Activities for mahashivratri?

Hey guys. So tomorrow is March 1, Mahashivatri. I was interested in knowing what kinds of spiritual exercises I could do to take advantage of the energies of the day. Sadhguru has advised to not lay down, which I already plan on doing.

Also I was namely curious to hear what @Maoshan_Wanderer thought if possible!


It is said that on Mahashivaratri, for those that do not sleep and stay awake and meditate, at some point, the energy of Shiva touches. Do it if you can, else no need to fret.

Reciting “Om Namah Shivaya” (while looping perhaps the Essence of Mantras) is a great way to attract the energies of Shiva. Shiva is also the Lord of Yoga - so Pranayama, Breath Awareness are also great ways to seek Shiva within oneself.

Listening or chanting the Rudra (a mantra sacred to Shiva, just like Chandi is to the Goddess) is also considered very sacred on Mahashivaratri.

Some mantras to recite/listen:

Shiva’s root mantra:

Mahamrityunjaya to overcome death, diseases and fear of mortality:

Dakshinamurti mantra for knowledge and enlightenment:


Oh i didnt know this one.



Always Mao!!! :heart::heart::heart:


Shiva who? haha

I am totally consumed by the Kali NFT!!!


I Love Kali! :heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dakshinamurti is my favorite archetype. He is the Teacher. They describe him thus:

“Seated below a banyan tree, is a young man surrounded by ancient sages full of wisdom! He holds the chinmudra in his hand (symbolizing the oneness of the individual and the Divine Self), and his discourse is pure silence. Interestingly, all doubts and ignorance of the sages are dispelled by this discourse of magnificent silence”.


Beautiful! I cant believe ive never come across him.

Being such a Shiva devotee.

I humbly thank you.

Will def learn more about him.

Who knows maybe thats the one i should chant and meditate to tomorrow :heartpulse:


How dare you!! Show me your license to say that :laughing:


Mounavyakya prakatitham :pray::pray::pray:

My fav shiva avatar Dakshinamurthy and Natarajarar


Live Programme on Maha Shivaratri


Lot of Information from Maoshan :pray:


@Maoshan_Wanderer can give information what even google search engine can’t .
A treasure house of knowledge.
Should start some kind of online platform to collect all his valuable wordings.
For any queries related to Hinduism or any ancient practices, my mind automatically asks what @Maoshan_Wanderer has to say about it.
His presence here is blessing for all of us.


There’s the collection of posts by him, don’t know if they are being updated, but what’s already there is awesome!


Aww man guys I wasn’t able to make it to midnight last night lol. I’ll definitely do it tonight though!

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Okay so as I was walking towards my bus stop, I was reciting om Namah Shivaya to myself with the mantra playing in my earbuds. I failed to hear of notice the van barreling towards me until it had already zoomed past, only a foot away. I know if I had been standing anywhere other than where I was, I surely would have been flattened into a pancake. I think shiva may have played a role in protecting me as I recited the mantra, so thank you shiva!


One of my family member mocked me when I said that I’m going to stay awake whole night and meditate, he said that you don’t even offer water to Lord Shiva, so I wanna know is it necessary to do such rituals like offering Bel Patra and water, can’t one just simply meditate and pray to Lord Shiva?


The best thing you can offer to Shiva is yourself! :raised_hands: Shambho


Thank you for making this thread, im really not very well informed when it comes to these special days.

Someone sent me a mantra more or less recently and ive been listening to it 1-2h per day since then, i just love it so much, i cant get enough

Probably because it’s the Isha channel, when I went to youtube just a few minutes ago, their live stream of their event came up as a recommendation.
I clicked on it - after 30 seconds they started singing the same mantra! 6.5 hours into the event… what are the chances!
(i am sharing because as far as i understand this mantra is also related to Lord Shiva - though I understand it is not ‘his’ mantra)

Plus there is a specific picture of Lord Shiva i have been drawn to for weeks but because I have never been so much interested in deities i only found out today it was him on the picture :sweat_smile:


I’ve been initiated in this mantra, extremely powerful! :raised_hands:
It proplels you towards ultimate liberation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

I am not the breath, nor the five elements,
I am not matter, nor the 5 sheaths of consciousness
Nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

I have no hatred or dislike, nor affiliation or liking, nor greed, nor delusion,
nor pride or haughtiness, nor feelings of envy or jealousy.
I have no duty, nor any money, nor any desire, nor even liberation,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion,
I know not pride or jealousy,
I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust or liberation,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

No virtue or vice, no pleasure or pain,
I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,
I am not the experienced, nor the experience itself,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…

I have no fear of death, no caste or creed,
I have no father, no mother, for I was never born,
I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva…