I love that this process gets periodically bumped, as I believe it’s very powerful.
I have personally been starting my day w/ PONR, Chakra Clean, and then meditation w/ Higher Self followed by playing Ego Dissolution. A little over 2 years ago, I added Scripting to my daily routine. It has absolutely changed my life.
While playing ED, I begin my writing with a gratitude list of usually 6+ things I’m grateful for, my “Wins” from the previous day, and then single-line intention statements based around the “issue” in this process that I would like to update and/or do differently. On occasion, I also add in a Script in advance for my day, where I write out what I ideally want my day to look like. I’ve found a high degreee of correlation with what I write and what ends up happening in “real life.” I’ve been following this 1-2 rounds of Conceptual Realizations and sometimes more depending on my morning schedule from there. I expect this process will continue to evolve, and become more powerful and effective over time.
Oh yes, and I’ve also just recently started adding Torsion Field at the beginning, stating “my intention is to raise my spiritual consciousness, and have and enjoy an amazing spiritual wonderful romantic partner in my life”.
Happy manifesting, everyone.