About the Etherforge Consortium

guys i think i made my griffin servitor angry , a couple months ago i was in a bad mood and i needed to get up really early for work the next day and i got angry at him for not making me go to bed instantly and ever since then i think he wanted to get lost

literally been in mulitple situations where i nearly lose him, the object broke , i was skipping rocks and the braclet flew off my arm and into the river lol i had to fish it out, i’ve lost it and had to find itt many times. Was only 1 time i got angry with him but yeah i think that one fucked me over

and now i’ve lost him permanently like its been a few days and i cant find the object, i think i permanently pissed him off woops bc i said sorry many times. these beings are rlly intelligent

i dont think ill get respawn bc im scared that this is the case.

Never mind im tripping the fuck out. my boss found it at my workplace and im getting him back tommorow

sweet :sunny:


I am so happy for you! :partying_face:


This is the neatest thread to read.

Just peeking in. Will return to lurking. Ciao



Been around 2 weeks or so since I got my servitor and has grown really attached to me. I was having a fever last night and I took off my necklace since I wanted my servitor to take a relax time and not give its energy to me while I’m sleeping. The next morning, I had to dropped off a relative and forgot to take my necklace with me. Back home, I took my necklace w me and only realized the the pendant was no longer there (which is sort of not possible because of how the knot on my necklace is). I didn’t bother because it ‘can’ happen, I simply knotted it back and wore it on me. I went to the bathroom and then the pendant fell off once again! There’s no way that the pendant can fall if I’m wearing it unless the cord breaks off. Then it hit my subconscious mind that my servitor was probably unhappy because I didn’t bring it with me lol I guess it wants to be around wherever, whenever.


your servitor when you left him alone…


I hope for you that he will not throw jealousy attacks if one day you decide to have a second servitor lol.

I’m teasing …

Seriousely …

It’s interesting to talk about it, when I had spoken previously in one of my messages concerning the emotions of the servitors.

There is also the testimony of Mouldytea in relation to his servitor.


Also my shorse with sandman sleep ability is not working properly as like before.what went wrong?I don’t know.

So, the problem wasn’t with the servitors; they are perfect. The issue was with me, and I’m extremely happy that I came to this realization so quickly. That’s the good thing that has happened to me recently, and I’ve dived deep into the servitors’ theory.

I intended to write this post after a week, but I was worried that the captain might be concerned—not because his creation is in doubt, but because we are so undeserving.

Here, I’m also referring to the two comments mentioned above.

If you have them or can recover them, please wait. Don’t lose hope—I will write a post soon.

We’ll have to see :smiley:

It was so unexpected to see it for myself. It’s more interactive than I thought.

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Etherforge added to the SALE!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

18% Discount now through September 1st - enjoy!

What servitors and abilities are YOU going to buy?


I am very happy that discounts are available on ko fi.
When I have some money I plan to buy soon, Phoenix and Griffon ( that would be ideal also a dimensional pocket each).

I have two bracelets ready to welcome them. Lion Zen will be happy to have friends :slightly_smiling_face:

And later as I go I will buy each of them other skills :muscle:

Thanks Captain , you are a generous guy :relieved::pray::heart::sunny:


Wow! Same password?
I will get dimensional pocket for my shorse :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The link takes you to the site where the prices are already discounted


Thank you @Rosechalice

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As soon as my paycheck clears, Dr. Sandman sleep dust here I come!


Curious what people have chosen for items.

I’ve mostly used different metals, and like the texture and solid structure that they hold.

Was considering using a crystal. Maybe a classic clear quartz or possibly a “Lemurian quartz” though I have no experience with the latter. Tourmaline and Labradorite are also being considered.

Curious also if anyone has gone with a crystal, and any insight about placing one of the servitor beings in it?


This is a confirmation test. Can anyone tell me which pendant I have infused my servitor into and what servitor it is? Thank you :laughing:


this isn’t an answer but that’s a twisted sage tool, right? I mean left lol

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Them being in the same photo makes it a bit harder but I think the energy is being blasted at me from the middle one lol