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maybe the panther or griffin

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is it @jojo I see him on the screen :sweat_smile: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:


Supprisingly none of the answers were correct :scream:
It is the Lion


i still feel the other one :laughing: maybe you thought about it when deciding which one to create before choosing the lion?

i dont feel the lion lol but if you did the process right then its there !

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Actually I was torned between all of them, for a long time. But lately the hint about the Lion is too much it can’t he ignored anymore.
I’d thought about the Lion for several days before finnaly getting it.
Maybe you strongly feel the Wolpertinger because of the apperance of the peach seed :rofl:

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I try to understand . Maybe I’m wrong, my servitor seems to take a little longer to acquire and be able to use the skills.

I try to find out if there are elements or situations that can disrupt his learning.

I work with both aspects. Armor mode and free mode. I think that free mode is very important for him to learn certain aspects.

A few days ago during the night I was thinking about the energy field that I kept with me (pendant, mandala) and the energy work of the servitor. I wondered if my energies that I had with me did not interfere with the energetic work of the servant. A few minutes later I had the appearance of a mirror hour which indicated a confirmation of my questioning.

Apart from that there are some interesting experiences.
There are times when I have renewed energy. My level of vitality has improved in recent days :slightly_smiling_face::arrow_double_up:.

These three energies combined are great: Lion Zen + Gluttony + Overclocker + Magic State :zap::boom::muscle:.

When the skills are fully mastered by the Lion Zen servitor my life will be very intense and dynamic, filled with Magic :blush:.

I would help bring positive change and improvement to this world. For this I need a lot of physical energy, a powerful body and brain :zap::muscle::brain::arrow_double_up:


Luna is on vacation again. -_-

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I made the mistake of not using add to dimensional pocket before playing each audio and not specifying the audios name. Had to go back and input all of my audios again. Anyways make sure to make the communion with the servitor so you can communicate properly


The use and operation of the dimensional pocket seems to work for simple commands.

Two days ago I experimented with two audios for automatic training and improving physical abilities. On a note on my phone, I wrote down my intentions regarding these two energy fields. I wanted both energy fields to work at the right time and for the ideal duration each day to improve my physical abilities. I also told my servitor verbally.

A little later in the day (I was at the beach), when I was wondering if this was going to work, I didn’t have a mirror time to confirm that what I had set up was working.

I told myself that perhaps the servitor was not yet capable of understanding my wishes for physical improvement, such as having the energy fields automatically work every day to improve my physical abilities.

I think I need to give it more details and explanations, because several factors need to be taken into account. For example, if he works the energy fields to improve my physical abilities, will this interfere with the healing energies (which is my priority)?

Will this reduce the effectiveness of the energy work of the fields to improve the structure of my face?

Will the production of testosterone and DHT impact the health of my hair?

All this to say that asking it to automatically manage this type of request is complex. You have to be precise.

Later, during the walk home, I asked the Lion Zen servitor to activate the “Automated Upper Body” energy field for 30 minutes. A few minutes later, I felt the need to look at my phone and at that moment I saw a mirror time :+1:.

This indicated that the simple command had worked and that it had taken into account my request.

In summary, when you want to work with several energy fields that influence different aspects (health, aesthetics, psychic, physical abilities, etc.) in an automatic, intelligent and daily way, you must be very precise in the instructions.

For those who simply want to replace listening to their playlist with a simple automatic broadcast (clear and precise instructions) with the servitor, there will be no difficulty, I think (to experiment on your side).

Example :
Each day :

  • At 9:00 a.m., activate Martian Jing for 20 minutes.
  • At 10:00 a.m., activate Belly Burn for 15 minutes.
  • At 1:30 p.m., activate Increased Nutrient Absorption.
  • etc…

I am curious , do the servitors change your physical appearance, because I feel all kind of body and face pressures while wearing it. also does it become permanent on you without the vessel after a while?

can you ask the servitor to do things or manifest things for you?


For those who know the servitor well and have worked with them regularly. I have a few questions that would allow me to better understand the servitor.

On the emotional aspect does he feel:

  • joy?
  • anger?
  • compassion?
  • sadness?
  • judgment?
  • jealousy?

Does he ask himself questions? on their existence and on life?

Do they have a brain in an energetic form?

If some of you want to provide more information that would be nice :slightly_smiling_face:

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I told my Shorse that I care of him and I would like if he could make his presence clear to my rather underdeveloped clairvoyance and in a matter of a few minutes while relaxing I’ve seen him running like a bolt in my minds vision.

I think he appreciate kind words of care.

Tho idk if he has “feelings” or not but I like talking to him in a kind and compassionate way


Interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I read somewhere that a servitor in its early stages is comparable to a 7 or 8 year old child.

I just thought about it again. A long time ago, I read the testimony of a person who had put aside his dragon Servitor for a while. Over time, this person had improved his psychic abilities. One day, when she took her servitor back, she saw that he was not well, thin and sad. This person had testified on a discussion thread to say that you have to be careful with servitor because they are very sensitive and can feel sadness.

There are other types of servitor that are present when you work with them and who go into sleep mode if you do not use them. This is the case of the servitor of light (and also of the shadow, I believe).

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Oh mine I hope he doesn’t create a Servitor Union for how much I make him work :sweat_smile: :grimacing:

For sure he isn’t bored

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i was wondering… imagine if there an ability that gives the Servitor the capacity of repairing some fu** up electronics devices, all sorts of ways…

i did tried once with my Negentropic Dragon, it did worked but it took a good amount of time.

would be badass! :sweat_smile:

Better ask to be guided to most affordable repair service that will handle repairs exactly as needed.


Can I teach the servitor new abilities and give order to him?

Or do I only to use the addons abilities from the store?

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But it’s not as easy as with NFT servitors. You have to do the energy task yourself, so it can learn and repeat, as these are tightly defined. At least as far as I remember and understand.


Could someone add a segment like this for The Wolpertinger as well?
Either here or on the Wolpertinger’s thread, please?

Ideas for my next Etherforge investments (subject to change over time):

  1. Zen lion will have two additional dimensional pockets. After these two additions it will no longer have any slots for new abilities.

Zen lion will serve me to improve my physical, psychic and cognitive abilities.
Psychic Mastery, conceptual realization, animal telepathy, crown and ajna,k2 stone ,HIIT, automated training, cognitive enhancement field (several) etc…

He will also take care of aesthetic improvement with the appropriate energy fields (Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork, Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork etc…)

Skills: Magic Stat :ballot_box_with_check:, Overclocker :ballot_box_with_check:,Gluttony :ballot_box_with_check:, Health Stat :ballot_box_with_check:, dimensional pocket :ballot_box_with_check: +add two more .

  1. Phoenix Sage on my left bracelet: it will be used for healing. he will use his base healing skills + Health Stat + healing field in the dimensional pocket .

Plasma flaunt, blueprint of life, Dotto Ring,three purifier etc.
I think I will also use Phoenix Sage to heal people, animals, plants etc…

Skills: Magic Stat(for their own use, boost), Gluttony (for their own use, boost), Health Stat, dimensional pocket x4.

  1. Griffin Philosopher on my right bracelet: it will be used for social interactions (also professional and environmental) .

Prestige and Grandeur, the blessed path, Aura of opportunity, attract your desire, the magnetic man, luck and abundance, attract wealth,energetic portals ,etc…

Skills: Gluttony (for their own use, boost) , Magic Stat(for their own use, boost),Mr Grey’s Static Facade, dimensional pocket x4 .

Zen + Sage + Philosopher… an interesting friendly triad and personality combination :relieved: