Accidentally Fell Asleep Looping Stomach Healing

Hey guys. I accidentally fell asleep looping Stomach Healing, I only wanted to listen to it twice but I fell asleep while it was on repeat and now my body has gone crazy on me with really intense vibrating and pains and I’m also gone full of fear/anxiety and my stomach is in agony. I’ve been playing grounding for the last hour but it doesn’t seem to be easing off.

If I play Eneegy Body/Aura Clearing Cleansing now would that help to erase the last 3 hours of it out of my body and help ease the symptoms? Maybe I could play the Grounding then after that and Schumann Resonance and hopefully feel some relief.

I’m so annoyed at myself, I hope I won’t be like this for a week again like the last time I listened to too much :sob:


yes to all these.


Thank you @_OM :pray:t2: I had listened to PP1 and a few more before doing stomach healing and didn’t really want to erase those ones but it’s probably for the best to do the Energy Body/Aura Clearing to help ease off the overload. Silly mistake on my part (again) :roll_eyes:

I usually don’t get much sleep but since starting PP1 it’s helping me to feel sleepy and to get some much needed sleep after usually living off of 2 to 3 hours a night for most of my life.

Just one last question if you don’t mind. If I listen to Body/Aura Clearing more than once, like say 2 or 3 times, does that then erase 6 or 9 hours or will it still stay at the 3 hours? I presume just the 3 but I said I’d ask just to be sure for when I mess up again. Seems to be in my DNA to love to put myself through pain :grimacing:


You can try just with grounding and see if it works , then you can try ISRB RBM3 protein if nnot , then use aura clean .

Perhaps you can save your previous effort


Thank you @AkiraTheWild
I had played Grounding for an hour before writing the message but I didn’t feel much of a release from the symptoms.
I’m just listening to Aura Cleanse now, it seems to be helping a bit already with the awful inner vibrations but my stomach and organs are in agony.
I might try Organ Massage to see will it help ease off the organ pains after I do a couple of rounds of Grounding and Schumann.

I tried typing ISRB RBM3 into Patreon and my own music player but I could not find it. Is it down in Patreon as a different name?

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i always spell wrong the name of that protein lol
perhaps im hibernating or somethinng lol

My man cut aura cleanse LOL and listen ISIRB and see if help you with the sensation ,

do it for the SCIENCE lol

IF doenst help continue with aura cleanse

If you want of course.


I’m always down for the science of things :rofl: I’ll check it out now and let you know :+1:t2:



I trust you will come back , cuz all the tripulants in this ship are badass :pirate_flag:


Few things so far. First of all, that is one funky little track, I could listen to that all day.
When I first started playing it I got what I can only describe as…Did you ever play soccer/football on a freezing cold day and one of your friends kicks the ball full force off your face? (If you haven’t then you are very lucky) :joy: That kind of stinging burning numbness feeling. That’s the feeling I have on the right side of my face now.
The inner vibrations are coming back slowly again while listening to it also but the organ and stomach pain have subsided a bit.

Thank you for bringing me to this field though I’ve been looking through the description for it and I think it’s definitely something I should add in to my daily stack. Really cool field :ok_hand:t3:

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ye man i love my friends lol

Man this thing do a lot of things and it have an “smart” component lol

but its part of the protein itself , the protein adapts , also its an adaptogen , you may get familiar with that concept.
Keep using it

I finded 15 mins gives an effect and 30 mins gives another kind of effect

1 hour or more doenst seem to have any difference to 30 mins (for me )

hoo hoo :owl:

Ye man Someone in this forum hinted it can be OP i trust in the intuition of this man . :muscle:

also have in mind the field its a combo of two components ISIRB 1 PROTEIN AND RBM3 THE OTHER PROTEIN ( 2 PROTEIN FIELD)

(GAINZ :muscle: ) (LOL )

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Ya I’m just on the half hour mark of listening to it. I feel a kind of cool spaced out feeling with it for some reason. It must be doing nice things for the brain :brain: I could definitely do with getting rid of some of my brain trauma also :ok_hand:t3:

Who can say no to some extra gainz :muscle:t3: :grinning:

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My man thats awesome .

your pain faded or something?

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Ya man. I was even able to get back to sleep for another 2 hours after listening to it.
When I woke up the vibrating was pretty severe again and my stomach, Liver and Spleen were sore again but I’m just about to listen to it again along with Grounding & Schumann.

I still feel like I might be able to function a bit today, I’m up and able to walk around even though it still feels a bit severe but the last time I messed myself up I was barely able to walk out into the grass by myself to try and ground myself and that lasted a whole week.
I’m hoping to be all good to go back into the fields again tomorrow judging by the difference in severity from my last fuck up and last nights one. Thank you brother :pray:t2:

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Is that a normal feeling to have last night after listening to ISIRB & RBM3 that I had?

It was a spaced out type feeling like being stoned. It calmed down all of the fear/anxiety aspect of what was going on with me completely. It made me managed the vibrations a lot better also and not worry about how severe they were.

Really really cool.

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Mmmm yeah

read more about the effects in your system

i like stonned effect. :D

but its called adaptogen also blocks literallly stress , and another thinngs , cool field mann

edit : glad you feel better:muscle: :star: :handshake:

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How are you now ?
I am not as old to fields as probably you guys but I do get overwhelmed and a little anxious if I overdo fields. I use Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence whenever I get overwhelmed and it calms me down.
I know your symptoms were more physical and yet you can try it if you have. Besides this is always a nice field to keep when you want to feel light and comfortable… it’s very soothing like some fresh air


Hey Lanos. The symptoms have subsided :smiley: I still feel awful with my own symptoms that I have everyday and the extra symptoms im having from using Plama Protocol 1 but it’s great that the other stuff are gone from last night.

I’m only using Fields a little over a month now I think but this was my 3rd time over using the fields. First 2 times it took me a week to recover but last night was just a bit of a rough night and day and it passed off this evening. I’m hoping it’s a sign that my bodybmight be able to tolerate the fields a bit more now.

I have a constant stuck sick/pain feeling in the centre of my upper abdomen and it’s always very swollen and it restricts my breathing quite a lot but Plasma 1 has amplified that times 10 at the moment so I’m struggling a bit with that. I hope it’s my nervous system trying to get rebooted and it’s a ,get worse before get better type of deal.

I’m not sure I have come across the field you have mentioned, is it on Gumroad? Just you saying the words fresh air makes me want to find it lol. When I breathe in its like I’m breathing in smoke constantly, I can’t remember what taking a fresh breath feels like anymore.

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This is the link to the field.

Also I would say go easy on yourself. You don’t have to bear with uneasiness and pain even in the name of detox or healing crisis. Take it slower. You don’t have to heal it all at once. A little discomfort is ok but if the healing is becoming too heavy or painful for you then go slow… pain can cause more harm then benefit.

And instead of loop can you not add the field 2-3 times in the playlist so that it’s not accidentally overdone in case you miss putting the loop off ?


Ya the first night of PP1 I done it 3 times, the next 2 times, and just once a day for the last 3 days. Today is my last day before taking the 2 day break and then going on to PP2.

I’m a bit concerned about moving on to PP2 for the organs because I have problems with my Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Stomach and so on, so I might go even lighter with that one and start off with 5 minutes and take it from there then.

Ya the first time I over did it to be honest I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Second time I had listened to QI’s 11th Power and detox fields and loads of other fields because I was looking through their descriptions and of course it never dawned on me that all of those fields were still plating in the background while I was reading through the comments about them. Again very stupid on my part.
The one then a few nights ago was I had my music player on to loop 1 track but I was just moving from each one myself while lying in bed but foolishly ended up falling asleep during it while stomach healing was playing and it went on loop then. Another mistake by me.

I still feel so new to all of this but I’m hoping that 3 mistakes is where I can now draw a line through it and say to myself stop being an idiot and do things properly :rofl:

Would you know of any fields which would help to clear up my upper abdominal issues and to help my breathing from there? I’m not sure is it, chakra blockage, diaphragm problems, stomach problems, maybe Pancreas. But I have been using Fields for all of those issues but still no relief from it.
I’ve also tried Breath Of The Belly but no relief from that yet.

It’s one of my main issues out of about 50 other issues but I can’t seem to find a way to fix it :sleepy:

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Is there any change it’s psychosomatic? In that case SLR/ego dissolution could also help.

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