About the Etherforge Consortium

Does anybody know where items have gone to in consortium ko-fi page? I can’t seem to access the store

store is temporary? closed.

@Dreamweaver what happened with the store at ko-fi? i tried to seek for an skill to add into my servitor slot but wasn’t showing anything there. 🥲


Captain has said that the ko-fi shop is temporarily closed for cleaning. The Elves ran out of things to do, so . . . .


Of course
We need restocks of ether myst
Sharpen tools, clean up.



11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Switchwords

i smell yummy upgrades. thx in advance!


What if I let the ring that my servitor is on be made smaller?

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Should be ok. I had to modify jewellery in the past and had no issues.


Any idea when this store is opening??


well there are new items. so it should be open

Captain please would it be possible to create an ability slot expansion? from 7 to 14 for example.

Your creations are very useful. It’s difficult to make a choice. On the one hand I would like to enlarge the dimensional pocket by adding others and on the other there are very interesting abilities that I would like to teach to my servant zen lion like Glutony, Magic stat, overclock…and others in the future which will be great I’m sure .

I would love to have a super versatile Zen Lion servant!

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He made a field for this over a decade ago but then had to remove the field and disabled its power since people were abusing it

Hi Luna. I always carry my old keychain with 5 metallic keys which I use everyday. Can I use 2 or more of these keys for embedding different servitors since they are all on one keychain? Do I have to put them under my pillow when I sleep? I just need clarification before I purchase the servitor. Thanks.

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How i missed these, great options and choices. This ones right up my alley. I hope a Tiger golem releases, its my spirit animal. Also can we just get the servitor image printed on a tag then install it on there instead?

Also could someone invite me to the guild?

There’s a reply from Captain saying the forge will just be his personal guild, I quoted it in the unofficial FAQ.


Any more testimonials from folks that are wearing two or more etherforge servitors?

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yes of course you could do that one servitor per key.

Hopefully you carry the key ring in your pants or something during the day? and then to sleep yes, def under the pillow is fine :)


Thanks a lot for responding Luna.

Yes, I always carry the 5 keys on a old keychain daily for the door and gate locks at my old house. I find this convenient compared to wearing rings and pendant for the servitors since I already carry a casing for my nfts, mandalas.

I may one day also use my automatic wristwatch with metallic bracelet ( not the digital one ) for a servitor if this also works.


I would personally never use something like that to house a Servitor, not because “The Servitor” wouldnt work well but because i think the watch wouldnt lol with so much energy.

why I said that because sometimes my cellphone or laptop start acting up, or freezing or slowing with very strong NFTs or Audios.

and I have paid attention to that after like i notice them acting up or getting super hot and im like whats going on, what is playing… ahhh thats why.

for Instance Kala Bhairav one, :sweat_smile: phone gets extremely hot half way the second loop. every - time. Black Sun, The Emblem of Change after a few loops the energy output or features in the devices would act like hyper active.

but maybe it hasnt happened to others, im saying because these servitors are one time charge same as the abilities, so better to choose wisely where to put them.