Alchemical Holy Light (N/A)

Everytime I do my prayer the main feeling it’s reassurance, the audio helped me feel that without starting my prayer and my prayer got enhanced while doing it.

Started with basic prayer and then asked for help and stuff.


:+1: :partying_face:


I listened to this having had some feeling similar to the dissolution of the ego, but not quite for that reason, along with a burning in the 4th chakra area. I had read the comments above related to listening while praying, so I wanted to try it this way, also driven by the sensations I was experiencing, so in the middle of the fourth listening, that burning and related sensations dissolved, until I benefited of serenity, which has increased until now that I am writing, about 3 hours after the end of listening.
Having already tried it a few times, I had obtained some benefits, but I found that by interacting through prayer, one can go to the central core of this field, which seems almost reductive to call it that, but it is a help in that sense, so it can also be defined as a prayer field. I imagine it would combine well with Soul Heart Storage Center, because the latter would be empowered by the blessings of the Holy Light and in turn would communicate with it, imbued with that Light and love that flows from it, with further benefits to the physical heart and manifestations, knowing that the electromagnetic field of the heart is 5000 times that of the brain:I feel I can recommend it without any doubt.
Thank you Sapien Team, you too are blessed for this latest masterpiece.


Have you noticed other things?

First twice of listen, it definitely helped clear the negative thoughts in my mind which is a big help. Things in mind can be very unconscious and hard to deal with, especially that I think a lot :joy:. I am surprised that it can even transmute energy in the subconscious mind. Really good. :+1:


This post by @Maoshan_Wanderer convinced me that this would be a good field for sleeping, and that turned out to be the case. I not only have more restful sleep, but the field has returned me to long forgotten haunts of my semi-permanent dreamscape. I have vivid dreams almost every night and some lucid ones, which I think has more to do with the depth of relaxation the field offers than any specific neurotransmitter being activated by it. Also, it does bring back those D20 memories.


Played the Exorcism audio for over an hour and followed up with with Alchemical Holy Light. I’ve played the exorcism audio before and definitely experienced an electrical but the addition of AHL took things to 11. Might be worth a try.


i have been trying up late to find a combination that gets me rid of negativity quickly, something as an emergency combo (time is a limit, wanted it short, didnt have time for deinhabiter and the other stuff)…and i feel i found my thing…

as the description says this audio gives you luck also…so…
…so today when i woke up with big head, painfull swollen head, blurred vision, brain fog (and I have slept with the beach audio on loop) i just bravely probed this: 2 loops of holy light and one loop of the powerful good luck energy audio…and all bad, (believe me very bad, never mind i use enviromental fields at home and have transforming servitors in the quantity), from the night was gone…

Then played jindan, then blueprint of power, blueprint of life, torsion, cosmo, two loops of copper, the plasma audio and then two loops of grounding.

And then i was very okay, no memory of the night left. the clouds (all) cleared very quickly…



Uh ahem. For the Catholic Ones or just any one that wants to take advantage of the high vibration today steaming from the faith in the Power of The Holy Cross, today is its day. (Ash day)

And this audio connects you to it.

3 of May is the official day. But today the cross is drawing on the followers forehead so it can bring blessings today too.

Blessings abound :pray::heart:


Oh no, bro, For the Alliance!!! :rofl: :100:


Thank you!!! <3

I missed shrove Tuesday but I’ll be trying to give up many things and try intermittent fasting as well as this! This world has gotten so crazy that I just want to become a better person than I am tbh.


:star_struck: Excellent suggestion!

Couple that with a New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and sextile Uranus today and you have one hell of a channel to work with. Astrologically it’s one of the most positive astrological events of the year.

[Queuing up to loop “Alchemical Holy Light”] :sparkles:


It feels so good and powerful today, i close my eyes and just think of it expanding all across the globe.

So shiny and beautiful :latin_cross:


Plus Holy Water :pray::heart_eyes:


I have this in one of my stacks right after photosynthesis, I remember someone in Desiree’s thread suggested to listen to it because it helps you absorb the light better.


It’s amazing. Just played this field, there are dragonflies in the house, keep it aside


The sister that i created the Protection item from Horus in the Rosary the other day for?

Has 2 favorite audios and always listen to them.

The Spare of Destiny and this one, i sent her this audio long time ago so she never saw the art.

She had a relationship for years but were on and off the past year, today she and her uhm ex bf i guess went out to kinda talk and say good bye or fix it already. She loves him but that couldn’t work out anymore, she got too attached to him when our Dad died and the relationship turned toxic. She knew she had to let him go and heal first.

A while ago after the meeting with her now officially ex, she posted a memory from fb last year and the caption was like (i was afraid you would leave, and then you left… 1 fear less :) ) lol and when i looked at the pic i was like hold on ive seen this, this reminds me of something… and then it clicked.

:slight_smile: coincidence? I dont think so.

More like an reassurance that everything will be fine. She has come a long way in this Sapien journey, has changed a lot and her life and i cant be more thankful for it!! :pray:

Side note:

That place she was at last year, its actually a beautiful famous church in Colombia that was built underneath a salt mine, so theres a lot of blue and white lights reflections around. It really looks like if the art of this audio was being made there :slight_smile:

Its pretty cool look

images (39)



The art of this audio is one of my favorites too :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for this field! Relieved my long covid symptoms, every time after listening to the field, when I sneeze it proves to be detoxing


This field is truly a gem, cycled through it last night and my headache got better :pray:


I want all fields that’ were taken down back :pleading_face:

I missed so many gems :neutral_face: