Easy Ego Dissolution Meditation for Deconditioning the Mind

My question was not for an energy expenditure as a field, but from the answer or battle that the ego could carry out to survive the dissolution and elimination, because however the ego has its importance in the balance of every person, at least so I learned in various live courses.

Thanks a lot!

When you have a specific topic of interest for your question, I think it’s helpful for us if you share your topic of interest so that we can more helpfully answer your question. (I stopped reading minds a long time ago.)

I don’t believe that the field (or the meditation above) fully dissolves the ego. (My own personal opinion is that such a thing is not possible when we’re in human vantage point.) As I understand the field and the meditation above, they dissolve the barriers, which interfere with our “progress” (however we define what “progress” is to us), that the ego puts in place within us.

I agree.

I’ve been literally forced by a friend to give a go to that meditation again, and after a week of practice I feel it as one of the most effective tool we have around here.

Changes are deep and easy.

Just follow the process, tune into your problems and limiting beliefs, then with a nice intent choose what kind of thoughts/beliefs you want to replace it with :blush:

In 2-10min, you can have more results than spamming x field for days.

Give it a go as well guys.

And feel free to DM if you have troubles with the process, I’d be happy to help


I love that this process gets periodically bumped, as I believe it’s very powerful.

I have personally been starting my day w/ PONR, Chakra Clean, and then meditation w/ Higher Self followed by playing Ego Dissolution. A little over 2 years ago, I added Scripting to my daily routine. It has absolutely changed my life.

While playing ED, I begin my writing with a gratitude list of usually 6+ things I’m grateful for, my “Wins” from the previous day, and then single-line intention statements based around the “issue” in this process that I would like to update and/or do differently. On occasion, I also add in a Script in advance for my day, where I write out what I ideally want my day to look like. I’ve found a high degreee of correlation with what I write and what ends up happening in “real life.” I’ve been following this 1-2 rounds of Conceptual Realizations and sometimes more depending on my morning schedule from there. I expect this process will continue to evolve, and become more powerful and effective over time.

Oh yes, and I’ve also just recently started adding Torsion Field at the beginning, stating “my intention is to raise my spiritual consciousness, and have and enjoy an amazing spiritual wonderful romantic partner in my life”.

Happy manifesting, everyone. :smiley:

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Could this be used for things like being more open to energy fields and possibilities without becoming gullible? As I said before in other topics, I’m open to improving myself through untraditional means, but at the same time, I’m a realist.

Yes. In some ways it makes you become more of a realist by learning to see through the boundaries of the ego, which make us only a realist in terms of what we already know and currently believe. The ego is a limited boundary of perception. This doesn’t mean that all the sudden you are going to believe in fairies and have your head floating in the clouds. It’s more so, of learning to see things without the subjective lens of the ego and being open to multiple perspectives at once.

This also means being more open to energy. Being more open to growing through untraditional means. The mind can be like clay and part of the beauty of the esoteric, are the many different ways you can grow and explore yourself when not limited by the bounds of the ego.