Offering: Totemic Talna by Ritualis

We’re aiming to be back in Mexico this Autumn, and will be able to visit my connections for local sacred stones.

I’ll also be restocking my tagua nut palm ivory beads soon too via a friend in Ecuador.


i’m interested in this :point_up_2: . So i am confused as are you able to embed Captains NFT and audios fields into these Totemic. Or is that something Captain has to do once we buy the items

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Could be done by Dreamweaver or could be done on your own with an NFT or I believe via certain Guilds?

The thing I am trying to address with these Beaded Totemic items is providing a high quality item for a much lower price than I usually do, so people have an option that doesn’t require buying garbage off of amazon. The cheap metal trinkets on amazon WILL work, but the higher end materials make a big difference in my experience.

However, the Death Doula already worked up a protection bead from ancient bronze for one of the prototypes, so we’ll be doing some hybrid upgrades on these as well. Photos soon.


Will you be offering pendants for the Guild Servitors



Generally speaking the Guild leader will need to fill out this form: Community Totems

From there I need an initial purchase of 3, after which the rest can be ordered as needed in batches. If it’s something the Guild wants in stock available, we can work that out but ideally I am producing them on demand so I’m not carrying inventory for too many items.

We’ll be calling these Totemic Talna-band or Talna for short, for the old Norse word ‘talna-band’ meaning “string of beads, usually glass, such as a rosary”.

First sample is a Malachite And Mexican Green Obsidian on garnet-red silk cord with a protection bead from ancient bronze at the center. I haven’t imbued it yet but it will have similar energetics to my protection daggers. This one is a men’s large, 8" diameter.

With the forged bronze bead we may not be able to stick to the $55 target, but will add some bead-only Talna at that price mark.

Also on the plan are Right of Passage Death Talna for Death Sovereignty, but I will get more clarity on what this means exactly from the Death Doula.


Definitely interested!
Materials, Mayan, Silk Thread, Ritualis,…among many other qualities described.

The Mexican Green Obsidian looks great! Curious how the Mayan will tie in with the Norse too

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I have been wildly surprised at how much these two cultures blend energetically. My background is largely Norse, obviously, but Raven’s (the Death Doula) seems to be more Maya. I might have done some past lives there also, a LOT of synchronicity in Mexico.

Regardless, we’ve been tracking through the same systems I use (shape power, material energetics, color theory, etc) with my usual work in the Mayan side and there’s way more overlap than I expected.

We’re playing with a few things in the Tabernam right now but so far I expect it to all blend very smoothly.

Will get a lot more Mexican Green obsidian when I’m back down there this fall, it seems the world is running the chaos script again, and protection will be more essential than usual for a bit.


And yes, the Mexican green obsidian is one of my favorites in this class of stone. Have had a lot of success with 2nd and 3rd chakra protection as well as emotional body support. Plus, the beads look like they have whole green galaxies inside of them :heart_eyes:

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I’ve kind of been mesmerized looking at them. Even from the photos you can tell the high quality is there.

Looking forward to it!

Definitely. I’ll see if I can get my camera to play nice for a macro shot. They’re quite unique in the obsidian world.

A lot of fun to go get them. The obsidian cutting families get a kick out of gringo viking guy wandering in with decent spanish asking for the obsidian the brujos desire. :joy:

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Wow thank you for sharing :star_struck:

With the macro shot can get more of a sense of the depth and potency. Loving the darker tones.

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Some updates:

Here are some samples of the full Mala strands Raven was making prior to joining Ritualis. Same methodology (hence why I love working with her) in that she hand sources materials as best she can, prioritizing real/natural, ethical, organic, and quality.

In this case these are just samples, but we wanted to show you a bit of what is possible at minimum. The intention is to create the quintessential Ritualis artifacts to go onto these (metal beads, charms, and additions) but if someone wanted a particular symbol (such as this mudra charm) we can make it happen.

Also a note: Raven has bee doing her Malas with a hoop-catch at the middle so they can be put on like a necklace or wrapped around the wrist and fastened. If for any reason you don’t want this when you order, let me know so we can skip it.

Range in price for Totemic Talna is somewhere from $55 for the single strand bracelets into the thousands if you want a lot of highly custom work, but that said, I want to keep these as accessible as possible. Remember though: the additions are for the energetic benefits, aesthetic benefits, and personal preference. You can attach your fields to any of these. That said if we know what you want to use it for, we can tailor it to that purpose.

One thing we’ve been discussing is a general “amplifier” Talna. Sort of a non-partisan amplification in case you want to switch fields out. These general amplifiers will likely need to include rutilated quartz, smokey quartz, rainbow or gold sheen obsidian, and star sapphires if we can find them in bead form. That said we’ll be aiming for the most effective option at the desired target price.

Stay tuned, ask questions, excited to expand this!


The dark beads in this image certainly looks like mini-universes with several Galaxy Super Clusters visible as bright white dots.

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Leave it to the Mayan and Aztecs to set up their civilization where the obsidian does that, aye?

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This item is officially for sale.

Malachite and obsidian, as well as the Ritualis talna bead are all oriented to protection, defense, and clearing from and of negative energy or evil. Internal or outside.

I did not add any energetics to this except what the materials and runes imbue themselves, but it will do best as a holder for one of Dreamweaver’s fields of a relevant function.

Ie, it has some natural given power but will synergize best with fields that also aim to protect, defend, or clear (ie, cord cutters, entity removal, jealousy shields, etc)

It’s technically a large, and will tighten down to a 7 inch circumference. Can remake a 2nd in your siE as desired.

$55 plus shipping. DM if interested!


Another item available, Raven made a second while working on a client piece:

Talna of Death Sovereignty and Peaceful Passing

This one is curated to support sovereignty and peaceful process at end of life to aid in transition through the final gateways. It will not CAUSE a transition, to be clear, but it will support it. She’s added appropriate energetics as well (fields) and it’s quite an interesting item.


Labradorite, chocolate moonstone, gray moonstone, rainbow Moonstone, tourmalinated quartz, silver obsidian, bone, ancient brass with protection and door opener runes on black silk.

This is 108 beads, suitable for a triple-wrapped small wrist or short necklace.

Price is $111 for this item, and if it is for someone terminal, will be best paired with a short consult with Raven.

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3rd available Talna-band:

Grounding and Root Stabilization

Another sister Talna to a client item, this one is particularly focused on grounding aspects, particularly through the Lower Dantien and by proxy the Sacral chakra. Will help with challenges in disassociation or for those who are heavily Air-Sign and need a bit more “feet on the dirt”. Inspired by our work with Mayan ancestry and my associates in the esoteric communities of Mexico City.

Beads are much smaller here, about 3-4mm.


Mexican red snowflake obsidian, Mexican green obsidian, with a brass finish bead.

This is 54 bead, suitable for a double-wrapped small wrist.

Price is $55 for this item.


Can request an order here by DM, or at