About the Ritualis category

Ritualis Totemics

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Welcome to the Ritualis Totemics corner of the forum, version 3.0!

Much has changed, a few purges, and some adjustments to how things work in the Ritualis Tabernam, but all is well and onward we go!

This category will be for all things Ritualis Jewelry, owned and operated by master goldsmith Kedrik Winter Wolf.

Here you will find energetic, aetheric, morphic fielded items that stand on 23+ years of study, practice, and application. You’ll also find all of the Dreamweaver collaborations with Ritualis, which so far have included quite the range of items.

If you have any questions related to Totemic work from Kedrik, the energetic aspects, custom inquiries, etcetera, this category is the place.

You can find more about Ritualis at www.ritualis.info

You’ll also be able to see the public gallery of past work here at www.instagram.com/ritualisjewelry

As per the explosion of Guild Activity, if your Guild, group, team, family, or crew are looking for sets of Totemic objects, you can submit requests here to get started: Community Totems

And of course if you’re looking for a significant upgrade, start your bespoke relic at the top of the home page.


Wile you are here :relaxed: would you give a general summary of your experience with Dream’s morphic fields? Thanks man

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What particular are you interested in knowing?

I’ve been utilizing his fields personally via patreon for about 2 or 3 years. We collaborated on items shortly after I was introduced to him. I think we’ve done 40 items together? Maybe less?

I find his work to be unequivocal, other than myself nobody seems able to match his work, and even then I have focused on a particular category of energetics (sovereignty, sensemakers, protection, virtues, values, chi boosting, personal fields, and spacial wards, more or less). So in that sense he’s far more prolific and diversely capable than I am.

I can feel his fields next to mine in the totems. It’s quite pleasant and to date we’ve had no energetic discords. All items have been very synergistic.


Just this kind of thing, a general sense. Looking forward to experiencing the synergy

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Depending on what you’re looking for, there are two items in stock.

The Unicursal has his transmutation and the microcosmic plus unconditional you audios, I believe, possibly more.

The Instinct totem he matches my original description with his own fields.