Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

Very, VERY interested :100:


Dear Psychic University, if you are ever in doubt that whether people would want a certain field from you or Not then please hold a Public Poll either here or on your Patreon.

And I am sure that MOST (if not all) people would be interested in getting Your Longevity and Health based offerings, especially for an affordable Price :pray: :pray: :pray:


@Psychic_University Thanks for making the Healthy teeth one a patreon exclusive. Idk why but I’ve always had issues with my teeth growing up and they just don’t wanna act right despite the measures I go to to keep them clean and healthy.

Been using this for the past two days and my teeth feel great. Solid, strong, not achy at all. Again thanks a ton for your work, it’s greatly appreciated.


The stress dissolver is on a whole another new level. Just once or twice with this while meditating is enough to feel at peace for the whole day. While meditating, I focus on the part I would love my higher self to revise on to remove any ego related flare ups. :pray:

My stack is

Ascension naut (mandala)
Ego diss (mandala)
Silent Mind (mandala)
Stress dissolver (audio)

Also @Psychic_University is there way way for the stress dissolver image to be a little bit smaller? I found when I tried to adjust to fit it properly it cut the top and bottom because it is too long which I suspect may cause the mandala to fully not work, or if it is cut off will it still work? Thank you.


No… it depends on the effects. I will try my best to make it clear in the description when it’s permanent and when it’s not.

Go slow… and 27 Reversed swords can make the experience more hardcore, so take care.


If it can be done, it’s beyond my capabilities.

Crystals are no joke! The results we’re able to experience with their combination keep surprising me every day.

It will work if it’s not a lot


Might be of interest to you :slightly_smiling_face:


Impressive. This one is really important because repressed anger, hatred etc are some of the hardest things to transcend. Even a broken heart doesn’t seem to be as hard to leave behind.

It’s likely these repressed feelings are parts of ourselves that were denied expression and became strong patterns inside us that kept growing and growing. I like the approach of using Scorpio energy here, instead of just collapsing the pattern, for this reason. It will give you a full transcendence, one that this energetic pattern accepts it is what it is and accepts transformation, and goes together with you towards your now improved path.


I’m surprised you haven’t tried to create any specific brain ability audios yet. Perhaps you have some you’re working on and haven’t mentioned to keep it a secret surprise. @Psychic_University

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Thank you! 27 RS are indeed something to be not taken lightly :)

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It depends what you consider brain abilities. There’s the Book Absorber and Astro Intelligence Buff off the top of my head. I’m sure there are more but I’m not going to search right now.


Their also a conceptual thinking and all the Patreon ones, which are quite good


I forgot about the book absorber

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Maybe that’s for people who want to fast/semi fast and get their nutrition only from frequency, because Sapien himself has so many audios for different types of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants…ets

We eat our normal daily nutritious food and to get an extra help from an energy field for anti-aging related nutrition would be a brilliant idea! @Psychic_University


If you meant intelligence:

A significant part of intelligence expression is about balance. Sometimes in life, we know this individual who seems to be a genius, but can’t express it, or isn’t as genius in some other areas of his life. In this case, it’s likely there is a placement or aspect in his chart that is blocking the flow. In that sense, Astrological Intelligence Buff is a very powerful tool to increase intelligence as it clears these blockages in the natal chart, and boosts your baseline to levels that can’t be reached naturally.

(Usually it’s the natal chart, but it can also be something on the physical that happened to that person. Probably both in different degrees.)

There is also balance in the physical aspect itself. Not only balance between the whole brain functions but also on order and chaos (search for Edge-of-chaos and intelligence).

Don’t forget about the Fluid Intelligence Boost and Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy). They are great and can give you massive boosts in brain power.

Other products include Clever Like a Triple Gemini, Naga Psychic Brain, Master of Conceptual Thinking, Mercury Healing and Development, and Mathematics Understanding Improvement. Subconscious Limits dissolver used for intelligence is a good idea too.

There is a product for intelligence increase I’ve been designing for almost 3 years, but I lost myself somewhere in the research. I don’t even remember most of the stuff on the draft. They are better released as pieces and I think I subconsciously knew this.

The smart thing to do here is to explore the various incredible intelligence fields released by Sapien Med. I saw your profile picture, but seriously, they are worth every single penny. There are few things that will give you bigger returns in all areas of your life than increasing your intelligence, and brain function and improving your brain health. And they do the job wonderfully.

Now if you meant specific abilities, I’m designing some products for what I think might be interesting ones to have. I think I’m able to release some of them this year. The first ones will be for mathematics knowledge and poker abilities. I think the results on these will be easy to track and will help to improve on the concept for future ones.

Yes, this field is really serious. It’s a call of having enough suffering and having to deal with everything that should be dealt with to go to the next level. The process can be hard and it’s one of the reasons it’s not free.

This one can also be serious but the personalized aspect make it possible to offer it for free:

Use it with respect and gratitude and receive your personalized lessons about being alive.

Proceed with caution because the consequences can be huge. It’s unlikely you will wake up the same person the next day.


Listening to it now and getting strong visions of Shiva…not sure why! Almost instantaneously…




This is great. Thank you, @Psychic_University! Second listen and I’m feeling a lot of heat in my heart chakra area and overall head. Don’t really understand what is happening.


You will start receiving insights about what you’ve learned in a very natural way, and your subconscious will guide you to a path where the full understanding reaches its completion through small realizations (which can take some months).

But it also has instant effects as you could see.

It’s really nice for the ones interested in spiritual evolution.


Thanks, @Psychic_University ! I’m looking forward to these insights and realizations.

What’s the purpose of the massive heat in the chest and head area? Is it clearing things?

I’m playing Earth Therapy to ground myself now.


Thank you @Psychic_University. The moment I listened to it, I had slight pressure on my forehead. And then my whole body tingling. I felt sort of aware of something deeply… But not on conscious level… Will listen to it more. Great stuff!