Affirmations and Subliminal's

Hello all, hope this reaches all in great energy.

I am a huge believer, consumer, and supporter for not only Sapien’s creations, but using Affirmations in self inner dialogue and even more so recorded affirmations and subliminal’s and intaking them by listening (headphones and speakers or own conscious voice). I have had huge results from both methods listening to both in recorded forms.

I have been scripting and making my own affirmations and subliminal recordings and I have had some really great progress with reality starting to align more with my scripted subliminal audios. Meaning my subliminal affirmations that I record or spend more time listening to start reflect back to me in my life.

I have been experimenting and wanted to ask a general question to those who are experienced as affirmations and subliminal creators or consumers.

Majority of my own creations are written and recoreded in the first person such as I AM, I REMEMBER, I DO, I HAVE. Recently I have started to wonder what if you were to script and record affirmations in the third person. As instead of the I AM, I do, first person method etc.

Does anyone hear have any experience with third person dialogue subliminal’s (example of 1st and 3rd person affirmations subliminal for health: Instead of a first person of ‘I AM HEALTHY’, A third person affirmation would be dialouge of voices saying ‘YOU ARE HEALTHY’ |‘insert your name| IS HEALTHY’)

If Sapien or another members of the community could give any insight or experiences, I would appreciate it. Thank you all for hearing me out


This perhaps has nnothing to do with subliminals . :laughing:

But i believe you might be interested on this!

Pretty cool , also its truly a CHEAT CODE .

If i realized this before , holi shiiiii lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :weary: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sam explained this goooood ! also read the post from Ego Diss and Om Inputs! You may get a surprise!

Very interesting ego stuff :smile_cat:

very very lol

Enjoy it bro!

ego post



No worries ! Any response is appreciated and will be digested. Thank you bro this thread’s idea and meditation technique is really interesting.

I have been coming across and making connections between the ideas of yin and yang, the law of polarity, and general statements and the old sayings of things like, ‘Opposites attract’. Or Neville Goddard’s quotes on practicing detachment to manifest.

Like Nevile’s technique on in order to manifest you would affirm the opposite of your desire consciously. Example would be his famous I will NOT climb a ladder meditation, where he told students to say repeat affirm I WILL not climb a ladder, only to lead them to mentally climb a ladder in their sleep and would manifest the act of having to be forced to climb a ladder in reality.

I appreciate your response bro thanks. I agree with you that there are “Cheat Codes” or methods in using our brain to interact with our reality.


:face_with_monocle: :ok_hand:

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If there are any existing threads or topics relating to either of the points of 1st person vs. 3rd person affirmations, or the point of technique brought forth above by @AkiraTheWild, @Captain_Nemo, please if you could link them here. We are all blessed to be here thank u for reading


Ye let me see !!

Also the threaad keep open to new perspectives :)


Hi @IntusVero! Wel to the club


Hey IntusVero! Good to have you around ;)

It’s a good practice to communicate with your own mind, consciously with meditation, in words, feelings, sensations, or concepts :)

Do you follow any subliminal creators on YouTube? Many of them use the “You are” approach; coming from the concept of when things are communicated to you from an external source you are more likely to be open to receiving it. Like if your close friend tells you You did great today!!! You are more likely to feel your efforts are visible vs I did great today!!!…did i?
(Or masking it with over-confidence)

The ego diss. Meditation is also close to another method where you give your mind questions because your mind is more likely to give supporting answers: Why am I so great today? Why am I so successful today? Why am I sooo unstoppable today?

But honestly it doesn’t even start there. Subliminals is a very creative tool to tap into more, some creators tap into psychic powers, concepts of time/space, concepts of divine, concepts of particles/atoms movement, of nature elements, of telepathy, concepts of control, concepts of movies, of music, of scenes, of feelings, of happiness, of kindness, of aspiration… of anything.

I can give you a list but I think you are looking into interesting stuff like law of polarity and stuff :) so I’ll leave the inspection and inspiration part for you :))

Mind is totally yours; Will it as you wish :slight_smile:


Hello Desiree, really love this response and I was able to pick up a lot from it. Yes I was able to find Sapien’s channel through YouTube alongside a few others that have really helped me and you are correct, some of the channels that I hold in the same regard as Sapien does use the 3rd person approach. I just hold Sapien’s in such regard and wasn’t sure on what approach @Captain_Nemo would use to be more aligned with the subliminal affirmations working. (1st person vs. 3rd person)

Your point of approaching the affirmation audio or the subconscious with questions, as another form of affirming something, is just amazing and I could easily start to understand how the questions would be met with the answers that you have previously affirmed within your identity. This is a great affirmation or questioning method that I have not yet applied to my own creations or have consumed this method of affirmations subliminal’s on YouTube yet. Thank you for this

Your next point of the subliminal’s or audio soundwaves being able to hold or tap into and transfer data/energy from sound to the mind. From more ‘out there’ creative starting points other then just words is very interesting to me and something that I am applying and currently trying to learn. To bring a example take @Captain_Nemo 's Dream Seeds channel is the first place I think I was introduced to it.

Another example of this would be the looking at our sub-and consciousness in the light of theoretical physics and science, Morphic Resonance a theory that has more validation within my experience to me then any other law of nature. Is something that I have discovered alongside the rest of the community, I honestly believe that there is a nature of physics with mathematical proof to our thoughts and the forms that they take, rather that be that our thoughts are actually forms of particles/matter/plasma that are released out into a field (electromagnetic field, gravitational field, etc). That then would manifest in the form of reality as experience, matter, etc. This is something that I think is my biggest question ( the mathematical and detailed operation of how our thought and mental expression is actually manifested into matter in reality ) and my favorite wonder and I thank you for touching on the complexity of our experiences with subliminal’s and our mind.

I have watched @Captain_Nemo video on Sapien Medicine on Morphic Resonance it was enlightening and amazing, but even after his great narration and explanation, I still look to understand more and apply and master the process. If @Captain_Nemo could perhaps expand on this process of our thought forms, or subliminal beliefs and the interconnection they have with our experience and reality . or any members experiences or notes or connections they have made within their process of applying this would be appreciated. ( I have attached a link to Sapien’s detailed video on what Morphic Resonance and fields for anyone who wishes to learn more here)

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I was gonna link the same video since I was under the impression you thought the fields included subliminals! Which, the video doesn’t bring up :))

Like you, I’m also grateful I was introduced to subs way after sapien came into my life. So my use of subs was to just give a direction boost to my mind.

Yes, geometrical too. See this sophisticated experience here :tophat:

Thank you for having matching interests that wants to know more :)


We as a whole are on to knowing and understanding, thank you for sharing that passage about that experience and Geometry. Two of my favorite theoretical physicists alchemist John Dee and mathematician Ralph Abraham who was apart of the trio Terrence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake who brought forth the theory of Morphic Resonance.

Said the the language of the divine is Sacred geometry. Last night I realized that Einstein’s general relativity theory of space and time and how it works, Is written and explained in geometry. What we are experiencing in our being is more then real and soon all will be able to operate and live in it just as we have lived and understood more simple things. I thank you as well for showing me that others are coming to similar equations.

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can anyone check my affirmations?