Absolute beauty and charm project

I’m not sure it’s going to get made, hasn’t Captain been pretty clear that he doesn’t believe in physical beauty and has no interest in making a beauty field?
But if you can squeeze in any more, I’m in!


Oh no. This has nothing to do with physical at all. Its more of mystical. A d archetype of beauty. That also include inner beauty but we work on that on deep level to healing abilities In it.

To make it simple. You still remind you. But your smile heals the world.

Like mother Teresa said

We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love.

So this is the beauty we talk about. Absolute unconditional love. To whoever sees you. They feel happy. And melts every loneliness feelings when they see you (: because you radiate unconditional love and that energy make the whole world smile :kissing_heart:


Oh, thanks for clarifying!


This resonate and sounds very lovely to me :heart_eyes:


He has already created fields related to physical beauty: plump lips, longer lashes, facial symmetry, nose straightener etc.
Any fields that keep us away from doing plastic surgeries are welcome!

@anon25711007 why not?! take the chance! There are some people who have severe issues related to physical beauty. I knew a girl years ago who had an accident and really wanted to heal her face and body. A friend of mine (he’s not in this community) has a problem in his face. The bone of one of his cheeks is growing nonstop. So I see no problem if a part of this NFT be about of physical beauty.


This absolute beauty is more of inner beauty that connects you with the divine. The soul. Also blessings from goddesses. And also charms.

Also I want to point out

So shadow integration is also needed in here. And how to deal with it. Ect. Ect


Omg I’ve been thinking about this one but thought people would think it’s cheesy! :D

Good luck :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


interesting, How I can join

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cool concept! life is better when everyone sees their be-you-ty!

thank you for the mention!

the ones who got in are going to create something memorable!

much love and well wishes!

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:


I would love to join if ever ends up a chance !

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Can I please join?!
Edit: Add me if a opening arises. The capacity doesn’t seem like very much in this community projects

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I see the group is full but if extra space is ever available I would like to join. Thank you

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Because he has further extended dates can the above as well as me join

What’s going on with this one? Might be interested in trading


Did this project come to fruition? Was the field made? If so, is it available?


Not too sure. I left the group. Supposedly I was the owner. Idk who take the lead of this group. Whoever that is. I hope it works out well


:thinking: Say, @anon25711007 did you happen to tell anyone you were leaving?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Would anyone have an update on the status of this project, please?

We will make a thread when it’s out :))


I’m so looking forward to hearing what you guys came up with! I’m sure it’ll be fascinating :sparkling_heart:

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