About the Etherforge Consortium

Hi All, I would like to gift Phoenix Sage with Health Stat to a family member who has Parkinson’s. I have a couple of questions if anyone knows the answers:

  1. The person is open to fields and uses Sapien med fields already. However, not sure how they would react to a servitor. Can I create the servitor and gift the item to them for wearing? Would it work? Will it be ok if no one really communicates with the servitor because they will not know of its existence?

  2. Will the Phoenix Sage’s healing and Health Stat work for healing Parkinson’s?

  3. If they decide to stop wearing it, can I take it back and then use it for myself? Will the servitor understand the change in ownership?

  4. Should I just wear the item and ask the Phoenix to heal them 24x7 instead?


Hi @Dreamweaver, would be very helpful if you could provide some insight on these points. Thanks!

I hope there will be a Dragon Wizard, it will pair very nice with my Alchemicalized Dragon Being.


I think you should let them know.

They must notice a difference when wearing it.
I mean… they would want to know the reason, no?

It’s okay if they do not communicate,
But it’s gonna be pretty weird man.
These I think are quite noticeable.

It can help, but there is no direct renewal of destroyed dopamine areas.

Yeh… they are intelligent not stupid at all.

That is probably better.


Thanks so much! Really appreciate your response. They are already listening to the Experimental Parkinson’s treatment, Blueprint of life, Plasma Flaunt and Dopamine redux. Are there any other specific fields you would recommend? Can Plasma Flaunt possibly help repair the domaine areas?

I could then get a dimensional pocket and make a stack that would help specifically for Parkinson’s.

Apologies if I’m asking in the wrong thread, but Parkinson’s has really taken a toll on their quality of life and I’d like to help in whatever way possible.


Consider buying
The Brain Game audio
for them



Thank you! :pray:


Are the abilities indefinitely applicable? Or do we need to buy the ability another time when we want to imbue a new object/base servitor?

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1 purchase = 1 use, whether ability or servitor.


Thank you @mrpixeltech :smiley:

Does the item get stronger when I play the audios more than once? @Dreamweaver

I don’t think so. One playthrough is enough, then you need to give it some time for the process to complete. You can play the audio on loop for this time, of course, because why not, it’s nice musac.


Can having multiple servitor with you as armor cause interference between them?

In the future I would like to purchase the Phoenix Sage servitor. I would like to have everyone’s energetic personalities.

Wisdom and zen attitude :relieved:

i always wonder about this as nobody seems to give a direct answer. But i don’t know if you could wear it at the same time because i always wonder if they would clash ?

i guess it’s alright since in the past other people have used several servitors and it just might have to experiment and see how you feel

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What happens to the servitors when we die?

You chill with them in the astral relam :joy:

Jokes aside, no idea

I guess the field remains bound to the physical item, until the one day, the physical item is destroyed. If it is a stone it could take Millions of years lol.

For you, when you “die” and then you being back onto the astral planes, you obviously cannot take a physical item with you. But if the field allows it so, you could probably still astrally call on the servitor and work with it.
That is unless the physical item that is remaining on the physical plane gets a new physical owner.

Disclaimer: this is mostly speculation as I don’t know how exactly the servitor is programmed to behave in terms of ownership, i.e. whether it belongs to the one who physically owns the item or to the one who subconsciously owns the servitor.

If the ownership is based on the physical item ownership, then whoever has the physical item, can access the servitor.
If the ownership is based on the subconscious servitor ownership, then whoever has created the servitor and purchased it, owns the access to the field. In this case you can continue to work with your servitor in the afterlife too for as long as you don’t renounce your ownership of it.

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obviously a new ability called ‘come to me when i die’

I have lost my ring in a park :sob: goodbye pocket dimension + Griffin


Oh my… this is so unfortunate :pensive:
If it is possible, as a paid service, a respawn would be a very good product.

I’ll play the Probability Wave for you to find him back


That sucks man… Have you searched it upside down?