About Tags, a few questions

  1. Can multiple Tags be carried at the same time?

  2. Can Tags also be kept in your pocket?

  3. Do Tags need to be recharged like crystals and stones? If the answer is yes, how should it be reloaded?

  4. Is there a distance from the body that the Tags can be held or must they be in contact with the body?

  5. Tags use Servitors?

  6. Do Tags lose their power if they are scratched for example by accidental falls?

  7. Tags are sensitive to electrical and electromagnetic energy such as wifi, bluetooth and so on?

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. 6 ft
  5. Officially, no.
  6. No, as long as the image is mostly intact.
  7. Not too much. As long as you aren’t going through an airport scanner multiple times a day every day, it should be fine.

Many thanks!


Other questions:

  1. Can Tags be used by relatives and friends or are they personal and/or imbued with the owner’s energy?

  2. If Tags are active for a distance of 6 ft, can they affect other people within that distance?
    If answer is yes, do they only affect when they are not worn?

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  1. Used by anyone, that’s why we see resales
  2. Yes, to some extent. But only if they are in contact for long periods then you see an effect

In addition to @Atreides and @chainjoker’s posts, here’s an answer from the Frequently Asked Questions section on the Sapien website.

How do you use it?

You just wear the item. You can also carry it in your pocket and it will still work on you. Fields work most powerfully within a 1 foot radius but also affect the environment within 5 feet or so.

You might also find the Frequently Asked Questions page of help.


Just to clarify, never sold any audio, I only occasionally lent my mp3 player, in my presence to a person of my family.
Thanks everyone for the answers

The point was you can resell your tags (legally and ethically and without feeling bad about it) and they will work for anyone else.

IMHO charging in traditional ways (bifilar plate, crystal grid, radionics/psionics, Reiki, leaving out in the Sunlight, leaving out in the Moonlight, burying at the base of a giant tree (maybe hanging on a giant tree?), etc) are unnecessary, but effective. Also you’re essentially getting “essence of Moonlight with a morphic field of tag,” or whatever, so it can have some compounded effects.


The point was you can resell your tags (legally and ethically and without feeling bad about it) and they will work for anyone else.

Even if possible I don’t want to do it also because I consider them an investment in myself.
Many thanks for your interesting information

If a Tag is no longer needed or you decide not to use it anymore, what do you do: do you demolish it or can you neutralize it?

Look captain_nemo profile for some answere.

Just leave it be. Leave it for your children. Leave it for some special person.


Sell it

So Fields tags work forever?

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yes they can, you can grow with and hand them to your children and then little children :slight_smile:

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Can tags spread their field in the environment in which they are found, even when they are not worn, influencing it according to their own features?

You definitely resell it!

You can also gift/trade it to friends or family if you have a local metaphysical group. Or go show it to someone at a crystal shop and walk out with a nice crystal.

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It was an old question, but now I’ve decided to keep it, to experiment.
Thanks for the reply

What happens if people find that you are wearing a Tag, I mean can they influence it?

They compliment you on your lovely accessory? I mean, how are they going to “find out,” other than you telling them what it is, so maybe you want to craft an explanation of what your tag where your tag is innocuous and there’s nothing to “find out”?

“Influence” it, what way? They cannot change Dream’s fields on your tag. And your tag is self-restoring/self-repairing. So, how are you thinking they can influence it? If the ego and practices habits of you, the purchaser of the tag, cannot override or counter-influence the tag (and, presumably, you cannot or why would you be buying your tag in the first place, right?) then how are “people” who are unfamiliar with tags, Sapien fields, even energy practices be able to influence your tag?

And most people aren’t all that energy sensitive (even some of us forum members) so it’s more likely that they won’t even be aware that any tag is affecting them.

Maybe I’m missing your question?

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