Alchemical Holy Light (N/A)

Light as we know, comes in a wide spectrum.

This creation draws from the significance of the signum crucis which itself is a blessing, and reinforced by the wide spread belief.

It acts somewhat as ‘divine interference’
the combination of this concept combined with the power of The phase conjugate plasma.
(Our friend in negentropy) and finally vibrated all together at a level that produces light.

We have this final alchemical creation in energy and musical design.

The “Holy Light” name used in rpg games is what the paladins and priests use to draw their Holy powers.

But on its own, holy light seems to actively push away all sorts of lower vibrational things while adding a bit of divine luck to it.

Those were the ideas/energies etc used for the creation of this audio in my own artistic perspective.
I hope this can help bring a light to you when needed.

  1. Thanks Captian & Sammy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

  2. Welcome to the forum @amarnath


Ayyy Holy!! :open_mouth::nerd_face::two_hearts:

That picture :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


For the Horde :boar:

Domo Arigato!!


@shawn492 check this out it could help!


Thanks @Zen, great to be here.


Automated christianism


First impressions…

I took my second vaccine shot yesterday and had some aches and pains. And then played this audio a few times. I was not really expecting anything physical from this audio. But in a few minutes, it felt like a warm wave washing over my body, and aches were greatly reduced.

My GF, on the other hand, got really sick in the night with a fever, sweating, chills, aches, etc. I looped this audio all night and she is feeling much better.

The reason for that seems to be that the field clears anything at a low vibratory state. And then you have the Plasma aspect as well as the divine interference part. There is also the interesting alchemical aspect which I need to understand and explore more.


Thank you :slight_smile:


Initial experience with Alchemical Holy Light

I wasnt sure what to expect. First while looking at the computer screen while my Groove Music page was open (with the picture from this field behind) it I saw white waves of energy coming from the computer screen to me. It then enveloped me and I felt …high…in the 3D way of meaning this. Floaty and nice, was totally surprised by this. Then I felt it go to my right pelvis/hip/lower back which had been hurting me while sitting in front of the computer.Then it went to a part of the lower spine.

Anyway I played it 3 times in a row, I wanted to lay down on the couch but my cat kept jumping on my lap . I kept my mind empty (except for being interrupted by cat jumping on my lap) and quickly got the impression that it was in its way X-raying me, looking for trouble spots.

That right hip/lower back /pelvis area still aches, but this is a chronic problem. I feel nice and calm, not sleepy but a tiny bit floaty (which feels nice :upside_down_face:). I am going to experiment further with this, playing it when I am laying down (without my cat on my lap).

Thank you Dream for making this.


Hello :slightly_smiling_face:
Can this blessing work for the enviroment at home as well? Clearing from negative energies allowing better sleep? Kind of like plasma flower?

:partying_face::pray: Thank you


I think so, but I’m also wondering this - thinking about adding it to the environmental playlist at my business

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IMHO it seems to be a healing field (for me), because most of my problems are physical, it was helping my physical problems. I dont know if it would help emotional problems, I dont see why not.

Dream didnt say it was for the environment, if it is, he usually says so in the description. Even if it was, would u want to play a field that could be healing for people who arent aware of it, especially in a work environment? When this first hit me, I felt HIGH.


Well there was actually a discussion about that a while ago because I asked everyone on here if I should include “healing” audios in the playlist at my business, and mostly everyone agreed that if it can benefit others - even if they’re not aware of it, they should still be included because it’s helping everyone overall. It’s kind of a tricky subject though, and for now I decided to only include the environmental fields, although I have been using plasma flower on there as well and it’s seemed to help (that seems to be more of an environmental field anyway). As for this one, I just purchased and I’m listening now - I’m not very energy sensitive, though… even with the more expensive fields I don’t seem to really “feel” them so that’s why I’d like to know everyone’s thoughts on it :)


Love at its finest form, reverence :pray:

Gratitude for the gift to humanity that you are Captain & Lieutenant Sammy :pray::heart:

Edit for a Pro tip:

I’d go easy on looping it for the first few days guys, expect a not so smooth Ego death otherwise.

I had the same feeling for Light & Vibrational Guidance, didn’t care and looped it…
I woke up the day after into a dark night of the Soul, that took me 2-3 days to get out of.

Those lower vibrational things are often things your ego identity is attached to :kissing_smiling_eyes:


This makes me feel so safe and protected and my heart chakra feels so warm. I love it.


I’m very intrigued when I see fields like this (positivity, goodness, protection). Perfect for a daily playlist. Thank you :beers:

Indeed. I dig this reference.


Divine luck? So isn’t this more of a luck field?

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Seems to be mostly a plasma field (which is why people have said it helps with healing) but combined with divine intercession. The “luck” aspect seems to be just an added bonus that comes with it


It doesnt matter what religion you follow or if you follow any at all.

We know the power of one of the most ancient sigils… because thats what it is, every time you trace on your body the sign of cross you ignite and open the doors to an energy that had grown over the centuries through the believe of hundreds of thousands of people day after day, year after year, centuries after centuries, with the firm conviction of having placed upon them the grace of God. Every time every person does this the instant feeling is of full protection, blessings and intercession, imagine that deeply reassured moment expanding all over the world… definitely makes for a powerful energy of sacred light… wether we believe in this power or not, the collective consciousness over the years has already created as it, therefore any of us can harness and infuse ourselves with it, now through this audio… imagine this already powerful source being pushed even further with the beauty of the plasma.

We cannot encapsulate the meaning or the results in just one thing, or one way, because the blessing of the cross sign is personal, once is traced on you, it knows what is that you need, so does this audio.

My suggestion, listen to this audio after setting your intentions, desires, needs, etc.