medicine. It wouldn’t be a blind gift of a guild, but an earned partnership.

If you can meet this requirement, then please contact the moderating team in a private message addressed to all moderators at once.

PS: As you can guess the writing of this article as been motivated by the overwhelming and disorienting number of pleas and requests related to guilds, sadly based on false hopes.


Though I believe that if someone comes with a very good design for a field, no matter If it’s from a guild or not, the Field Request thread could really help to get it made


Absolutely :smiley:




Lol im such a troll. :nerd_face:
I’ll be happy to submit my own projects .
Thank you :blue_heart: