I don't know if this is a result of me raising my vibration or not

For some strange reason these days when I drive in a certain road that is only 2 way, there are drivers that drive past me almost hitting another car coming in the opposite direction.

Now I’m not driving slow by any means. Speed limit is 35 and I was driving at around 45. This happened like 4 times in the last year. Something isn’t right. This last guy literally was waving his hand and flicking me off as he did that. Even seconds after.

Now I know there is non duality in things but at the same time, in the city I’m in, are there really a lot of low vibrational people? I swear before consciously raising my vibration this wasn’t happening.

The audios I have been using were vibration of divine love, root sacral healing, and soul core restoration.

This incident that just happened, I was listening to ojas while driving. This is weird. Can someone explain to me whats going on here?

My neighborhood itself is in no way low vibrational either. So it can’t be that. Is this what happens when one raises their vibration?

And no I’m not blaming the audios if anyone even thinks it.


I can’t tell for sure if this is related to raising your vibration but vibration and beliefs are closely intertwined. When attempting to raise our vibration without clearing dysfunctional beliefs, they can sometimes manifest more strongly to be seen and reknown/released.

What I would suggest is analysing how this situation makes you feel. Vulnerable? Angry? Unsafe? Discouraged? Etc. Once you have identified the main emotion, try to see what in your beliefs is concordant with that so you can work on releasing it (the ego dissolution exercise would be great with that).

I hope that’s helpful :slight_smile:

More like annoyed. Makes me question what is even happening out there. Yesterday was pure anger when that happened.

If it was me… I don’t think there is a reason to theorize if something happens because of raising vibration or else.
It just… is? Why theorize and try to pin it on vibration or something else? Also because underlying cause and effect of events in life may not be logical at all and could go much deeper than you might imagine or remember.

It’s a good experience for you to check if you’re actually raising your vibration by how much of an emotional gut reaction these cause in you :P

Also it could be a warning for you to stay alert on that particular stretch of road in the coming days/weeks, so if I were you, I would be extra careful there.

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I mean if it happened only once it’s fine. But 4 times in the span of 1 year in almost the same area? Something really seems off…

A tend to do the opposite! Pretty much anything that happens that I don’t enjoy (especially if it’s big enough) I tend to ask myself what within has caused me to intersect with it and to work on cleaning it up.

Otherwise it’s my experience that it’ll just show up in some other way.

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Is it your experience that if you think about it, it will not happen again? :D

I’m not saying to ignore everything in life and take no responsibility…
But there is a decision in how reactive you are, and also how much space you allow for your mind to create some back story why XYZ happened in your life.
Of course it depends on the situation…
And of course sometimes cause and effect is obvious, like if I didn’t do my work and my boss is upset with me because of that, that is an obvious cause and effect :D then I can look into myself, why didn’t I manage to complete the task?

But everything has a cause - why you have the body you have, why you prefer certain foods or colours, why your parents are your parents, why some stranger was rude to you on the bus.
But some are obvious and logical, and some happen without obvious reason… or the reasoning will just be something superficial or something made up.

I see this sort of logic in some of my friends and family who are new age-minded. There is nothing in the world they can’t twist around to find it a reason that may or may not have anything to do with reality. Almost anything can be explained with “raising vibration”.
Something good happened? Raising vibes, I’m so aligned!
Something bad happened? Yeah it’s people reacting to my raising vibes, they can feel it, they’re too low vibe.

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Hahha god no, that’s really not what I meant (wouldn’t that be nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). Just that by being conscious of what’s going on inside that’s manifesting outside, it’s possible to change ourselves to change our realities.

To me it’s not about backstories or justifying every experience. It’s about getting concrete changes into my life. I tend to be very result oriented so whatever I put my efforts in (in whatever field) needs to lead to concrete changes/improvements, otherwise it’s not really worth doing. Well unless it’s fun. Fun is always its own reward hahaha

To me (but that’s a matter of beliefs and I’m not saying mine are the truth, just that over time through experimentation that’s what’s proved to work consistently) everything that happens to me is 100% on me, always. The good and the bad. It’s just too convenient to think that when things work out for us we can take the credit then turn around to blame others when it doesn’t.