Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

Just curious. Is there a thread just for psychic University patron? There are many powerful fields there , such as anti aging. @Maoshan_Wanderer mentioned of anti aging is from there.


People have used this thread to mention his patreon too. I seen some people mention his energy body repair in this thread

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Definitely worthy of its own thread.

Some PU patreon highlights that are in regular rotation for me:

Beyond the Victim Mindset
Cynicism Treatment
The Will To Live
Road Opener
Fix Neurotransmitter dysfunction
Increase Fluid Intelligence
Crystalline Mental Health
The Ritual of Prosperity and Abundance

Some incredible work for mindset, staying on your path.

Side note: I’m not quite ready to review Sovereignty Over Your Mind, but early returns are extremely promising. A noticeable positive shift in attention and focus.


Hi Mao, How often do you change a stack?


Usually stick with a stack for a few months, but make minor changes all the time.


Hello everyone, after usage of higher self Soul Healing and higher self Exorcism (Gumroad), I felt huge rocks were removed from my chest, lower back and belly. Then i sensed i am more of myself, like…my awareness is not as lousy as before. Words cannot express my gratitude to this creator ( i am not sure is it just a person or a group of people though)

i created a thread for Psychic University Patreon because i felt there are many important and very useful fields in Patreon. Thank you for being generous and provide us low price fields that are as powerful as some paid fields!


Does this work better for you with other fields?

I found that the yellow ink nozzle of my printer was blocked, and after I cleaned it, the print came close to the display of the monitor.
Might that make a little difference to the effect?
All my images are going to be reprinted :woozy_face:

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it’s at the moment no. 1 in my shopping list :)


What is the " reloaded " version of the elixir of luck? I scanned this thread but didn’t see it. Ty. @Psychic_University

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Just saw this too…



Your subconscious will oversee the changes and permanently integrate what it considers optimal. But on this one, it’s likely most of it gets integrated in the first few listens, permanently.

Hi @Psychic_University I see you wrote this on your Generous like a Triple Leo field… would you say that this is also true of your other “Triple” products and astrology fields as well? As far as integrating permanently within the first few listens?


Does anyone knows about any field from P.U that could clean and remove any blockages from the aura?, just like that one, Body Energy / Aura deep cleaning, made by Dream.

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Update on Higher Self Exorcism.

Was guided to it after another run-in with a nasty narcopath. Was trying to understand what in fact still triggers me as I keep removing triggers using the Negative and Entropic Trigger Dissolver from PU. And then it clicked.

What clicks with these people are emotions that got stuck in your organs and body. So I was guided to buy Release and Rise. Now using this in combination with Sovereignty Over Your Mind and the effect is fantastic.

Higher Self Exorcism appears to work on your inner demons. Those trapped emotional patterns etc. (I completely agree with @Replay on this effect) that click on this low-vibrational level with harmful people. I have noticed an amazing ego dissolution effect, initially the field does bring up some junk in your system but be patient and do not lash out, I use Release and Rise together with Consciousness Repair and Expansion and it is amazing.

Thank you for the great work @Psychic_University !!!


I have bought the Whale Trader. May I know how to use the PNG image?

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@Psychic_University Hi PU! Important question.

Purchased the Solstice of Serenity and after several loops some very nasty stuff started surfacing within the body. I combine it with Release & Rise, sometimes use 27 Swords and Sovereignty to process that, but I would greatly appreciate your own insights how to possibly combine fields for integration.


Dear @Psychic_University , for the Astrological Abundance Buff and for the Astrological Wellbeing Buff , after how much time / days/months would they be fully installed and the effects be permanent?

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i asked him once and i think the answer applies for all his astro fields


thank you so much!

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