What are the top fields anyone can recommend to assist with supporting shadow work please?
I am currently trying to remove/rewire old patterns and behaviours by going into my past to find the roots of my trauma and help to remove/rewire them so I can begin to live a happier more conscious life without the triggers of past conditioning.
So far I am doing ok with this…the fields I am using to support it are;
Ego Dissolution
Subconscious limits dissolver
Emotional release
Remove energy blocks
Amygdala Healing
Vagus Nerve
Self Healing and Acceptance
Smart Cord Cutter
Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence
Blueprint of Life
And I also use the chakra fields on gumroad.
Is this enough or does anyone have any other recommendations as I know there are so many amazing fields that may help to replace some of the above or further support the work I am trying to do.
Thanks for any advice