Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

Bought the speed up physical change field even though it was out of my budget. I will be looping this, this one physical manifestation has to fucking come. I will love myself, accept myself, open my heart, whatever it takes to achieve it. :angry:


I’d be cautious about looping this.

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I’m used to harsh healing. I got nothing to lose looping this.


I’m just concerned for you. You were recently looking for Blueprint of Love? Now you are already selling it. Perhaps a leap in logic by me, but Something happened in your relationships, and as I’m an old guy who’s been through lots of heartache, my advice is don’t over compensate. A little progress every day. I could be wrong, so forgive me if I’ve overstepped. I will delete this if you tell me to.


No it’s fine man, it’s my insecurity in my mind that’s causing these self sabotaging habits. I’m trying to overcompensate by achieving a physical change and I know that’s not the right way, but I can’t but help feel I need to reach perfectionism.

Thanks for being concerned about me :slightly_smiling_face:.


I wonder if that’s our task being here - we jump headfirst into a world of such variety. And we encounter so many situations. I wonder if the whole game is to love, no matter what.

…and can you love this?

And can you love this?

How about this?

I’m sorry I’m tangenting. The whole conversation sparked that


Yes. :sparkling_heart:


You know, I always say to myself love is indeed powerful, but do you actually apply love onto yourself and to others? I know love is meant to be showered but we stop the stream of love because we are so focused on achieving this or that in order to feel loved or feel we are content. It’s funny how I preach to others to love themselves, yet here I am crying for a physical change.

It’s a real weird predicament we live in.To achieve something, we must be content within ourselves first to achieve the very thing we want because if we achieved it then we would be content but then we are already content in the first place. It’s strange strange. :laughing:


Oh totally

And by the way, I’m not over here pretending I’m great at that, it was just a passing wondering :)

And I think you’ll get what you want.



Hi @Psychic_University , just want to clarify , for the Speed up physical field , is it once or thrice or more before a physical stack comprising of other physical fields for optimisation and attaining fast effects ? Really appreciate your recommendation for the field , thanks man :blush:

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Blueprint of Love works on the Heart Chakra big time.


Nah I didn’t think that way. Much love to you :heart:

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So I have been looping speed up physical changes for an hour and the obsession with trying to change my height was drastically reduced. Blueprint of love worked on filling with me love and this worked on accepting that heavy inner turmoil residing in me. Sweet combo.


Try starting with a really focused and immersive loop

Quality over quantity on this one


Do you mean meditating with this field?

Does The Elixir of Luck include the concept of abundance (such as will attract things like happiness, joy, beneficial wealth, appreciation, caring and general abundance)?


if possible



okay, I am the first to notice that Flying to New Heights has been released:


This field re-open growth plates, boosts chondrocytes and instruct your body to grow taller, in a coherent way and with your ideal ratios.

Additional effects:

  • Subliminal messages imbued on the audio
  • Endocrine System healing and repair
  • Limiting subconscious beliefs related to height growth cleared
  • Repair and development of astrological energies making the growing process harder than
    it should be (Only for the physical level. Mental blocks are dealt with in another way).
  • NADH and Collagen boost
  • Added Heal all Tissues and Cells with Holy Light and Divine Love on the process

Your body will ask for more food and water, be prepared. Your energy body will also grow with you and this can be very taxing, depending on the case and your routine.

Protected against black market.

Fun fact, this was the first field I ever sold using the Sapien Medicine markeplace (It was held on the The Sound Wave website at the time). So it holds a special place on my heart.

I used the same song as before to save time with the subliminal part, but the field is updated, with more details and effects than its previous version.


WOAH damn

What do u mean?