Easy Ego Dissolution Meditation for Deconditioning the Mind


Here’s a meditation me and @El_Capitan_Nemo have been doing that has pretty quick results in reprogramming the mind. It helps to meditate beforehand and get your mind in a clear space. But if you don’t meditate, that’s fine as well.

Listen to ego dissolution. While listening, begin to self reflect on a certain issue of yours and start asking yourself….

What purpose does this serve me? Why am I still going through this? This should be something I let go of… ext…

Really get into a logical conversation as to why a certain pattern doesn’t serve you and is causing you to struggle and shouldn’t be a part of you anymore.

Now, if you want to replace the pattern… then start to thinking of the pattern to replace it with. Feel the pattern. Become the pattern. Repeat the pattern in your mind as if it is already who you are.

I will now give an example to help you all fully understand. Let’s say you have very low self esteem. You think your nose is too long and you hate the way it looks. This belief limits you from ever accepting and embracing yourself.

You listen to ego dissolution and while listening… you ask yourself… Why am I insecure about my nose? Why does this make me dislike the way I look? Does this make me ugly? Is it ugly because it doesn’t look like other people’s noses? Why do I need other people’s validation? What if I can never change it? Am I going to feel insecure forever? This feeling makes me insecure and negative about myself, it doesn’t serve me. I’m letting go of this. I am going to accept myself for how I am and how I look now.

Then you start thinking… I love my nose the way it is. I love the way I look and the way I am. I create my own standards and I’m happy with the way my nose looks. I don’t need other people’s validation for my happiness. Ext…

Do this daily until you feel those kinds of thoughts fade away. This worked for a certain pattern of mine in a matter of days. I don’t know how long it would take for you but this is some of the fastest reprogramming I’ve ever experienced in my years of self work. Ego dissolution promotes neuroplasticity which allows you to have some control over your mental patterns and create new ones. This is a powerful practice that I’d recommend all of you to do.


Hi @_OM , @SammyG , @El_Capitan_Nemo

Thank u for the guidnce on this. Ego D is ome of my favorites , I listen to them nearly 3-4 times daily…

I would like to know the below.

While listening to this can i play another audio which playa positive words… I am Rich, I am Milionair, i am making monet, Money reach me… etc…


Meams that on my earphone i have Ego D and on another phone i play the other video.

Then i close my eyes and meditate . Will it also gives the new nd potive pattern.

Appreciate ur advise…



Yes, you can do this.

But it would be best if the words came from you. If you were the one programming it and not a voice in your ear. I guess while listening to the subliminals, you can feel these things more and program your mind to instill them.

But personally I think directing your mind with your own thoughts would be better.

And… listening to the new mindset audios right after ego dissolution would have palpable effects. I can’t overstate how awesome the new mindset audios are. They change you internally pretty damned quickly. Especially after ego dissolution.


If you play with a playlist with some fields, let’s assume 4-6 different, Ego Dissolution just listen to it once at the beginning of the playlist or would it be even better before each different field?


When I listen to playlist with different fields I add ego D at the beginning of each different audio set or a couple of times before and a couple of times after. And always 1 at the begging of SLR


Thank you for sharing this meditation.

This has worked amazingly well and fast (literally days) in resolving an issue I have had for years and I honestly thought I would deal with for the rest of my life.
I cannot praise this enough. This has been a life-changer: there is literally a before and after

The only little thing I added is that I incorporated “mirror work” of the amazing, beautiful soul that was, is Louise L Hay. i.e. I had the conversations in front of a mirror, talking to myself.

The process was not easy and pain-free though: a lot of emotions and feelings came up. I had to take it easy on myself and enjoy some tlc


Thank you for your testimonial my friend!

I love louise hay! Her audiobooks were always playing on my drives to my past work.


I have tried this meditation once today and immediately feel better, i will continue daily and update


This meditation is extraordinary! It is so efficient that I always forget to do it, which is usually a sign of La Résistance! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have experimented a bit and I thought to write the process here in case it might be of use.

In the last 2-3 months I started to do something I call emotional alchemy, which is a mix of the letting go technique by Hawkins (where one surrenders to an emotion and lets it run out of steam - the purpose being to be free of those emotions over time) and the emotional transmutation process some magick rituals use (where you transform your negative emotions over a situation you aim to change to emotions of gratitude and relief, as if the ritual has already been successful). I find this especially useful for manifestation.

For the exercise, I either start with talking through the issue or thinking about it, zoning in on the emotion(s) it makes me feel, I surrender to them and when I feel they have run their course I then think of how I would feel if the issue was solved. I then align to this emotion and hold it for a little while.

I come out feeling like a million bucks!

It also works at lightning speed with Plasma Light.

Thanks so much for this exercise, it would be great if it was part of the school curriculum haha :slight_smile:


I tried the easy ego dissolution meditation for the first time today.

I worked on an issue that most men my age will be able to identify with. It went a little something like this.

"I want to attract beautiful women. Why do I want to attract beautiful women? So I can sleep with them. Why do I want to sleep with beautiful women? Because it will make me feel like a real man. Why do I want to feel like a real man? Because then I will feel powerful, confident and good about myself.

Why do I want to feel powerful, confident and good about myself? So I can sleep with even more beautiful women. Okay, so what happens after I have slept with (in my opinion) the most beautiful woman? Then I will feel even more powerful, confident and good about myself.

Why do I want to feel powerful, confident and good about myself in the first place? What happens when I am able to feel invincible? (Silence was the answer).

What purpose does feeling confident, powerful and good about myself achieve? (Nothing was the answer).

I should surrender these feelings to the void. Off you go".

Just did this a few minutes ago and currently I feel peaceful, confident and at ease with myself.


I’m so happy you bumped this thread up! It has been brought to my attention recently and along with forgiveness meditation, I’ve been postponing the two!

Btw, I recommend you also give yourself a round of Forgiveness meditation to forgive yourself, these emotions, the use of means (being in this case: sleeping with beautiful women) etc.

I recently did the meditation (almost a month after another person has brought it to my attention) over a situation between me and a person I know, next thing I know a want and a genuine one to progressively let go :) it has an immense power on events! Surprised me tbh.

@MonkeyOwl Maybe I should finally hop on this one today!


I am going to start this today to help release all of the stored trauma in my body and for the anger i have towards the medical profession. Being so awfully mistreated by hospitals and so called doctors 14 years ago (And every year since then) when they ruined my life with all the botched procedures and misdiagnosis and wrong treatment which never should have been done. Even writing this message is making me angry thinking back about how awful it was. I really really hope this will be of great help :pray:t3: :crossed_fingers:t3:


I would use these to help as well. These audios have allowed me to discharge a lot of emotions that came with negative situations


Thank you @Reform
I am already using trauma release and healing but I will definitely add in Forgiveness and release. It makes so much sense now thinking about it that it would be a great field to use. I have looked past that field so many times before and never thought about using it. Thank you because I do need to forgive what has happened to me so that I will be able to move on. My anger for them and the whole situation has just been masking what I really need to do. Thank you for your suggestions :pray:t2:


Bro sammy !
This meditation is crazyyyyyy,
I stumbled across this thread like it was When the superhero realises that all the power was within him.

I started doing it, no meditation before hand and started having the conversation about some personal topics,
There was buzzing around my head like I could feel the neural pathways being changed :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It’s like all the Neuron homies were like this doesn’t serve no more we gotta switch it up lol

Then the habit loop was gone for a while !
I fell back into it but I know if I do this for a couple of days/weeks then it will fade away and I can spend this precious energy doing other things :star_struck::fire:

Thanks bro !


I wonder what happens if i listen to superhuman genius before doing this.


Try it and let us know!

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How many times can this Ego Dissolution be played every day?
I would like to put it in various stacks but I don’t know if there is any limit or indication of use. Thank you.

(I’m going to answer your questions out of order here.)

IME, the field itself has no limitation. You could theoretically play it 24/7, and as long as your energy systems can handle it, you’re good. (BTW, I personally don’t find this to be an energy-taxing field for me.)

Not that I’ve read and not that I’ve experienced, with this field.

I have this vague recollection of a forum friend (who may now be an anon######) playing this 24/7 for a while, with no problems. (They wanted to get rid of their ego entirely, or something like that.)

I do that, too!

And as I do it, the biggest consideration I’ve found is one of time. ED is (if my memory serves) almost 15 minutes long. So, if it’s at the beginning of 4 stacks, that’s 1 hour of field-listening time that goes to ED, rather than tending to my issues, you see?

I seem to arrange my stacks (I stack my stacks like Lego’s) so that ED is spread out throughout my day.

And I’m guided by Sammy’s comment in the FAQ that 10 minutes with a field in a listening session is enough to get the benefits from a field. Since ED is 15 minutes long, 1 listen and I’m covered.

And if you combine your listening with Sammy’s meditation above, you might not need many replays of ED at all.

Hope that helps.


I remember their was a certain type of supplement that helps with this process that was in one of the Desc by dream. I cant remember, cant seem to find it