About the Suggestions & ideas category

This is a place to share your suggestions & ideas to the Sapienmed team. Be creative!

THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR NEW AUDIOS. Any such posts will be removed.


Hi, can I create a discussion topic Homeopathy? The world should never be ignorant of Homeopathy. My purpose for this is to broaden perspective, for self and collective.

A mandela (free?) to contain the energies of items not in use for storage. Place the printed mandela on a box and the box is able to contain the energies of the fields within the box and not float outside when one is not intending to use the items. Ideal for people who purchased multiples items and not intend to use all of them at once. This would help with minimizing energetic interference in the room when one owns several items from SapienMed :)

@Dreamweaver :)

Adjustment of houses (set)

Amplifies the positive/neutral effects and nullifies the negative effects of either all houses (general) or a certain house(s) (1-12). Can be used with conjunction of spheres to bring planetary energy into a certain house but must be put after the AoH audio, can’t be put before. Each will be 4 minutes long.

What about creating something like booster for multiple audio, I mean we can listen two or more( at least 2) audios simultaneously, and this booster also increase your capacity rate. Right now we can listen 4-5 audios without being overwhelmed but with that we can listen at least 8-10.

I have another idea about creating powerful mandala for yantras, like Hanuman yantra, Sri yantra(Sri chakra), kubera yantra etc. We can easily buy yantras in the market but without capable guru we cannot energies or activate it’s power & it becomes useless. If already energized yantra in mandala form is available we can use it in owr home, office or personally. For example Hanuman yantra protect against black magic, evil eye, negative planetary effect, gives willpower, confidence, devotion in our heart etc. A energized yantra in mandala form would be great,

  1. Ganapati yantra
  2. kartikeya yantra
  3. Sri yantra
  4. Shiva yantra/ kalbhairav yantra
  5. Vishnu or Narayan yantra
  6. surya yantra
    I mentioned these six yantras for six deities( Ganesh, kartikeya, Shiva, Vishnu ,Devi & surya. Hanuman yantra is bonus.) because great Saint Adi Shankaracharya mentioned to worship these six deities on daily basis. It will transform home into temple and man or woman into divine.

Make this forum into an app so that people can get notifications and updates more easily.

mandela to cleanse covid in surrounding area/air (so you don’t have to play audio all the time)


Is there any options that we can post questions anonymously, cause I and perhaps some of us maybe have questions of intimate problems and wouldn’t like to all know it’s my/our question

If you get what I mean?

Is that even possible here to make or add that option like there’s on fb in groups?


There is an anonymous mode. And we can test it. The only thing is, that me and captain would be able to see who’s who. But everyone else wouln’t. So if someone is switching to anonymous mode to attack people or say some heinous things, I will still see it and ban them. That being said, the forum will see it as anonymous. I just added the feature. It is only available to people with trust level 3 for the time being.

This is how it is used.

When anonymous mode is enabled, logged in users are able to switch from their normal account to an anonymous account. This allows users to create topics and replies without any details being displayed in the Discourse user interface to connect the anonymous user with its associated account.

Enabling anonymous mode

For self-hosted sites, enable anonymous mode by selecting the allow anonymous posting site setting. For sites on our hosting, send a message to our support team. We will enable anonymous posting for you.

Using anonymous mode

To enter anonymous mode, open your user menu by clicking your avatar from the site header, then clicking your username. From the user menu, click the “Enter Anonymous Mode” link to enter anonymous mode:

anon 1

After clicking the link, a new username and avatar will be generated for you:

anon 3

The username will be anonymous plus a number, for example anonymous1. The only anonymous user who will not have a number appended to their username is the first anonymous user who is created on the site.

Any topics or replies that you create while in anonymous mode will be created under the username that was generated for you.

To exit anonymous mode, click your avatar from the site header, then click the “profile” link to open your user menu. Select the “Exit Anonymous Mode” link to exit anonymous mode and get back to your regular user’s account:

anon 2


An ‘energy sealing’ box to contain fields so that when not in use they get safely stored/‘contained’, without energy leaking and affecting areas outside the box when not intending to be used. For people with multiple items/live in small spaces or even with pets/kids etc.

There is also another option if you can consider it of course
You make one person named “anonymous” responsible for, he/she got private messages from us… and he, she asks in forum for us under name anonymous?
I hope you got it

I get it. But that’s rather unnecessary now that we have the anonymous option available. Much easier and can be simply done by you guys.

Shielding tag against spells, curses, psychic attacks, dark magic, entities, etc. (specifically)

a free self-love mandela :relaxed:

  • adding an activation/deactivation code, to all items so that they activate only when we say the ‘word’ and pause when we say the deactivation code. for those with kids/pets, and for those with many items in small rooms who can’t store them away enough~

  • sun protection mandela -UVA/UVB🌞

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free mandela for ‘white light’ protection/healing

Hi there, I just wanted to say that I am addicted to playing with the Corpus Spiritus Deck i bought. I don’t really have any use for the NFT as I don’t know what to do with it, but the cards are grand and I noticed they have their own humour. They have made me laugh out loud multiple times.
Before buying this deck I bought a bunch of other decks and would sometimes use multiples in one reading to clarify, so I was wondering if there was a way to maybe create a Sigil to charge those other decks in order to have them act in a similar manner? Would that be possible or would this cancel out all the work you put in the CSD? Tia :sunflower: :dizzy:

An audio field that will allow NFT’s without premade audios be played with audio

Plasma flaunt Nft with different twiks :smiley:

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