Advice on making your own highly effective subs/affirmations

Hey folks. So I took a stab at making a sub for myself a long ago and wanted to give it another go… but I thought I’d ask for some tips on how to develop the best affirmations I can for myself since many of you are super savvy about the subconscious mind and all that.

I know Googling around yields the usual suggestions such as keeping affirmations brief, using the present tense, and avoid words like ‘not’. But is there anything else to bear in mind to try and maximize the effectiveness of self-made subs?

Thanks. o7

Of course, I fully intend to use Sapien’s Subconscious Limits Remover to get my brain in the right zone to manifest results. :smiley:


For physical subs I have no advice. But here’s some tips for any other type of sub, mainly for behavior modification. You could probably work them into physical type subs if you wanted.

Use present tense, like you said.

Brief is good but not as necessary as many would have you think. Your subconscious is plenty intelligent.

Use two gender voices. Have your gender speak the affirmations in First Person as in “I am”. Have the opposite gender to you speak the affirmations in second person such as “You are”.

If you are doing this just for yourself and not selling them, borrow some technique from Eldon Taylor of Innertalk. His techniques work wonderfully. Have the male and female voices speak in a “permissive” language into your Right Ear, going to your Left Brain. Permissive means you start every statement with “It is OK”. Do the opposite with your left ear or right brain, state everything as a direct command.

Left Ear “I always get my homework done on time” “You always get your homework done on time”
Right Ear “It is OK for me to always get my homework done on time” “It is OK for you to…”

Then reverse the track for your left ear. So your right brain hears everything spoken backwards.

----------End of Eldon tips.-------------

Next. Use the principle of making new connections. And erasing old connections. You are changing your beliefs. All of your beliefs are built out of connections.

New Connection: “I feel that having a clean house is worthwhile.” (clean house)+(feels worthwhile)
Disconnecting: If you have a habit of choosing the wrong friends, just for example. “I never view someone who is sadistic as being my friend” (friend) - (sadistic) You are breaking an old belief.

Don’t worry about using negatives. The subconscious understands words like “No” “Not” and “Never”

Lastly, aim at your real goals to get the most powerful results.
Don’t just say “Being financially independent is worthwhile”
Go more for something like “Being financially independent allows me to feel the true worth I already have”.
Find your real motivations and connect them to the habits or outcomes you want. You don’t just want to be rich. You want to be rich for a reason. You want to be rich so that you can feel a very specific feeling. Identify that and connect it.


Interesting! This is really insightful. I never heard of Eldon Taylor so it looks like I have some reading up to do. Much appreciated. And yeah, this is just for me, I have no intentions of becoming a submaker or selling anything.

Thanks so much!


Adding reasons for why your affirmations are already working is another useful technique.

You are extremely disciplined, because you …

  • … hate slackers
  • … you are extremely driven
  • … are this type of man

You can even use nonsensical reasons like:
because you are here. ; because you are listening to me. etc.


That goes hand in hand with some advice I was reading a few months ago on how to handle difficult customers - it just said people tend to respond far better to things and are more likely to comply with something you’re asking if you add ‘because’ and give a reason.

Thanks for the reminder!


I’m going to try and combine all this advice as I write, so just want to say that even if my head explodes mid-listen from the sheer power, thanks nonetheless for the help. :smiley:


I think I can give you some tips on that. I’d love to see more people create their own subliminals.
So let’s see. Apart from what you already know I’d add that, depending on the complexity of the goal you are trying to accomplish, you should do research and learn about behaviour and how to change it.
It is especially important to learn about shadow work and emotional intelligence. Depending on the goal you want to realize, you may be met with resistance your subconscious is building up to protect your comfort zone.
Learn how to deal with emotional turmoil by reading books about the topic (I recommend starting with Teal Swan). You also want to make sure you are taking conscious action towards your goal to strengthen the subliminal messages.
So also make sure to treat your subconscious mind as an ally and friend, not something you have to force an idea upon.

I could go on and on but if you consider this, you will already be very successful


Careful with that. While it is true that the subconscious does understand negatives, you should still not use them.
Don’t think of a blue elephant.
What happened? You thought of a blue elephant (even if you are not aware of it) and then you went back and deleted the thought. The same goes for your subconscious. It would delete the thought but only after it has already created it.
So better stay away from this idea, just my advice


Thank you for weighing in. And to be on the safe side, I didn’t use any negatives in the subs.

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lots of good replies already. Write in the affirmative.

For instance instead of saying I don’t fear anyone say I’m fearless of everyone.

And use manipulative language :grinning:. For instance my confidence brings me wealth. My confidence pushes mountains.

This is manipulative because your subconscious might deny the end of the sentence. It might say, no it doesn’t bring me wealth. It doesn’t push mountains. But it did not deny the confidence it denied the ladder part of the sentence. This is a trick to affirm confidence in this example.

So use a lot of presuppositions.


I’m clearly in the right place at this forum, so many juicy tidbits I’d likely not have heard of for a while if not for all of you.


Thanks. We all learn from each other.

If you want to read a good book look up Weaponized Hypnosis by George Hutton. Lots of language in there.


Also NLP techniques are awesome. You just need to learn how to script them for subliminal usage instead of hypnosis. And embed triggers that will trigger you throughout the day. Most of all have fun and experiment.


I will upload this archive when i have time from my computer.


Did you ever get a chance to upload this? I would like to try to make subliminals just for me.


No not on multiplexing. But i have something else that will teach you how to make a basic ultrasonic subliminal.

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Thank You! Will you be teaching anything about multiplexing anytime soon?

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Most likely not. I have too many secrets i don’t wanna share. :laughing:

Damn son lol…I understand. Thanks for the share anyways. I’m also using your Beastmode confidence and I think it’s working pretty well!

Thank You!

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Your welcome. That’s awesome man. Hope you get good results with it. Sometimes taking a day off here and there gets the Subliminal to execute better.

I’m working on something called autopilot scripting. Basically where your subconscious carries out the tasks of the subliminal for you in order to reach the desired goals of the subliminal. :wink: