Booster/Enhancer/Prep/Pre/Post Stacks

Thank you for sharing
Dont have all the audios u mentioned but i will give it a go.

What about ojas?

I recently started to listen to ojas and them golden fields

Ojas Marrowed, Jindan and Black Martian Jing - I use in my every night stack. Newer audios are short in duration, and pack a punch and help time-wise!

I also usually listen to every audio only once, so my stacks can be slightly large without spending all day.


Found this

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Does anyone use negative transcendence by PU, I use it time to time. The music is amazing

its on patreon*

I haven’t done this in a long while!

I’m still placing the fields in a transitionary manner, but recently I have been going for the more direct approach: just play the fields you want already! is what my mind has been doing

But, I always use Alchemical Holy Light fields in all their forms, usually paired with Alchemical Zicron and Danburite, and specially the latter makes for a field experience that “sinks” deep within. I notice I’m much more receptive to the changes whenever I add this to my pre stack also!


Such a beautiful field. Thanks for reminding us Desiree!!!

I will add it back to my stack. The minute I read your post, my brain went, “Tada, I love this!”


Haha I love this one too! I take it out of my stacks a lot more these days but the moment I add it back in… wheew! It’s like a fresh breath going through the body!

And I love how I feel the holy light going right through and coming out of me :D


Phew, I heard it now and felt GREAT!


Many thanks for this clarification, I needed to listen to it but I was afraid it would cancel the previous tracks or benefits.


Yeah haha that’s my sign to add it right back in! I shall catch up!

Today I’ve been more in ‘golden’ fields… Now is the time for a good holy choir!

The two fields that seem to “clear/reset” things out from the Aura

  • Deep Aura Clearing
  • PoNR

So, you need to place them strategically on your stack so as to not lose the effect of fields that are not yet assimilated into our energy system after a listening session. Some feel the same about BoL, but IME, it does not really clear out effects from other fields unless they interfere with one’s true divine Blueprint.

VoDL seems to have a strong impact on the Aura as well - my Aura seems to shimmer and do a ballet (sorry for that weird analogy lol, thats how it looks to me, so much grace in the aura after this field) - but this also does not clear other fields (unless the fields are “dirty” and incompatible with Divine Love, in which case, no one should be listening to such fields anyway lol)


Lol i just started to play PONR after looping a VOC well yikes


Many thanks.


PONR field is all good and doesn’t clear any fields according to Sammy


It does seem to re-pattern aura, of course, it is just my personal impression. I would go with Sammy’s statement.


Something I’d like to add also, it is important imo to figure out the approach you wanna take as opposed to specific fields

I’ve found that generally a pre-stack that is part cleansing, part creating a stream or a flow, and part preparing works best for me

This can be as short or long as one wishes also

But in general, it is good to know when to use the fields based on your current needs at the moment

And also how the same fields can be used as cleansing and streaming the flow at the same time, it all depends on the current requirements

Like, fields like Bushman Medicine or Alchemical Jing Blood can be used both as cleansing and streaming. I’ve found the same to be applicable to Mana Circuits also

While a field that prepares can either be something related to the general theme of the stack, or a target point that allows for more integration of the field

(like the nerve healing fields, a tremendous push in the mind and body connection and its interaction with the field)

Sometimes my ‘cleansing’ field would really be Brain Massage. Other times, it’s Minor Blueprint of Power (great sleep aid for me!)

Even when I start the actual stack I also keep the transition between the fields, an ‘opening’ field, a field in the middle I’m usually spamming, lol, and an outro to my stack where I’m either integrating or switching to another theme

Somewhere in longer loops I have found that fields in between that help assimilate the energies can be a lot better than looping endlessly

Keeping a vision of how the sequence of the stack can be for you; a highly personalized approach not just for one as a person but also as the fluctuating need of the day can save a lot of time and effort jumping between fields or trying to find out the perfect field for the day!


Maybe it clears the aura or helps absorb the fields maybe?? That’s why u* noticed that effect

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Energy Cleansing 1x (Wednesday-Saturday)
Body Primer 10 mins (Tues, Thur, Sat)
Energy Sensitivity 10 mins (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun)
Aura Repair 2x
Plasma Light 1x
Star Exercise
Acu-Automaton 2x
(About 1 hr)

I also play Kinetic Quasi Crystal in between 4-5 audios

And at the end of my stack I play Automated Grounding 2x
Aura Repair 1x

Been getting consistent results ever since.

I plan on replacing Plasma Light with Plasmatron and maybe add Blueprint of Life or Minor Blueprint of Power. dunno which one


can you include your pre/post stacks? I’m curious!

Also thanks for this post, because of it I was reminded of the kinetic quasi crystal which I just bought, I look forward to using it.
(Thank you for putting your stacks!)

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Sure thing, I updated the first post with my stack.