Having Trouble Raising Vibration bc of LVE Patterns

I’ve been listening to all three vibration audios, and I know that they are working on some level bc I can clearly feel the energy + notice a subtle loss of ego as well. However, after doing it for 5 months, I am still stuck in my very toxic habits of pornagraphy and eating bad food, procrastination and doing things at the very last minute, never achieving my goals, etc. I know it takes time and effort, but I’ve been trying to stop these habits very hard with physical action and discipline, but I still revert to the same patterns. Also tried listening to the addiction field as well. Any suggestions to break said habits that are holding me back?

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What are you doing already to break such habits? What have you tried?

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Meditation man, deep meditations and thats what I can only recommend you now, @uial can you link him the meditation method that Sam wrote ? the one which he and dream did/do


Ego Dissolution & Deconditioning the Mind


I tried doing a dopamine fast, but I always keep breaking them. My record was 19 days. I will keep doing a dopamine fast until I hit at least 30 days. Quitting porn is the biggest goal.
Even during the dopamine fast, I get distracted by walking around and such. Not achieving anything.
I am trying to meditate everyday. Wasn’t perfect though.
It’s also impossible for me to wake up on time.
What else? I tried structuring my schedule for what tasks to do. Still need to improve on execution




Here’s a few ideas

Loop love appreciation and gratitude and start appreciating the simple fact that you aren’t giving into those habits that very moment. This can over time restructure your reward system into loving the time that you arent doing these bad habits, then progress to appreciating the fact that you quit once you feel the first topic is mastered (aka fully appreciated lol)

Listen to transmutation and unstoppabable willpower sporadically through out the day (not only when you get urges), and of course, when you get urges

Listen to exorcism rites every morning and night and maybe once in the after noon

Play the politics of the body Album every day, it cleans regenerates and enhances your organs, cleaning is important because you might have parasites attached to you

Play the deep aura cleanse once a week to clean up junk energies

Keep listening to brain regeneration and over come addictions regularly

Try the 6th Tibetan rite whenever you get urges, here’s a link to how to do it

You can try asking your higher self for assistance in your cause through listening to higher self connection, also try some of the intercessionary fields too and ask some beings for help

Get active. Pick up a hobby man, thats what helped me a lot when I first started trying to conquer my bad habits, just don’t leave any free time for the bad habits and after a good month or two you should have developed brand new habits

Try out the recommended meditation from Origin that Bronyraur linked, I’m checking it out right now! I think that’s one of the best options there is


As far as fields go, soul core restoration Is perfect for this. It plugs up the lower dantien connecting you back to vital energy in the process. The ancient arts series is wonderful too, but I feel it only really shines in conjunction with core restoration.

I’m on day 74 of retaining and to be honest bro, I never even think about porn anymore , excepting those knee jerk moments when I’m bored and conditioning kicks in. The thought is gone in 30 seconds. This takes time friend and you gotta want it… sooooo bad that it burns. You gotta have had enough of not being the shiny kick ass sovereign being that you truly are. That no amount of urges ir conditioning is worth sacrificing that. It’s a noble cause man, stick with it and try the soul restoration. Pm me if you’d like also



I have Soul Core Restoration as well and listen to that.
In Ancient Arts, is it the Transmutation file that specifically helps with that? Sexual transmutation?

Superhuman genius +

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Yes, the micro cosmic orbit. When I was at less than 40 days, I used it all the time when I had urges. It genuinely works


I will add more.
What you need to do is rewire your possible adhd brain. And these two fields will do that really.
These vibration audios should actually destroyed these patterns really, so thats why this should work.


Well, if what you’ve been trying hasn’t really been able to get you what you want, then trying more of the same thing probably won’t work out that well.

Understand this - all decision making is emotional. The reason you keep going back to these “bad habits” is because that’s what you FEEL that you deserve. When you change how you feel about yourself, the need will disappear and your behavior will change in that moment. Simple in concept, VERY difficult to execute in practice.

Sure, all the suggestions others have given will help, but they all are things meant to try and offset weakness in one area with strength in another. If you really want to be free, you need to work with your heart, and you need to use tools that are heart-based.

This is how you really resolve the core issue. I’m speaking from experience here, I’ve lived this process.


Cool, what are some examples?

One of the most effective modalities I’ve found is The Emotion Code at DiscoverHealing.com, but that’s an active practice that you either need to learn & perform on yourself, or you need to find & work with a practitioner, and can only be done max twice a week. If you’re already familiar with muscle testing & working with your higher self, this should be very easy to learn.

For a more passive toolset that can/will work all the time, you could use Sapien’s new servitors, but you might need to train them up a bit.

Or, you can buy and wear the TwistedSage.com tensor rings, which are designed to better connect you with your higher self, slowly bring to the surface any hidden hurts/baggage you’re carrying, and also help dramatically in releasing them. Start with Harmony rings, then work up to Golden Fire rings, then Regeneration rings (silver are more effective). Same idea as The Three Treasures, start at the bottom and work your way up.

Honestly, there’s lots of tools & practices that you could use, but these are some of my favorites, all of which I still regularly use.


I will start looking into them and doing them!

You’re welcome. Good luck!

where can I get this audio?

Search “sapien medicine Gumroad”