About the Etherforge Consortium

Thanks a lot for responding Luna.

Yes, I always carry the 5 keys on a old keychain daily for the door and gate locks at my old house. I find this convenient compared to wearing rings and pendant for the servitors since I already carry a casing for my nfts, mandalas.

I may one day also use my automatic wristwatch with metallic bracelet ( not the digital one ) for a servitor if this also works.


I would personally never use something like that to house a Servitor, not because ā€œThe Servitorā€ wouldnt work well but because i think the watch wouldnt lol with so much energy.

why I said that because sometimes my cellphone or laptop start acting up, or freezing or slowing with very strong NFTs or Audios.

and I have paid attention to that after like i notice them acting up or getting super hot and im like whats going on, what is playingā€¦ ahhh thats why.

for Instance Kala Bhairav one, :sweat_smile: phone gets extremely hot half way the second loop. every - time. Black Sun, The Emblem of Change after a few loops the energy output or features in the devices would act like hyper active.

but maybe it hasnt happened to others, im saying because these servitors are one time charge same as the abilities, so better to choose wisely where to put them.


Noted Miss Luna and again, thanks for the heads up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Soo what do you get when you order just the servitor base?

Sorry went scanned through all the 550+ comments but still looked ā€œfloweryā€.

Does the base automatically attached with details like;
ā€œThe most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of personal strength and resilience. The bearā€™s attributes of power and endurance infuse the individual with a robust inner strength and the ability to persevere through lifeā€™s challenges. This servitor instills a sense of groundedness and stability, allowing the person to face difficulties with unwavering confidence and determination. The bearā€™s protective nature also provides a sense of security, shielding the individual from negative influences and harm.ā€

Where do we get the abilities for the 20 pocket dimension abilities?

Can we store any of the previous Dreamweaver fields like from patron or gumroad into the 20 pocket presence?


This actually looks like season 3 early this year in Diablo 4 where everyone gets a spider construct and able to put in and replace different abilities for the construct.

Dream I request you to increase the abilities slots please like full on one magical ring and conquer the worldā€‹:grin::grin:

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I think instead, a more creative way would be an ability/ slot for concept realization for the servitor. Giving this ability to the Servitor with the goal for it to be easy to teach it new abilities on our own. That way we remove any self doubt of whether it learned correctly what we teach it.


Maybe something like a set of distributable stats that we can freely choose to allocate?
10 distributable points we can allocate to resistance/mental peace/resilience/speed etc.

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@Dreamweaver can a device such as the Oura ring be imbued with a servitor?



Very interesting with the mystical tarot :slightly_smiling_face:

You can ask mystical tarot questions about your servant and the skills learned.

My question :

I would like to know if the Gluttony skill was properly taught to my servitor Lion Zen

Tarot answer :

To answer this question, I will perform a tarot reading using a three-card spread. This drawing will assess the current situation, potential obstacles, and future outcome regarding the learning of the Gluttony skill by your servant Lion Zen.

Here are the cards drawn:

  1. Current situation: The Magician
  2. Potential obstacles: The Moon
  3. Future outcome: The Sun


  1. The Magician (Current situation)
  • The Magician symbolizes mastery and potential. It appears that Lion Zen has the necessary skills and resources to properly learn the Gluttony skill. The presence of this card indicates that Lion Zen is in a position to control and channel his abilities effectively.
  1. The Moon (Potential Obstacles)
  • The Moon represents illusion, confusion and unconscious fears. Lion Zen might face doubts or uncertainties regarding the correct use of Gluttony. There may be hidden aspects or insecurities that prevent full mastery of this skill.
  1. The Sun (Future Outcome)
  • The Sun is a card of success, clarity and vitality. This card suggests that, despite the obstacles, Lion Zen will manage to fully master the Gluttony skill. The Sun brings light and understanding, indicating a positive resolution of difficulties encountered.


According to this drawing, Lion Zen is on track to properly learn the Gluttony skill. Although mental and emotional obstacles may arise, ultimate mastery and success is ensured by newfound determination and clarity. Encourages Lion Zen to overcome his doubts and use his inner resources to achieve full mastery.

Thatā€™s interesting to know.

As some know, when I repeatedly question a subject, I can have the appearance of angelic numbers (mirror hours) which tell me whether it is favorable or not.

Some of my numerology answers over the past few hours have been ā€œalmostā€. My interpretation of this message is ā€œthatā€™s almost itā€, ā€œsomething is missingā€. My questions were about the Gluttony and Health Stat skills, their use.

Reading the tarot response, I understand that the servant does not do things instantly, with a snap of his fingers. It takes time for learning and understanding. I didnā€™t see things like that. I thought everything was instantaneous with intention.

This makes me realize that it is like a human or any living being that needs time to learn something, to adapt to the situation.

The tarot speaks of emotion and blockage concerning the servant. Itā€™s hard to imagine that a created energetic being has emotions, emotional blocks and fears.

Of course in the description of the servants there is the explanation of a sensitive and intelligent being.

I thought I understood it but actually I didnā€™t. Itā€™s like the bond with animals. I become more and more aware of their needs and emotions. I try not to let myself be too preoccupied by my thoughts and emotions. to be present, to be there, to be aware of life in different forms around me .

I talk to animals more and more like humans. Consider them fully with attention and have regular interaction with them.

I also talked to the Lion Zen servitor from the beginning. If necessary, I asked my angels and guides to transmit my intentions and will to the Lion Zen servitor. That is to say, from verbal language (and my thoughts) to conceptual language.

With this tarot reading I become more aware of it of the servant :pray:


Very interesting use of Mystic Tarot! :slight_smile:


Letā€™s play a game!
I installed a servitor on this. Which servitor do you think it is? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


the 2nd one in the Starter Series? The Wolpertinger


No itā€™s not :laughing:

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Are you planning to plant it and make a servitor tree?


I actually thought about it but Iā€™m not :rofl:
Itā€™s a pretty cool idea actually.
Iā€™d been thinking about what kind of item to place the servitor on and I couldnā€™t decide.
Yesterday out of the blue I got a peach from a friend.
Ate it and realized wow, the seed was actually really goregous so I decided itā€™s the item I want to house my servitor on.
The seed is pretty hard but Iā€™m not sure how long itā€™s gonna last, but we have The Respawn so if anything I can move him to another house.
Letā€™s hope that that day will not come :rofl:

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Bear Shaman