Current Inventory at Ritualis

I will keep this updated as to current inventory.

You can see images of anything listed as available here: Totemic Storefront

If there’s something you see in the Totemic Storefront that you want, ping me here or in DMs and we’ll see what we can do.

As of this date, 13Aug2024, we’re not holding a lot of inventory but requests are always welcome!


1x Instinct Totem

1x Unicursal

1x Peaceful passing Talna (beads)

1x Grounding Talna (beads)

1x Protection Talna (beads)


:point_up: A psychic goldsmith. Further proof that you are in a timeline with lots of possibilities for growth.


No doubt, and we keep hopping to better timelines every week!


Do you have a totem for Endless Vitality, Enhanced Regeneration, Health and Stamina ? Something to Counter Laziness, Lethargy and Sloth ?


I don’t currently but could make one to attach Dreamweaver’s fields to. I have been experimenting with a scalar wave mimic that does similar. Not quite as strong as the scalar wave prototype I received though so still working on it.


Ok…then perhaps a totem to perform 24x7 Gentle and Deep Cleaning and Healing of all the 114 Major and minor chakras, Energy Bodies, Auric Bodies and All major and minor Energy Meridians ?

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Great Idea. Will work with Raven to sort the specifics of that out, but for future reference, everything I have established in my work is here:, and for everything above and beyond that is Bespoke to an individual versus a production item, you can use the form at the top to get started. :pray:


Thank You :pray:,

I suppose my suggestions are more like Custom Totemic Offerings compared to Your existing production items.

But I am pretty sure that a totem like this would sell like Hot Cakes because having Clean, Healthy and Robust Chakras, Meridians and Aura is the Key towards Integrating and Manifesting the effects of Morphic Fields.

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can you please explain what a scalar wave protype is? there is a lot of misinformation out there about them and it is not acknowledged by science so its hard to know what it is

Friend of mine is into scalar wave devices. Very different than what I do.

His machine scans the scalar wave outputs of whatever is in the reader, records it, and then can broadcast and or imprint it into a hologram substrate (a little piece of silicone and metal). His scalar wave prototype he sent me for energy and vitality works really well. Feels like a good night’s rest plus a bit of caffeine. I haven’t gotten that sort of result in my own totems for that particular goal.

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an unrelated question: do you think dreamweavers fields could be combined with technology to utilise the zero point field for electrical energy?

I won’t speak for Dreamweaver here but what he and I do are similar ish and what I know is my work is pretty antithetical to technology. I use a lot of tools to make my items same as he uses audio compiler software but I cleanse my work after and before adding the energetics. Cleanse it or the “tech stink” in a way. I find it makes a cleaner, more effective aesthetic objects and his audios feel like the to me relative to if I leave the tech stink on. Clean sound and morphic fields.

I think zero point tech can work in synergy/parallel to morphic fields but I think they’re essentially different systems. Like comparing the nervous system to the circulatory.

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Updated inventory and will refresh the storefront at Ritualis Totemic Storefront soon!

Talna-bands are currently here: Offering: Totemic Talna by Ritualis - #24 by metaphystwolf

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