Abundance tag

Hey guys i just received my abundance tag - very grateful and happy :slight_smile:

Any experiences you can share, that would be wonderful:D

Thank you!!!



Nice (:

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You make money easily, its like the SLR but in wealth version. More opportunities etc…Listen Mind Settings with this


Hmmm iv had random job recruitment companies calling me today. Hopefully i win ÂŁ1,000,000 asap :joy::joy:


Best of luck…

Looking forward for our gift :slight_smile:


Congratz! I see that you’ve started reaping the benefits :)

That’s one special tag for me as well. I was mostly attracted by the design. That aside, I’ve always been the kind of spender who doesn’t think much about the consequences. I don’t necessarily mean luxurious purchases or buying a pair of shoe that I don’t need. No. It can be anything. It’s just that I don’t calculate, you know. I don’t try to save.

So I did have difficult end-of-months just because of this carelessness. The tag has brought a balance to it. Even if I don’t spare or save consciously, I don’t experience lack anymore. The fridge is never totally empty, etc.

But this is just the money/material aspect. I used to interpret as “lacks” some other stuff too (“I don’t have this, I don’t have that”, etc.). The tag has neutralized these aspects as well. Since I’m wearing it, I’ve hardly experienced any feeling of lack.

This is why I always call it the Gratitude tag. It sort of pushes you to feel fulfilled, no matter the “actual”/visible circumstances.


Thats amazing. I too spend a bit recklessly with the attitude ‘what is mine anyways’ but hopefully i can have abundance to serve this attitude.

I can feel its amazing already because it’s making me feel more ‘sunny’ and pushing thoughts of being ‘full’

This is only the third day but i guess because its paired with the SLR tag, its working very fast. :fire::fire::fire: