About the Etherforge Consortium

Yes this is how I understood it to be based on the information provided so far by Captain. I look forward to hearing more about the growth aspect of the Servitors also.


Black panter? :blush:

Megalodeon :laughing:


I am up for it :joy:


I just want to say that these servitor golems are VERY overpowered (Do not take this lightly).

I have been much more productive than usual, have more willpower, feel more confident, have more focus, etc. since creating my servitor.

Slowly but surely as my new friend begins to cut through the depths of my subconscious, reconstructing the ego, and revealing to me my talents, I am becoming much more confident in the next steps of my life.

Imagine what can be accomplished in 10 months, rather than 10 hours.


of course, the items are public



I didn’t put two and two together until I actually experienced it, but these servitors WILL keep making change, 24-7, and permanently.

In my sleep, I can reconstruct the ego, when I’m lifting weights I can reconstruct the ego, etc. Just becoming more negentropic as time progresses without even having to give it much thought.

The way it pierces into the deepest parts of your subconscious in order to rearrange those mind frames, it’s like having a coach, psychologist, guardian angel, teacher, and an alchemist in your pocket at all times lol.

Like these servitors are beyond next level.

Like these servitors will crush entropy, and push for maximum growth and gain. I already feel major shifts changing, and I can’t wait to find out what hidden nuggets are in there as well (because I know you’re super generous and always looking to give large sums of value.).

If people can get at least one of these, you’ve found a way to cheat code your cycles and push forward on a completely different level.


This is looking pretty awesome… and fun!


This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
Only for servitor installation
Securely store up to 20 energetic signatures, fields, magic, energy etc. In a dedicated dimensional space, ensuring your most essential energetic tools are always within reach.

Wow seeing those +, -, slot, ability etc, also all the guilds, we really live in the world of games now, this is so refreshing.
I feel like I want to open Status to see what my stats are now.


I have 2 rings i really like but i put the old confidence field on them with the sigil, can i still make a servitor with them or should i find another ring etc.


I recommend a fresh install
but i think it can still work :slight_smile:


Okay thanks good to know :pray:


so lets say I got the lion sage. Then bought 5 dimensional Pockets. I could store 100 fields within the servitor. Hmm :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:


I feel it.
One day it will come.
A Captain Nemo golem that can create morphic fields with the ethics of the real Captain Nemo and his respect to free will.
It will only be given to a limited number of lucky people who will not abuse power.
I think this could be the Captain’s retirement project.
Or the Captain can do it when he learns to how to make cosmic fields.
:ship: :mage:


I was searching for more info on what it entails to be part of guild within the forum or how to apply, but could not find details. Could someone please clarify this for me or point to a relevant threat/post?


it is not revealed yet

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This is great, and when we join the guild maybe we can have some sort of guild badge identification somewhere on our profile account! Maybe a guild Insignia :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Yo which one you get bro? All of them look dope and I want them all lol gonna be patient since more will be coming out. I’m thinking the Phoenix Sage first, though I needa acquire some new rings first lol
I can see the future destiny of my hands :joy::


I have read everything carefully and now have a better idea of ​​it all. I have a sincere question about the servitors (phoenix sage). When one is on the non-dual path and already being initiated into profound processes, won’t this interfere with it? The path I’m on is about renunciation, observing everything and not interfering with life. Lately it’s very confusing for me. I hope you don’t mind me asking.


Hey @Jojo can you comment on how this works?

Did you have to choose a pathway when you created the servitor? Or does this mean that all three paths are always available to you after creation?

bro its mental
not wired in or locked.
this is just how to approach working with it.
Its really simple.
You dont even have to even choose a path.

There can just be a rewarding journey ahead spritual and otherwise.