Accidentally Fell Asleep Looping Stomach Healing

It could be. I first got this stuck, sick, burning, squeezing sensation there when all the things went wrong with me in the hospital almost 15 years ago. It has gotten a lot worse throughout the years though. I can’t lift anything heavy or if will set the symptoms off way worse, same if I eat anything or over exert myself. I can’t remember what a fresh breath of air feels like since then. Its always like I’m breathing In a smokey cloud instead of a beautiful fresh breath, my breathing alsobgets caught there and I can’t get a full breath in, I can get maybe 50% while breathing in but then it just cuts off. It’s very hard to deal with, it causes me so many problems. No sports or lifting weights or brisk walks or anything really anymore because of it.

Because it gets worse after listening to PP1 could it be nervous system related?
Could Psychosomatic symptoms also worsen after PP1?

When I was told a few of my symptoms were Psychosomatic by a psychiatrist, I just thought they didn’t have a clue what was wrong with me so just tried throwing loads of antidepressants at me and just hoped that one of them would work. None of them worked.


I’ve noticed that you call yourself foolish, stupid, and other things a lot in your posts. Make a conscious effort to replace those types of words and thoughts with something positive and constructive. At the moment you’re essentially instructing your subconscious to continue to do things that confirm that you’re “foolish and stupid”, like overplaying fields, etc…

I think that focusing on that would help with the positive shifts you’re hoping to gain through Sapien Medicine :pray:t3:


Ya you’re right. I don’t really call myself stupid or foolish but i do make stupid and foolish mistakes and decisions.
But I see where you’re coming from. I need to get that negativity out of me. Its hard though because I suffer from depression and I hate what I see when I look in the mirror from all the weight I have I have put on from antidepressants throughout the years to get rid of my symptoms but none of them ever worked. I put on over 5 stone in the space of a year from being on Molipaxin a couple of years back and I still can’t lose any of it even though I barely eat and the small bit I do eat is all organic. My metabolism is non existent, it’s just shut down on me.

And what makes it all worse is that I actually developed depression from being on the antidepressants that were supposed to help me and make me “feel better” as the doctors told me they would. I never wanted to try any of them in the first place but I had so many doctors telling me they would help.

When absolutely everything you’ve been tried on for 15 years makes everything way worse, It’s very hard to keep optimistic and looking on the bright side at all times but I try to do my best.

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